Glazed Partitioning Method Statement for Glass Office Partitions

Below is a precise method of statement for the installation of glazed partitions or glass office partitions.

The first section gives the pre-installation requirements, we strongly recommend that all sections of this document be read thoroughly before site installation commences.

It is important that the relevant Health and Safety legislation be observed at all times i.e., suitable clothing and equipment etc.

These installation guidelines have been prepared based on the following site conditions and assumptions:

All materials have been checked and there are no shortages.

Materials are suitably stored to minimize damage.

The site dimensions compare with installation drawings.

The partitions are to be installed to the underside of an existing suspended ceiling grid.

To enable the grid to be made good if the partitions are relocated, fixing to the main runner should be avoided.

All fixings should be positioned on 1200mm or 600mm cross tees.

To achieve stated levels of performance, it is imperative that the following methods of installation are followed and that all components supplied with the system are included in its construction.

Warranty of the product is void if it is constructed from materials not supplied by the approved manufacturer or supplier.

The partitioning system may be installed with various options, giving differing levels of fire, acoustic and structural performance, each requiring different components and methods of construction.

This guide deals with basic construction principals and may not cover all variations.

Setting Out Procedure

Mark the intended partition layout on the suspended ceiling by means of a chalk line, (avoid excessive chalk lines which will not be covered by the finished partitions or alternatively remove the relevant ceiling tiles.)

Transfer the layout to the floor and wall abutments by means of a plumb line.

Where the layout shows door modules adjacent to three way junctions and corner posts, it is recommended that a small board infill (200mm wide) is fitted into the junction post behind the door, this will allow the door to fully open through 90 degree.

If the door frames are fitted directly into the three way or corner posts it is important to fix a floor mounted door stop to restrain the door and prevent the furniture from damaging the board (or glass) behind the door when in the fully open position.

The door stop should not be positioned too close to the base of the door frame as with continued use this will exert undue stress on the hinge fixings. Position the door stop further back towards the leading edge of the leaf.

Board Decoration Method

Always ensure that a suitable width wall covering is selected and it is applied with the manufacturers recommended adhesive.

There are three options when considering decorating the partition boards:

Factory Decorated

Boards can be supplied with wall covering factory laminated ready for cutting and installation on site.

To avoid damage to the pre-decorated face of the boards, care should be taken when offloading and moving these boards to the working area.

Pre- Decorated On site

To minimize waste, boards should be cut to size before decorating, laid flat ensuring that they are supported at both ends on suitable benches or staging.

Using board lengths as a guide, cut the wall covering to length leaving approximately 50mm over at each end.

Thoroughly stir the adhesive and apply evenly to the wall covering using a lamb’s wool roller, making sure that the entire surface of the paper is covered.

Apply the wall covering to the board and smooth out the paper using a clean spatula. Work from centre of board outwards to remove all trace of air bubbles or excess adhesive.

Using a clean sharp knife blade, trim off excess wall covering flush with the board ends and long edges.

Any surplus adhesive should be removed immediately with a soft cloth and clean warm water.

Decorated boards should be laid flat, stacked face to face, and allowed to rest overnight before fitting.

Decorated In Position

This method calls for the wall covering to be applied to the boards in the upright position with the boards already fixed to the partition, and should be carried out before the skirting and aluminium cover trims are fitted.

Cut wall covering to the required “drop” leaving approximately 50mm over at each end.

Lay the wall covering pattern side down on a clean table and apply adhesive evenly with the roller to the entire area of the paper.

Loosely fold the paper over to roughly cover ¾ of its length, then fold the remaining ¼ in from the opposite end.

Set the paper aside and allow to rest for 5 minutes.

Peel back top a ¼ of the paper and slide into position at the top of board. Once aligned peel back the remainder and allow to hang loosely.

Smooth the paper out with a clean spatula, working outwards from centre of board towards the edges.

Working with a sharp knife blade and a clean straight edge, cut the wall covering tightly into the edges of galvanised clamp section and head channel. Trim the bottom edge of paper to below the height of the skirting.

Remove any surplus adhesive immediately with a soft cloth and clean warm water.

When estimating vinyl usage it is advisable to allow a suitable wastage factor.

Installation of Head Channels & Base Sections

Before commencing installation of the partition, consideration should be given to the layout with regard to the various head channel configurations.

Aluminium radius profile junction posts, must be fitted to the underside of the ceiling with the head channel square cut and fitted up to either side of the post.

Use an off cut of corner post to assist in the setting out of the head channel and corner junction detail along with the pre-cut steel template.

Radius junction posts should be cut to match the floor to ceiling height and fixed to the head channel using steel brackets fitted to both faces. Where this is not possible a piece of softwood may be positioned behind the ceiling tile to provide a housing for the fixing.

Select a length of steel head channel.

Where two lengths of head section meet they should be secured together with the use of the Splice plate. The Splice Plate fits inside the head channel and sits onto the Dutch folds inside the section. The plate is then screw fixed to the channel using a self tapping screw.

Using a self tapping screw, fix the head channel assembly to the suspended ceiling, taking care to avoid fixing through the main runner; position fixings into the cross tees.

Transfer the layout of the partition from the ceiling to the floor using a plumb line. Measure 12.5mm in from the transferred mark and using a chalk line, mark a line on the floor to which the base section is to be aligned.Glazed Partitioning Method Statement for Glass Office Partitions

Place a length of aluminium base section on the line on the floor. Taking care not to dislodge the floor track from position, fix the track to the floor using a fixing suited to the site conditions.

Where the base section meets an abutment, deduct 8mm from the overall length to allow for the dovetail in the abutment post to be visible. This ensures that the abutment trims can be fitted from the underside of the head channel to the floor.

Similarly at door frames the upright trim must run from the underside of the head channel to the floor. To allow the dovetail to be visible the setting out dimension between each base section should be the door width + 72mm on single doors and 75mm on double and hospital doors.

Junction Posts Installation

90 and 135 Degree Posts

Aluminium radius profile junction posts must always be fitted to the underside of the ceiling with the head channel square cut and fitted up to either side of the post.

Prior to fitting the post, the head channel should be fitted to the ceiling grid at right angles to it.

Setting out is achieved by using a small off-cut of the corner profile fitted with both internal and external trims; this allows the head channel to be square cut.

Junction posts are fixed to the ceiling channel using steel brackets fitted to both faces and may be located into the pre-cut steel template, and secured using a suitable self tapping screw.

Transom brackets are inserted into the bottom of the section and screw fixed to secure the profile to the base section in the same manner.

When measuring the main sections for cutting deduct 30mm from the floor to ceiling height. This is required so that the fixed ‘stud’ legs in the profile sit onto the internal ledges within the base and there is sufficient room for the brackets to be located inside the head channel.

When measuring both internal and external trim sections for cutting, both profiles should be fitted from the underside of the ceiling to the fixed floor level.

Three Way Posts

Three-way junctions are formed using the aluminium post section. When fitting the head channel, the internal face of the section along the front run needs to be cut and bent up inside the partition at the junction so that the post can sit in the correct position.

When measuring the main sections for cutting deduct 30mm from the floor to ceiling height. This is required so that the fixed ‘stud’ legs in the profile sit onto the internal ledges within the base and there is sufficient room for the brackets to be located inside the head channel.

Three way posts are fixed to the ceiling channel using steel brackets fitted to all faces of the post and secured using a suitable self tapping screw. Transom brackets are inserted into the bottom of the section and screw fixed to secure the profile to the base section in the same manner.

When measuring both internal and external trim sections for cutting, both profiles should be fitted from the underside of the ceiling to the fixed floor level.

Abutments Installation  Method

Glazed and solid wall abutments are formed using aluminium sections.

The main abutment section is positioned inside the head channel and may either sit inside the base section or be positioned above it.

If fitting the abutment before the base section measure the main section and deduct 30mm from the floor to ceiling height.

Offer the section up inside the head channel, ensure that the section is plumb and secure to the wall using a suitable fixing, leaving a minimum 10mm gap at the base.

When using this method trim sections are fitted from the underside of the head channel to the fixed floor level.

If fitting the abutment after the base section measure the main section and deduct 70mm from the floor to ceiling height.

Offer the section up inside the head channel, ensure that the section is plumb and secure to the wall using a suitable fixing.

When using this method trim sections are fitted from the underside of the head channel to the top of the skirting.

Once the glazed or solid panel have been placed in the partition, take a length of trim section and measure the profile based on the above methods of construction.

The trim is secured within the main section with the use of steel trim clips.

Clips should be fitted at either end of the trim and at 300mm centers in between.

Once the clips are attached offer the stalk of the trim into the mouth of the dovetail within the mains section and hammer home using a rubber mallet or other suitable implement.

If a door frame is attached directly to the main section then timber packer should be screw fixed to it to ensure that the frame section sits in the correct position.

Solid Module Construction (Non Fire Rated)

Installation of solid full height panels will normally commence at corner posts/door frames and work back towards wall abutments where any trimmed boards are located.

Set out the partition, fix head channel and locate floor track as previously described.

Cut a length of galvanised stud section to length.

Place a steel head bracket in to the open end of the stud and locate into the head section.

Taking care not to catch the outer edges of the head channel, push the bracket up into the head channel until it locates on the Dutch folds inside of the section; locate into the base section and pull down until the base of the stud sits securely within the profile.

Position the stud at rough 600mm centers.

The basic framework is now ready to receive the boards.

Before fitting the boards consideration should be given to the various options for decorating the panels.

Measure the floor to ceiling height and deduct 70mm Cut the boards to this dimension and starting at a junction or abutment, offer the first board into the head channel.

If the board has been pre-decorated care should be taken to avoid damage to the wall covering. Should location of the board prove difficult, a surform should be used to reduce the thickness of the board along the top inside face.

When positioned correctly the long edge of the board should be positioned to the side of the dovetail in the centre of the stud.

Repeat the procedure for the board in the adjacent module.

The boards should now be secured within the partition using a PVC or aluminium push fit ‘T’ Trim.

Where the board is decorated a bead of adhesive or mastic may be applied to the centre stud prior to the positioning of the board.

Cut the trim to size having measured the distance between the head channel and the top of the skirting.

This dimension should be the floor to ceiling height less 115mm.

If using the PVC trim section offer the legs of the trim into the dovetail of the studs between the board edges.

Once the trim is in position pull the section towards you and gradually feed into the stud in a downward motion.

If using the aluminium trim section attach steel clips to the stalk of the profile.

Clips should be fitted at either end of the trim and at 300mm centers in between.

Once the clips are attached offer the stalk of the trim into the mouth of the dovetail at the top the stud and hammer home using a rubber mallet or other suitable implement.

Ensure that cut down panels at the end of the partition run are measured to fit inside the wall abutment assembly, fitting the board and abutment trim as previously described.

Before boarding the other side of the partition, any insulation required should be fitted inside the partition cavity.

Insulation is generally wedged between the upright studs.

It is important that consideration be given at this stage to any services that have to be routed inside the partition cavity.

These must be located before the partition is “closed” by the boarding of the remaining side of the partition.

Solid Module Construction ( 30 Minute Fire Rated)

Installation of solid full height panels will normally commence at corner posts/door frames and work back towards wall abutments where any trimmed boards are located.

Set out the partition, fix head channel and locate floor track as previously described.

Cut a length of galvanised stud section to length.

Place a steel head bracket in to the open end of the stud and locate into the head section.

Taking care not to catch the outer edges of the head channel push the bracket up into the head channel until it locates on the Dutch folds inside of the section; locate into the base section and pull down until the base of the stud sits securely within the profile.

Position the stud at roughly 600mm centers.

The basic framework is now ready to receive the boards.

Before fitting the boards consideration should be given to the various options for decorating the panels.

Measure the floor to ceiling height and deduct 70mm.

Cut the first negative edge board to this dimension and attach board edge clips to one long edge.

Clips should be positioned at the top and bottom of the board and at 300mm canters in between.

Care should be taken to ensure that each clip fits tightly to the back of the board.

Starting at a junction or abutment, offer the first board into the head channel.

If the board has been pre-decorated care should be taken to avoid damage to the wall covering.

Should location of the board prove difficult, a surform should be used to reduce the thickness of the board slightly along the top inside face.

When positioned correctly the clips on the long edge of the board should be positioned to the side of the dovetail in the centre of the stud.

Repeat the procedure for the board in the adjacent module attaching clips to both long edges.

The boards should now be secured within the partition using the aluminium push fit Omega Trim.

Cut the trim to size having measured the distance between the head channel and the top of the skirting.

This dimension should be the floor to ceiling height less 115mm.

Attach steel clips to the stalk of the profile.

Clips should be fitted at either end of the trim and at 300mm canters in between.

Once the clips are attached offer the stalk of the trim into the mouth of the dovetail at the top the stud and hammer home using a rubber mallet or other suitable implement.

Ensure that cut down panels at the end of the partition run are measured to fit inside the wall abutment assembly, fitting the abutment trim as previously described.

Before boarding the other side of the partition, insulation should be fitted inside the partition cavity.

Insulation is generally wedged between the upright studs.

It is important that consideration be given at this stage to any services that have to be routed inside the partition cavity.

These must be located before the partition is “closed” by the boarding of the remaining side of the partition.

Half Glazed Construction Method

Set out the partition, fix head channel and locate floor track as previously described.

Position boxed studs at 1200mm centres where glazing is required.

Mark the height of the glazing transom on the studs.

Position a pre-cut steel transom at the required height between the upright studs, check for level and fix in position using 13mm wafer head TEK screws or pop rivets.

Continue this process throughout the length of the glazed run.

Intermediate studs can now be cut to the required length and fitted between the base section and the underside of the pre-cut transom section using transom bracket.

If glazed frames need to be assembled on site then rest the glass panel on a suitable table or bench.

Take the aluminium horizontal glazing section and slide the rigid gasket into the profile.

Offer the section on to the glass at the top and bottom of the panel.

Take the steel vertical section and alight the holes at either end with the screw ports in the horizontal sections.

Using the screws provided with the frame pack screw the horizontal and vertical sections together to enclose the glass pane.

Take the wedge gasket and cut a length slightly longer than the length of the upright.

Feed the gasket into the inside face of the panel so that the glass sits tightly against outer edge.

If the gasket is cold and difficult to fit, it can be soaked in warm soapy water to ease application.

Once completed, thoroughly clean the inside face of the panel using a suitable glass cleaner and store to one side.

Attach glass suckers to the face of the assembled glazed panel and lift it up into the head channel and drop gently on to the top of the transom.

Prior to the fitting of the solid panel beneath the frame secure temporarily using a small off-cut of trim section.

The plasterboard panel beneath the glazing can now be cut to size and secured to the framework in the same manner as for solid panel construction, taking care that the top edge of the board is cut to the underside of the dovetail in the transom.

Repeat the above procedure for adjacent modules, attach the skirting to the base section and then cover the upright joints using the same procedure as described for solid module construction.

Once the upright joints are covered fit trims to the horizontal joints beneath the glazed frame.

If the plasterboard panels are to receive wall covering it is advisable to decorate the panels before the cover trims and skirting are fitted.

Mostly glazing is inherently fire rated with the use of fire rated glass in lieu of standard safety glass the only change that is required to achieve a 30 minute fire rating.

Follow the procedure for solid panels in the same way as described for fire rated solid module construction.

Solid / Glazed Construction

Set out the partition, fix head channel and locate floor track as previously described.

Position a pre-cut steel transom at the required height for the bottom transom between the upright studs, check for level and fix in position using 13mm wafer head TEK screws or pop rivets.

Continue this process throughout the length of the glazed run.

Position a pre-cut steel transom at the required height for the top transom between the upright studs, this normally runs in line with the door head transom.

Check for level and fix in position using 13mm wafer head screws or pop rivets.

Continue this process throughout the length of the glazed run.

Intermediate studs can now be cut to the required length and fitted between the base section and the underside of the pre-cut transom section using transom bracket.

A further intermediate stud is also positioned between the top transom and the head channel using both a head bracket and a transom bracket.

Take a length of steel ‘top hat’ section and cut lengths to fit either side of the intermediate stud.

Place the section over the top of the horizontal transom to create a ledge for the solid panel to sit on.

If glazed frames need to be assembled on site then rest the glass panel on a suitable table or bench.

Take the aluminium horizontal glazing section and slide the rigid gasket into the profile.

Offer the section on to the glass at the top and bottom of the panel.

Take the steel vertical section and alight the holes at either end with the screw ports in the horizontal sections.

Using the screws provided with the frame pack screw the horizontal and vertical sections together to enclose the glass pane.

Take the wedge gasket and cut a length slightly longer than the length of the upright.

Feed the gasket into the inside face of the panel so that the glass sits tightly against outer edge.

If the gasket is cold and difficult to fit, it can be soaked in warm soapy water to ease application.

Once completed, thoroughly clean the inside face of the panel using a suitable glass cleaner and store to one side.

Attach glass suckers to the face of the assembled glazed panel and lift it into the aperture created in the framework.

Secure the frame temporarily using a small off-cut of trim section on the vertical edges of the frame.

The plasterboard panel above and beneath the glazing can now be cut to size and secured to the framework in the same manner as for solid panel construction, taking care that the top edge of the lower board is cut to the underside of the dovetail in the transom.

Repeat the above procedure for adjacent modules, attach the skirting to the base section and then cover the upright joints using the same procedure as described for solid module construction.

Once the upright joints are covered fit trims to the horizontal joints above and beneath the glazed frame.

If the plasterboard panels are to receive wall covering it is advisable to decorate the panels before fitting into the partition.

Full Height Glazed Construction

Set out the partition, fix head channel and locate floor track as previously described.

Position boxed studs at 1200mm centres where glazing is required.

Take two small off cuts of stud section and place in the base section approximately 200mm from the vertical studs on both sides of the module.

Secure in place by fixing through the face of the base section.

This ensures that the base section does not splay when glazed modules are fitted into the partition.

If glazed frames need to be assembled on site then rest the glass panel on a suitable table or bench.

Take the aluminium horizontal glazing section and slide the rigid gasket into the profile.

Offer the section on to the glass at the top and bottom of the panel.

Take the steel vertical section and alight the holes at either end with the screw ports in the horizontal sections.

Using the screws provided with the frame pack screw the horizontal and vertical sections together to enclose the glass pane.

Take the wedge gasket and cut a length slightly longer than the length of the upright.

Feed the gasket into the inside face of the panel so that the glass sits tightly against outer edge.

If the gasket is cold and difficult to fit, it can be soaked in warm soapy water to ease application.

Once completed, thoroughly clean the inside face of the panel using a suitable glass cleaner and store to one side.

Attach glass suckers to the face of the assembled glazed panel and lift the panel up into the head channel and then lower gently on to the top of the base section.

Repeat the above procedure for adjacent modules, attach the skirting to the base section and then cover the upright joints using the same procedure as described for solid module construction.

Door Frame Installation Procedure

Frame packs are supplied in a “universal” form i.e. they can be cut on site for either right or left handing. Door frames should always be fitted between door studs that include a softwood stud infill.

Take one of the studs and slide the timber insert out of the profile.

Mark the stud with the position of the lockbox, slide the channel insert out and cut appropriately.

Take the timber insert and repeat the process sliding the insert back into the stud once completed also leaving a gap of 50mm at the top of the section to allow for the fitting of the head channel bracket.

Insert steel head brackets into the top of the studs and position within the partition.

Using the pre-notched steel transom supplied with the door frame set the distance between the studs at either side of the door opening.

Fix the studs at the partition head.

Ensure that both studs are plumb in both planes and fix to the base on one side of the partition.

Mark the position of the second stud but do not fix at this stage.

To determine the height of the bottom edge of the steel transom and allowing a 6mm gap beneath the door, add 18mm to the height of the door.

Measure from floor level and mark the height on the door stud. (where unusually thick floor coverings are encountered the 6mm gap should be increased accordingly).

Door frame legs are supplied mitred at both ends and 50mm oversize and are trimmed to suit once the handing of the frame has been decided.

The frame is manufactured to allow for a 3.0mm gap around the edge of the door so the door leg should be cut to provide a clear opening allowing for the door height, plus the 3.0mm gap at the head and a 6mm gap at the base. e.g. 1981 + 3.0 + 6.0 = 1990mm.

The distance is used to measure from the inside of the mitre.

Cut the frame legs to size and put to one side.

Taking the pre-cut door head and using a hammer, tap the aluminium mitre cleats into the centre of the frame section ensuring that the inside of the cleat does not bite into the face of the mitre.

Offer the door head up into the underside of the opening and lever into position.

Taking the appropriate door leg to match the handing, position the section in line with the cleat and the cleat housing and join the mitres.

Repeat the operation for the leg on the opposite side of the frame.

Once completed secure the mitres by screwing the frame together using the fixings provided.

Move the loose stud to one side and place the frame in the partition.

Replace the stud and fix securely into the base section.

Once in position fix the frame into the partition through the pre-drilled holes in the rebate behind the frame stop, using 38mm x N 8 countersunk self tapping screws.

In order to avoid damage to the frame it is recommended that an extended bit be used whilst fitting the screws.

Screw the hinges and lock box to the frame.

Using the fixed hinges as a guide, mark the position on the edge of the door and cut out the lipping as required.

Fix the steel transom above the door frame through the face of the bracket using a 12mm wafer head self drill or self tapping screw.

If the module is to be solid above the door then cut and fit steel ‘top hat’ section and fit the solid panel as previously described.

If the panel above is to be glazed then follow the half glazed construction procedure.

Using the centre line of the lockbox as a guide, mark the position of the lock and furniture and fit to door.

Once all of the above is complete, fit the door seal into the rebate of the frame ensuring that the flexible fin sits to the outer edge of the door stop facing the centre of the door.

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