TESTING OF CHILLED WATER PIPES & FITTINGS Care will be taken to avoid all the equipment, apparatus, devices to a pressure exceeding its prescribed test pressure as obtained from its name plate data or product catalogs. All equipment, apparatus and devices that
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Below method statement describes in detail the welding process for pipe work and the welder’s qualification test procedures. This includes implementing the company commitments for achieving the best quality of welding works. The document outlines the method for executing welding process for
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Before going to the welding procedure in full detail let’s first understand what is welding? The term welding is used in mechanical engineering when we are joining two or more pieces of any material typically metal by application of heat, pressure or
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This welding procedure or Method statement describes in detail the welding process for pipe work and the welder’s qualification test procedures. This includes addressing programs for implementing commitments regarding the quality of welding works. Scope and Purpose This document outlines the method for executing
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There are many different welding processes, but the most commonly used in the construction industry are gas welding and electric arc welding. In order to ensure that all welding works takes place in a safe manner, the suitability of the following should be
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