This construction safety instruction provides two-fold direction to assist in preventing children from entering the construction / mining site and being exposed to harm and to prevent underage personnel from working on the project. Procedure is applicable for all kind of projects
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The purpose of this office hse procedure is to ensure that all offices are designed to mitigate risk and maintained to ensure the safety of staff and visitors. This office safety procedure is applicable for all kind of head/corporate/admin offices including project
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This lock out tag out procedure shall help companies to establish a standard for the safe isolation of machinery, equipment and any other energy source which may need isolation by means of a lock-out tag-out LOTO system. Overall the project head /
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Below procedure will help you to establish a safe standard for the installation of temporary and permanent electrical fixtures/appliances on project sites. Overhead Cables: Overhead supply from the supply point or metering point to the distribution boards on the site should be of
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