Repair of Painting Works on Beam, Column, Slabs, and Wall

The purpose of this method statement is to cover the steps for repairing of painting works on beam, column, slabs, and walls etc.

Overall painting subcontractor is responsible for implementation of this procedure on a project or building.

Below is list of necessary tools and equipment’s.

  • Gondola for exterior works
  • Water jet pump
  • Scraper
  • Paint roller
  • Sand paper
  • Proximater Tool
  • Stiff bristle brushing
  • Universal PH Indicator
  • Portable fire Extinguisher

Paint Material Storage

Keep the paint material to the place with normal temperature.

Put it away from the place that is damp or too hot because it will badly impact the paint quality.

Provide the sign “No Smoking” in the paint storage room and mixing area. Provide fire extinguishers in the working and storage area.

The product must be stored below 25°C and in accordance with national regulation.

Keep the paint containers in a dry, cool, well ventilated space and away from source of heat and ignition.

Containers must be kept tightly closed.

Preparation Procedure

Clean the surface of wall from old painting that already carbonated and / or peeled off by using high pressure water if it is possible or can use wire brush.

For the area which is grown by moss and algae, it must be cleaned by 30 % concentration of whitening solution material, and then wash out by clean water.

Do finalizing either sealant or cement grouting on the hole or crack which is to be repaired.

Not permitted to use putty wall for out side wall area because it will cause the surface broken.

Surface preparation

The surface layer shall be clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc.

All traces that probably cause to releasing effect must be removed.

On the chalky and dusty surfaces, all the loose material must be removed by using stiff bristle brushing.

If applied on top of old coating systems the surface, it must be clean and dry.

Condition during application

The temperature of the surface layer should be minimum 30°C above the dew point of the air, temperature and relative humidity measured in the vicinity of the surface to be painted.

Good ventilation is usually required in confined areas to ensure correct drying.

Painting Procedure & Requirements

Not permitted doing the painting exterior wall if the it is raining for two hours or more.

Not permitted for doing painting to the surface that is containing moisture exceeding the normal limit.

Provide enough lighting to the area that is dark or lacking the light.

Do check the moisture containing on the wall surface within 16 % of maximum standard (using Proximater Tool)

Do checking Alkali Containing within the wall surface with 9 maximum standard (using PH Indicator Universal)

Apply the painting material in accordance with the guidelines of paint manufacturer.

It is not permitted to use thinner from other suppliers/manufactures because it will change the product quality. Only use the thinner that is recommended by manufacturer.

Provide enough free air circulation while the painting is being done.

Make sure that the wall surface is covered perfectly by paint layer.

Thickness of paint layer should be enough to cover the surface perfectly (no fault happens “Close Force”).

Make sure that the color of final coat is homogenous throughout the place where painting is done.

Drying times are generally related to air circulation, temperature, film thickness and number of coats, and will be affected accordingly.

Drying time will depend on some factors such as;

  • Good ventilation (outdoor exposure or free circulation of air)
  • Typical film thickness
  • One coat on top of inert substrate
  • Relative humidity less than 70%

Dry to recoat, minimum is recommended data given for recoating with the same generic type of paint.

Substrate temperature              10°C                23°C              40°C

Surface dry                                 45 min              30 min           15 min

Through dry                               9 hours             7 hours         4 hours

Dry to recoat, minimum           6 hours             4 hours        2 hours

Dry to recoat, maximum is in case of multi-coat application, drying times will be influenced by number in sequence and by the total thickness of previous coat applied – reference is made to the corresponding system data sheet.

The surface should be dry and free from any contamination prior to application of the subsequent coat.

The data given must be considered as guidelines only.

The actual drying time / times before recoating may be shorter or longer, depending on film thickness, ventilation, humidity, underlying paint system, requirement for early handling and mechanical strength etc.

A complete system can be described on a system sheet, where all parameters and special conditions should be included.

Health & Safety Requirements

Make sure proper ventilation in the painting area.

Ensure all operatives are wearing the proper PPE i.e. helmet, safety shoes, masks etc.

Makes sure good housekeeping while working and after completing the work on daily basis.

All paint material must be kept at the right place and separated between water based and solvent-based.

Do self cleaning after doing the painting works.

Please observe and follow the precautionary notices displayed on the paint and thinner containers.

Use the materials under well ventilated conditions.

Do not breath or inhale mist.

Avoid skin contact. Spillage on the skin should immediately be removed with suitable cleanser, soap and water.

Incase of eye contact, eyes should be well flushed with water and medical attention sought immediately.

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