General Civil Work Method Statement for Roads & Building Construction

Setting Out the Layout

Refer to the final layout drawing prepared with reference to the actual demarcation, set back adjustments, final levels and other development works.

Check if the site is cleaned and leveled properly by cutting or filling.

Start the layout with the help of ‘Total Station’ or any other survey instrument as given in the specification.

Mark the road widening line with respect to the actual boundary wall after proper measurement.

Mark the set back distance from this line and clear margin distance on any other side with respect to the boundary wall.

Locate another point at the distance of setback distance on the other end of the plot along the road.

Set the instrument at the first point and bisect this point, this is the tentative setback line.

Now check the distance between the setback line and road widening line it should always be less than the original setback distance, if not shift the line inwards till you get the shortest distance. Now turn the instrument @ 90° to this setback line and mark a point on the other boundary line. Now check the distance of this line from the left side boundary wall, this should not be less than the margin distance. If required shift this line to get the minimum side margin everywhere. Now these two lines are the final boundary lines at right angles to each other.

Mark the points on these lines at the distance equal to the width of the buildings. Shift the instrument to these points and get the other corners of the building. Measure the required distances as per the layout plan and locate the actual corners of the buildings at site. Cross check the distances and diagonals of the buildings. Check the minimum side margin distances with respect to the other side of the boundaries. Construct the pillars @ 2.0 meters away from the building corners from either side of given size and height above ground level.

Finish the top of the pillars smoothly with plastering and painting it white with red markings which can be used for individual building layout. Fix steel bars at the corners of the buildings for future references. Get the layout approved by architect before proceeding further.

Excavation Works

Refer the approved drawings, and check that the layout marking are as per the given drawings.

Study the soil strata details based on the trial pits and other tests performed at site.

Check with the consultant regarding the bearing capacity that is used for design.

Incase of foundation drawing ask the consultant/architect to issue foundation drawing incorporating the center line plan in order to cross check the overlapping of foundation, orientation of foundation etc.

Make all the necessary arrangements required like dewatering pumps (of sufficient capacity), shoring arrangement (incase of black cotton soil), vehicles for shifting of materials, safety, electricity etc.

Get all the approvals required from the local authority for cutting of trees, shifting of service lines, dumping of materials in public property etc.

Marking to be done as per the given drawing.

Check for the orientation of the building with the given north line and the required margins to be left on all sides after the marking is done.

Once the above is cross checked start the excavation to the required depth depending on the type of strata and the method to be used as specified in the project civil specifications.

Keep the necessary margins in order to facilitate the construction activities.

Display proper signage’s and flags in order to take care of safety measures.

Note down the levels and bearing capacity at the required given points of the strata and get it approved from the consultant.

Remove all the loose excavated materials and clean the pit.

Sufficient lighting arrangements to be made if the work is to be carried out in night hours.

Lean Concrete

Check the center of the pit, its dimension and orientation.

Check the strata and get it approved by the consultant

Clean the pit properly by removing all the excavated materials.

Water the pit and ram it properly to get proper compaction.

If the surface is uneven do the soling or plum concrete to avoid excess depth of PCC.

Prepare the shuttering as per the specified size and place it properly.

Keep all the materials like cement, sand, aggregate ready after proper checking.

Keep all the tools and machineries ready by cleaning, washing, lubricating etc.

Prepare the mix 1:4:8 or 1:3:6 as per the given specification using volumetric batching unless specified.

Mix the materials (dry) in a given proportion till a uniform color is obtained.

Add water in the required quantity (w/c ratio) and mix it properly to get a workable concrete.

Pour the concrete in the required pit using the pans or chute depending on the depth.

Compact the concrete with the help of steel rammer or vibrator depending on the depth of PCC.

The sides of the shuttering should be tamped and finished to get a smooth and uniform finish after de-shuttering.

Finish the top surface of the PCC in order to get a uniform finish.

Mark the center of the columns on the PCC surface the next day.

Reinforcement Work for foundation

Refer approved drawings and bar bending schedules.

Steel bars of required diameter and specification to be used for reinforcement.

Cutting of the reinforcements for the footing mesh bars to be done considering for allowance for ‘L’ and covers on all sides.

Prepare the mesh by tying the bars properly with the help of binding wire at every junction.

Cut the column bars to the required length considering the allowance for base ‘L’.

Cut the bars for rings, single or double as per the requirement of the length accordingly.Steel Bar Rebar Reinforcement Cutting and Bending Procedure

Rings should be prepared on the fitter’s platform, considering the width and the breadth of the column after deducting the cover from same.

Footing mesh should be kept in the footing shuttering with the column base tied to its centre, with the binding wire.

The centre of the footing should be matched with the mesh of the footing.

Proper cover should be maintained from the sides as well as from the bottom.

Form Work for Footing

After the PCC is done, check for the level and mark the center of the footing in cement mortar with the help of side rails or centre line pillar.

Check for the material as per specification to be used for formwork.

Place the formwork box, check the size and diagonals of the formwork box.

Check for gaps if any between the formwork and PCC top level.

Before concreting clean the inner space of the box and PCC with the help of a water jet.

Give proper supports to footing box, so that its position does not change.

Mark centre of the footings with the help of a nail, on footing box or planks.

Centre marked on footing box should match the centre marked on the side rail or centre line pillar.

Check the reinforcement of footing, column and concreting depth of footing before pouring the concrete.

Concreting Works

Refer to the specification of concrete to be used on the project.

Remove all the loose earth from the bed.

In case of any roots of trees are passing through the foundation must be cut to prevent further growth.

Check for the proper formwork and reinforcement as per the drawings.

The ground should be made wet so that water from the concrete is not absorbed.

If there is any seepage in the foundation trench, then effective method of dewatering should be adopted before placing the concrete.

Reinforcement of Columns

Consider floor to floor height and lap length 45D to be added in to the length (D being diameter of the bar).

First cutting of the main reinforcement to be done.

Cut the bar for rings of columns depending on the required length.

For lapping make a joggle if the bar diameter is more than 12mm.

Prepare the column on the fitters platform by tying the rings to the main reinforcement, if size & no. of bars are not heavier otherwise erect the column at the required place.

Shift the column to the slab and erect it in the required position and tie to the dowels below the floor columns.

Care should be taken to tie the dowels of the below floor columns firmly, to the upper floor columns.

Column form work

Check the specification of material to be used for formwork.

Incase plywood is used it should be free from any curvature.

Supports to plywood should be sufficient in both vertical & horizontal directions.

Proper care should be taken before placing the column formwork.

Check the dimension & diagonal of the column formwork box.

Fix M.S. clamps in sufficient quantity, to prevent bulging of the column during concreting.

After marking centre line of the column, check the min. cover and column reinforcement.

Provide appropriate covers using cover blocks for column reinforcement.

Give supports for the column in the vertical position. Supports should be tight with proper bracings to adjacent side columns to avoid rotary movement of the column.

Check if there is any gap at the bottom and fill it with carpenters putty or any filling material.

Calculate & mark the permissible concreting level considering beam depth etc. with a nail.

Fix the M.S. clamps at every interval of 2’0.

De-shuttering should be done after minimum of 24 hours

Concreting of a column

Check the size & diagonals of the column as per the given drawing. Check whether the shutters have been oiled properly with de-shuttering oil. Plumb on both side of the column.

Line & Level marking up to which the concreting needs to be done.

Supports been properly fixed.

Reinforcement cover on top & spacing of reinforcement above concrete level.

Sufficient lap length. Proper filling of gaps with soil & paste.

Check the quality of material to be used for the mix.

Check the proportion & mixing of material as per the given specification & design mix.

Ensure that 6 cube moulds are kept ready to cast cubes from different batches.

Controlled water cement ratio is maintained while mixing of concrete.

Availability of vibrator or labor for tamping.

Ensure proper cover after concreting on top level.

Do not pour concrete from a height of more than 1.0 m to avoid segregation.

For higher columns, instead of pouring the concrete from top, it is advisable to use tremie, drop chute to direct the concrete through reinforcements and ties to avoid segregation.

Casting of cubes with proper numbering.

To check all joints to ensure that no slurry flows from anywhere.

To check for the required concrete level.

Stripping of a column form

De-shuttering of the column should be done after minimum of 24 hours of concreting.

The de-shuttering report to be prepared.

While de-shuttering of the column formwork, ensure that the edges of the column are well protected.

Date of casting & column no. to be written on the column.

Finishing the honey combing properly if its there.

Hacking to be done @50 nos. per sft.

Curing of the column to be done for minimum of 15 days by covering it with a Hessian cloth rapped around it.

Erecting Slab Form work

Check the specification of the material to be used for the slab formwork.

If steel plates are to be used it should be of uniform thickness and perfectly right angled.

Check the level of the slab using a dumpy level or tube level.

Check if the floor PCC is fully completed and properly cured.

Oil the plates before placing the reinforcements.Method Statement for Casting of Capping Beam for Shoring Piles

The side edge plank is to be adjusted with the beam sides as per the dimensions of each bay & available size of the plate to avoid voids in between.

Spanning of the plates should be horizontally in a straight line with proper supports @ 2’0” c/c.

Put chavi of size 4”x4” to support the slab plates @ 2’0” c/c with the support of straight prop.

Use adjustable plates to adjust unavoidable voids in particular bay.

Ensure that wooden wedges are used instead of bricks or blocks below the props to adjust the height.

Bracing should be provided to each prop to avoid lateral movement.

All M.S plates should be properly adjusted without entering the beam width.

Check the line, plumb and supports of the beam sides.

Fill the gaps between plates with tape or putty.

Prop of slab centering plates should be perfectly vertical at required spacing of minimum 2’0” c/c.

Check whether slab thickness is marked on the side of slab or nails are driven in plywood sides as per the given thickness of slab.

Mark the thickness of the slab to be filled with concrete on every column bar, with binding wire for slab and staircase slab.

Check the shuttering as per the checklist before placing reinforcement.

Form work of Deep beams i.e. more than 500mm Deep beams

Mark one level on every column.

Check the position and level of the beam bottom supports, with respect to the depth of the beam.

Width of bottom support should be same as the width of the beam.

Bottom supports should be fixed firmly to the column with the help of binding wire and nails (of specified size) in plumb.

Top cut of beam should not be in cross.

Bottom plank of the beam should not bend but be in a straight line.

Check the level of beam bottom before providing beam sides.

Provide bracing to beam bottom supports after leveling the beam bottom. Supports should be perfectly vertical (props) without any joints.

The sides of the beam should rest on the bottom with proper cross supports.

Check the plumb of the beam sides at each end & with the help of the line dori, fix straight line of beam sides.

Joints in the beam sides should be taken at the end of the beam.

Check the column & beam joint.

Shuttering here should be in plumb.

Check the depth of the beam.

Reinforcement of a Slab

Take the proper measurement of the cutting length of the slab reinforcement and cut it accordingly.

For continuous slabs, consider the projection of the bent up bars in the adjacent slab while calculating the cutting length of the slabs

The cut bar should be stored in bunches slab-wise and transferred to the slabs accordingly.

Marking of the c/c distance of the bars should be done on the slab plates with the help of the chalk.

Lay the main reinforcement as per the marking.

Place the distribution steel on the main reinforcement and every junction should be tied with the binding wire properly.

Bent-up bars should be bent at the required length from the support as per the type of slab, i.e. continuous or simply supported etc.

Place the chairs under every bent-up bar to maintain the top reinforcement at the top.

Bent-up should be lifted considering the slab cover and slab thickness.

All hidden beams should be placed such that centre of the hidden beam should be considered the centre of the proposed wall on that beam.

Ring of hidden beam should be bound such that it is just 25mm less than the thickness of the slab.

Reinforcement of a Beam

In R.C.C. drawings, the no. of bottom bars, bent-up bars and top bars along with the details of the rings are normally mentioned.

Actual measurements of the beam to be taken after shuttering and then proceed for cutting of the steel.

Cutting should be done beam wise and for the total number of beams, required for the slab.

Tie a chit of paper for easy identification, to the bunch of bars.

Then cutting of rings should be done. Rings should be prepared out of these cut bars.

Beam can bound on the fitters platform along with the bent-up bars.

Shift the bound beams to the shuttering of the slab.

Place these beams with proper anchorage in the end columns.

For continuous beams, bent-up bars should be properly extended in the adjacent beams and tied with binding wire.

Proper cover should be provided to the bottom and sides of reinforcement.

Casting of Beams and Slabs

Check that all the fan hooks boxes are placed in position.

Check whether the vibrator is properly placed over the stand for use during concreting.

Ensure that one supervisor is present near mixer for checking proper mixing and correct quantity of water for mixing the concrete. This supervisor should maintain the register batch-wise and control the proportion of the ingredients. The slump cone and cube moulds should be available with the supervisor.

Check whether the M.S. platform is placed over the slab, for delivery of the concrete on the platform.

Buttering of the mixer should be done before starting the regular slab work.

Quality & consistency of the concrete mix is checked for the first batch and alterations, if any should be made in the mix proportion as per the ingredients available.

Care should be taken to first cast the beams and compact layer wise with the help of the vibrator. Though vibrator is applied to beams, concrete should be also compacted manually with the help of tamping rods.

For the initial batch, the slump test should be carried out to find out the consistency and workability of the concrete mix. The alterations in the proportion of ingredients should be made, if the mix is not consistent and workable.

Beams first and then slabs. This method should be applied for concreting.

Ensure proper level of the slab after finishing by the mason, by visual inspection.

Ensure proper thickness and finishing of staircase steps and waste slab.

Do not allow anyone to walk over fresh and finished concrete.

Ensure the presence of a carpenter below the slab shuttering, during casting is in progress.

Ensure a proper bottom and side cover for slabs and beams at every stage of concreting.

Ensure a proper finish to the slab panel, where the lift delivers the concrete.

For concreting in hot weather conditions, cover the fresh slab by wet gunny bags, to prevent drying of the top surface of the concrete.

Incase of rains, cover the slab with big plastic/turpentine sheet to protect it.

Wall Masonry 200/ 230 mm thick

Bricks to be used as per the specification and sample should be approved prior to using it.

All bricks to be used should be thoroughly soaked in water for at least 2 hours, so that they do not absorb the water from the mortar.

Bricks should always be laid with their frogs facing upwards.

Spread the mortar over an area to be covered by the edges of the wall. The depth of spread mortar may be about 15mm.

First construct the corner of the wall. Lay one brick at the corner and then press with hand, so that thickness of the bed-joint remains only about 10mm. The first closer is also fixed as the corner brick. Then clean the excess mortar from the joints.

Check the level and the alignment. Similarly check placements of edges of the bricks.

Then lay down few headers and stretchers in 1st course, adopting the same method. The level and alignment of these should be properly checked.

After laying the first course at the corner, lay the mortar and spread over the first course and arrange the bricks to get a proper bonding level and check alignment of these bricks.

Similarly, lay down the corner at the other end of the wall. The corner construction, at the each end, works as guide for filling between bricks of various courses. The corner construction should be done with great care. Check the plumb and alignment thoroughly.

Stretch a line dori along the top of the first course laid at each corner of the wall. The course is then raised. The procedure is repeated to second, third & other courses until the wall is constructed till the required height.

Keep the frog of brick on top to ensure that it will be completely filled with mortar.

The joints should be raked smooth and cleaned and finished after work everyday.

All courses should be laid truly horizontal and vertical.

The masonry work to be watered for at least 7 to 10 days.

For the wall masonry 100/115 mm thick, follow above procedures, provide M.S. reinforced cement concrete band at every 1.0 m height or as per the requirement.

Plastering on RCC Surface

Refer to the specification for the materials and mortar to be used for plastering.

Check if the hacking is done properly (at least 50 nos./sft)

Arrange for M.S chairs, wooden planks & scaffolding and check it for stability & suitability for easy movement, proper heights etc.

Mix the ingredients in the required proportion & use the required quantity of water. Do not add extra water and do not allow the cement slurry to wash out.

Mix only 2-3 bags depos at a time & use mixed depos within half an hour.

Chicken mesh to be used at the junction of the RCC and masonry work.

Plastering on Brick/ Block work surface

Refer to the specification for the materials and mortar to be used for plastering.

Arrange for M.S chairs, wooden planks & scaffolding and check it for stability & suitability for easy movement, proper heights etc.

Mix the ingredients in the required proportion & use the required quantity of water. Do not add extra water and do not allow the cement slurry to wash out.

Mix only 2-3 bags depos at a time & use mixed depos within half an hour.

Start plastering of the ceiling first and then the walls.

Apply sanla to all the walls after 2 hours except where tiles in dado are to be fixed.

Neatly finish all the corners of windows, door, column etc. with pure cement.

Clean all windows, fan hooks, door frames etc. after plastering.

Check the dado as per the extra amenities and where sanla application is not required and roughen these surfaces with wire, for bonding of tiles.

Clean the entire room area especially W.C./ bath area.

Do not leave any unfinished patches on the ceiling/walls.

Check all the corners of window jams, door frames etc. & finish them properly.

Do not allow extra thickness of sanla.

Check that no chicken mesh wires are seen outside the plaster. If observed, cut them and finish immediately.

Check the diagonals, right angles of all window jams  Width of the jam should be same from all four sides

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