Installation Of Reinforcement Steel Bars For Footing, Strap Beam, Raft, Slab & All Structural Concrete – Steel Fixing

The purpose of this method statement is to lay down the systematic procedures for the various activities required for reinforcement bars to ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the approved shop drawings and project specification.

This method of statement covers the general procedures to be followed for installation of reinforcement bar for footing, strap beam, raft, slab and all structural concrete.

Below is list of necessary tools & equipment.

  • Cutting / Bending machine
  • Spiral Machine
  • Cranes
  • Hand tools, hand saw, wire cutter, brush, Plier
  • Line dory / String
  • Measuring tapes
  • Calibrated Survey Equipment

Health & Safety Requirements

Safety of the personnel and properties is to be given prime importance and all the works to be carried out without causing any accidents or property damages.

Sequence of Work for Rebar Fixing

Site work related to reinforcing bars involves the following activities.

  • Storage & Handling
  • Transportation of steel bars
  • Fabricating and fixing reinforcement steel
  • Lifting of steel at site

Adequate access and egress should be provided to the site for work.

Operatives / personnel should wear basic personnel protective equipment.

All the equipment, tools and tackles being used for the work should be in good working condition and maintained.

Working personnel will be provided with toolbox talk on the procedures to execute the work safely.

Procurement, Storage and Handling

The reinforcement shall be ordered & procured from the approved cut & bend sub-contractor / supplier with all necessary documentation as required.

On receipt of the material on site the reinforcement bar shall be checked against the documentation to ensure compliance.

Once the delivery order and mill certificate have been stamped approved and accepted the material shall be stacked in the storage yards/ lay down area.Installation Of Reinforcement Steel Bars For Footing, Strap Beam, Raft, Slab & All Structural Concrete - Steel Fixing

The storage yards shall be set up to ensure that the quality of the reinforcement does not fall below acceptable limits before it’s placement at site.

To ensure this:

Keep material off the ground by supporting by timber / concrete pad at all times.

Keep material covered whenever possible.

Handle and stack material to prevent deformation.

Cutting and bending of Rebar

The straight bars received at site will be stacked in the steel yard.

Steel reinforcement shall be stacked clear off the ground and covered with polyethylene sheet to protect from moisture.

As per the construction program and the priority, the cutting and bending of steel reinforcement for that particular structural element will commence as per the approved shop drawings and bar bending schedule / BBS.

The cut length will be marked with a steel measuring tape, as shown in the BBS.

Reinforcement bar will be cut with a shear line cutting machine.

For straight bars, after cutting the required numbers, it will be bundled and tagged with bar mark number and stack for delivery to site.

For stirrups and cranked bars, the cut bars will be taken to the bending machine and bend as per dimensions in the BBS. During bending process re-check randomly with a template for dimensions.

Upon completing the required numbers, bundle and tag the bars with bar mark number and stack for delivery to site.

Fixing Of Reinforcement Bars

Steel fixing to be done as per approved shop drawing.

Steel fixer foreman will check the marking tag of the cut and bend steel and distribute to designated location in sequence.

Fabricated “cages” not required immediately at site shall be stored in a manner similar to the reinforcement bundles and shall be protected properly.

Storage of reinforcement in any form shall not be in excessive quantities so as to minimize storage time and hence degradation of steel material.

Site Installation of Reinforcing Bars

  • Setting out shall be marked by the surveyor prior to proceeding.
  • Necessary scaffolding shall be provided for binding fixing steel.
  • Prefabricated steel shall be placed in position as per approved shop drawings of the related structural member i.e. raft, column, beam, slab and other structural members.
  • Approved 1.6mm dia. galvanized / black annealed mild steel wire shall be used to tie reinforcing bar.  The ends of the wire shall be bending back away.
  • Spacer blocks of approved type will be used to maintain the cover.
  • Support the reinforcing bar by approved spacers appropriately to prevent displacement during concreting operation. The thickness of cover block shall be as per approved shop drawings or specifications.
  • Overlap location and additional bar shall be maintained as per approved shop drawings.
  • After completion of main mesh for raft, column starter bars shall be provided as per setting out details.
  • For columns, the steel cages shall be pre-fabricated. Columns shall be erected at locations by mobile crane if there are more number of columns to be erected in an area and when working platform is not available.
  • For horizontal elements, after completion of the slab decking, the bottom-most layer will be completed first, followed by the upper layers. Spacer and chairs will be provided as required.
  • While fixing of steel reinforcing bars, care will be taken to see that proper concrete cover is available for bottom, top, sides and edges.
  • Wherever reinforcements are placed in two or more layers, minimum 25mm spacer shall be placed between layers. All bars in upper layers must be placed directly above those in the bottom layers.
  • All embedment or inserts related to MEP works shall be placed as per approved shop drawings.
  • Steel around MEP openings and sleeves shall be provided as per approved shop drawings.
  • Necessary dowel bars shall be provided wherever necessary as per approved shop drawings.
  • Proper anchorage of bars for raft, beam, slab shall be provided as per approved shop drawings and specifications.
  • All reinforcement must be cleared to ensure that it is free from all oil, dust and deleterious materials.
  • After the completion of installation of steel reinforcement and MEP inserts inspection and approval shall be done prior to concrete pouring.

Inspection Checklist for Reinforcing Bar Installation

Below is the checklists which can be used for the inspection of reinforcement steel bars installation work for different areas as applicable.

Check Shop Drawings and BBS are approved and correct revision obtained.

Approved materials to be used.

Check setting out is done as per approved shop drawings.installation of reinforcement steel method statement

Check access permission, equipment and scaffolding permissions.

Installation of rebar to be done as per approved drawings and BBS.

Proper cover to be maintained using approved spacers and chairs.

Please check the following as per approved shop drawings:

  • Dia. of rebar
  • Nos. of rebar
  • Spacing for stirrups
  • Kicker scabling and cleaning
  • Locations and lengths of overlaps
  • Starter bars, additional bars, dowel bars for other structures to be provided
  • Top level of rebar correct as per the setting out done by the surveyor.

Check all the electrical installations / openings are done as per the approved shop drawings

Check any mechanical services / openings are provided as per approved shop drawings.

Check any other MEP services to be installed are done as per approved shop drawings.

Conduct visual inspection after completion of rebar erection.

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