Method Statement for Formwork

The purpose of this document is to lay down the systematic procedures for the various activities required for FORM WORKS to ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the approved shop drawings and contract specifications.

This civil method statement is a general outline for fabrication and use of formwork for any kind of the project, it may need customizations as per the specific requirements depending upon different project types and sizes.

Reference documents and standards

  • Contract specification for formwork
  • BS 4449, Carbon steel bars for the concrete
  • BS Scheduling, dimensioning, bending and cutting of steel reinforcement for concrete.
  • Material Approval
  • Approved Shop Drawings
  • Project quality Plan PQP
  • Project HSE Plan HSEP

Definitions and abbreviations

PM: Project Manager

CM: Construction Manager

PE: Project Engineer

QCE: Quality Control Engineer

SE: Site Engineer

QA / QC: Quality Assurance / Quality Control

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

HSE: Health, Safety and Environment

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager is responsible for overall project execution including the compliance with quality and safety requirements.

He shall adopt a leading role with respect to Contractor’s quality and safety procedures.

PM is also responsible for the overall implementation of this method statement including relevant ITP, checklists and risk assessment.

Project Manager shall ensure that the key personnel are well aware of the specifications, standards and applicable method statements.

CM / Project Engineer shall arrange all materials, equipment, safety related items & manpower & direct the Site Engineers & Foremen to perform appropriate actions for the smooth execution of the form works.

Safety Engineer shall be responsible for safe working environment & conditions. Coordinate with Site Engineer to identify potential hazards before starting the form works and advise methods of safe working from new developments.

Surveyor shall be responsible for setting out for levels, layout, and lines & establish top levels. Ensuring setting out books are properly maintained and filed when completed. To coordinate with the consultant/client’s surveyor in determining coordinates, levels, and limits.

QA/QC Engineer shall be responsible for ensuring that execution of works are complying with approved method statement; specifications, approved shop drawings and ensure work inspection request WIR’s are submitted based on ITP requirements.

Site Engineer shall ensure that all works are carried out according to approved shop drawings. He shall direct the surveyor for the setting out lines & levels in concurrence from the Construction Manager/Senior Civil Engineer.

MEP Coordinator / Engineer shall be responsible for proper execution of MEP works involved before, during and after the works.


  • SAW machine
  • Crane
  • GeneratorConcrete-Formwork Installation Method Statement
  • Air compressor
  • Hand tools, hand saw, wire cutter, brush,
  • Line dory / String
  • Measuring tapes
  • Tamper
  • Spanners
  • Torch

The capacity / size of the above tools and equipment shall be judged in accordance with site conditions, requirements, and availability at the time of execution

Health and Safety / HSE Requirements

Safety of the personnel and properties is to be given prime importance and all the works to be carried out without causing any accidents or property damages.

Formworks involve the following activities which shall be included in risk assessment:

  • Storage
  • Transportation
  • Fabricating and fixing
  • Lifting of formwork at site
  • Removing of Formwork

Adequate access and egress should be provided to the site for work.

All the personnel should wear basic personnel protective equipment’s PPE.

Equipment’s, tools and tackles being used for the formwork should be in good working condition and maintained.

All the personnel will be provided on daily basis toolbox talks on the procedures to execute the work safely.

Necessary risk assessment of the activities is reflected in the risk assessment which is part of this method statement.

Formwork Procedure

All material delivered to site shall be visually inspected for straightness, finish and defects prior to use.

Setting out shall be done by the surveyor prior to proceeding with formworks.

Each type of form work for the raft, column, beam and slab shall be erected as per approved shop drawings.

Prior to use formwork, supporting timber shall be checked for damage, surface condition and warping.

Material shall be protected as necessary from the elements during transportation and storage.

Design calculation for slab system shall be performed and submitted to consultant for approval.

Certified and well trained manpower shall be deployed for all types of formwork erection.

Inspection shall be done by the supplier / third party prior to proceeding.

Care shall be taken to ensure that any formwork system installed is supported correctly depending upon the varying site conditions.

Visual inspection shall be carried out by the construction manager to make sure that each formwork element is supported adequately as per actual site conditions.

Every leg of scaffolding should be checked for tightness, rigidity and proper bracing both ways.

Ensure that erected formwork is watertight to avoid any slurry leakage.

Make sure that sleeves and openings for all the MEP services are provided as per approved shop drawings.

Form work shall be checked for the alignment, verticality and leveling prior to proceeding with concrete pouring.

Inspection shall be raised for the consultant/client inspection and approvals before proceeding to concrete pouring.

Striking of form work shall be in accordance with the specification section of cast in place concrete.


  • Inspection and Test ITP
  • Checklist
  • Risk Assessment
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