Steel Bar Rebar Reinforcement Cutting Bending and Fixing Procedure

The scope of this procedure covers the control required for cutting, bending and fixing of steel reinforcement bars, including scheduling and dimensioning.

All fixing, cutting and bending of reinforcement bars will be carried out in accordance with the specification detailed in the specific project contract documentation.

In any circumstances where specifications are not provided or they are in any way incomplete, the matter shall be referred back to the consulting engineer for additional information.

Manufacturer’s Test Certificates

Prior to unloading of reinforcement steel at site, the manufacturer’s test certificate shall be verified to ensure compliance with the contract specifications in regard to mechanical and chemical properties.

If specified in the contract, a sample may be sent to an approved laboratory for testing.

A copy of the test certificate thus obtained shall be forwarded to the consulting engineer for information if specified  in the contract.

Steel Bar Bending Schedule

Prior to commencement of the rebar cutting and bending operation, a bar bending schedule shall be prepared by the Site  Engineer and submitted to consultant for approval.

Procurement  Schedule

Procurement of steel shall be synchronized with the construction program without causing any delay in the concreting schedule.

Reinforcement Delivery and Storage

In handling and storage special care should be taken that exposure to contamination and moisture is minimized.

All steel should be covered during transportation and storage as far as possible.

Plan a proper storage area near to bar bending yard which will have good access for delivery and adequate space for offloading.

Before unloading reinforcement storekeeper shall check the diameter of bars and number of bars in each bundle.Steel Bar Rebar Reinforcement Cutting and Bending Procedure

Any discrepancy must be brought to the notice of the supplier.

Systematic storage shall be planned for easy identification of different deliveries, sizes and types of steel.

Bars shall be stored in racks well clear of the ground.

Similar care is needed after reinforcing bars have been cut and bent while they are awaiting fixing in formwork.

Cutting and Bending of Reinforcement

Actual dimensions of the bars and links after bending shall be cross-checked with the approved bar bending schedule and formwork dimensions.

In order to facilitate identification of bent bars, the schedule reference and bar mark indicated on the bar bending schedule shall be attached to reinforcement bundles.

The tolerances as specified shall be applicable for cutting and bending dimensions.

Site civil engineer shall ensure that cutting and bending machine operatives are trained in the skills necessary to produce cut and bent products of consistent quality within permissible size variations.

The Foreman will check the bar marks and type and sizes of scheduled bars of various sizes and lengths, prior to the bending and eventual use of the prepared batch.

Unsatisfactory or rejected bars will be referred back and the cutting and bending activity reviewed to correction.

Fixing of Reinforcement Bars Rebars

Overlaps will be provided as specified in contract specification. However, the approved bar bending schedule and workshop drawings will be referred to in this matter.

While fixing reinforcement extra protruding rods for kickers/starters shall be provided wherever indicated on the drawings.

Ensure that fixings are firm so that the bars stay in their correct position while placing the concrete and also under engineer/ foot traffic.

Use soft iron binding wire at most intersection of bars in slabs and walls, and at intersection of main bars and links or stirrups.

For strong ties use ‘hairpins’ or ‘crowns’ which will hold two bars rigidly against each other. Slashes can be put on intermediate joints, for example, a flat mat.

Bend the ends of all ties down or inwards so that they do not project into the cover zone where they might cause rusting.

Organize a crane for lifting reinforcement cages and a temporary storage area for them.

Fabrication shall be firm enough to be lifted safely by crane.

All reinforcement must be embedded at a minimum distance from the surface as shown in the drawings.

Ensure right types and sizes of spacers.

Ensure that the ends of bars have sufficient cover and that the stirrup ‘tails’ are bent in.

Small mortar blocks are normally used as cover blocks.

Make sure that any wire cast into the blocks is kept well away from the surface of the concrete.

All spacers must be strong enough to withstand foot traffic

Check Sheet for Control of Steel Reinforcement Cutting and Bending

1. Check manufacturer’s certificates.

2. Bar bending schedule approved by the consulting engineer.

3. Check proper storage and stacking of rebars.

4. Check specimens of bent bars with approved bar bending schedule.

5. Check labelling bent bars in reference to approved bar bending schedule.

6. Check random specimens for correctness with respect of size, shape etc.

7. Check surface condition of bars.

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