Sequence Of Operation For Electrical, Low Current & ELV Systems

Fire Alarm Panels Sequence

Location: Fire Alarm Panels: Various Locations (refer to Fire Alarm Layout)

Each Fire alarm panel will be monitored by the DDC controller to provide a system healthy, fault and alarm. All information shall be displayed on the BMS Supervisor. All MCC and DDC control panels will be linked to the Fire Alarm system such that in a Fire condition the plant will either shut down or control to an agreed routine.

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

Lighting Control

Lighting Control Panels (Internal): Various Locations (refer to Lighting Layout)

Lighting Control Panels (External): Various Locations (refer to Lighting Specialist Layout)

The BMS shall integrate to the FOH lighting control system via an EIB interface and provide monitoring functionality.

A graphical representation of the system will be produced with all status information, alarms schedules etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

Lifts / Elevators

Provisions shall be made on the BMS to allow for monitoring all lifts for:-

  • Lift Alarm
  • Lift Out Of Service

Electric Meters Monitoring

The BMS shall be interfaced and allowed for the receiving, recording and presenting of current and historic information from the all electric KWH meters.

LV Switchgear Monitoring

Location: LV Switchgear: Substation Room (Ground Floor Level)

The main ACB’s in all LV switchboard panels shall be monitored by the BMS for the following:-

  • Open
  • Closed

Automatic Transfer Switch

Each automatic transfer switch will be monitored by the local DDC controller to provide a change over fault and a common general fault.

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

Security System

Security System will be monitored by the DDC controller to provide a system healthy and Common alarm. All information shall be displayed on the BMS Supervisor.

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

Main Distribution Boards

Location: Main Distribution Board (MDB): Substation (Ground Floor Level)

Each of the Main Distribution Boards Alarms will be monitored through the DDC controller by thru VFC. All available information shall be mapped into the local DDC controller for display on the Building Management System and all connected computers on the network. A common fault and ACB status indication will be hard wired into the controller.

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

UPS Systems

Location of UPS System: Various Locations (Refer to Electrical Drawings)

The following systems shall be monitored by the BMS:-

  • UPS System
  • Battery Status
  • Charger Status
  • Mains Supply Tripped

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plantrooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

Central Battery System (CBS)

Location of Central Battery System (CBS): Various Locations (refer to Electrical Drawings)

Each of the CBS Systems will be monitored through the DDC controller by means of a VFC. All available information as per IO Schedule shall be mapped into the local DDC controller for display on the Building Management System and all connected computers on the network.

A graphical representation of the plant will be produced with all status information, alarms etc. displayed with simple mouse clicks. Access to the graphic will be through a system of site plans, plant rooms and systems.

All values are to be historically recorded at controller level so that locally any laptop or Portable operator’s terminal may retrieve the data as well as the network BMS Supervisor.

For more details please refer to I/O points schedule/ control schematics/ riser drawings.

The details provided are minimum requirements and need to be details as per the site requirement by BMS specialist.

Motor Control Centre (MCC)

All Motor Control Centres shall interface with the fire alarm system described in the Electrical Specification.

All MCC room air conditioning (A/C) system (motorised smoke fire dampers) shall be switched off thru the signal from Automatic Gas Fire Suppresion System Panel. The Fan Coil Unit (FCU) serving the MCC room shall be switched of thru BMS DDC.

Disabled Toilet Alarms

Location of Disabled Toilet Alarms: Various Locations (refer to Electrical drawings)

The BMS shall receive individual alarm signals from manual call alarm in each toilet through volt free contact (VFC) from panel to DDC.

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