Project Site Environmental Health and Safety Management Organization Structure

In addition to the basic project environmental health and safety management organization structure, the organization can setup an independent project safety committee to carry out the following functions:

Discuss safety policies and recommend adoption of these by management.

Identify unsafe conditions and practices and determine their remedies.

Work to obtain results by having its management – approved recommendations put into practice.

Convey safety messages to the committee members, who in turn will teach safety to the entire personnel of the site teams for them to ensure effective compliance.

Arouse and maintain the interest of supervisory staff and to keep them informed of safety matters.

Arouse and maintain the interest of employees/ workers and convince them that their cooperation is needed to prevent accidents.

Make safety activities an integral part of operating policies and methods and a function of operation.

Provide an opportunity for free discussion of accident problems and preventive measures.

Initiate safety promotion schemes and set targets for safety improvement campaigns.

Safety Committee Meeting Agenda

Meetings of the Site HSE Committee shall be held at least once every 2 weeks, the agenda for discussion at the meeting shall include the following:

  • Plant and Equipment – certificate and performance
  • Safety Performance
  • Compliance with Project H&S Plan
  • Compliance with statutory requirements.
  • Work Method Statement.
  • Risk Assessment Report & Job Safety Analysis.
  • Housekeeping and site tidiness.
  • Maintenance of safe access and egress.
  • Others
    – Services (Underground & Overhead).
    – Traffic Management.
    – Temporary Electrical Installations.
    – Earth Moving Machinery.
    – Fire Prevention and Protection.
    – Personal Protective Equipment.
    – Public Safety.
    – Accident Reporting and Statistic.
    – Site Security Control.
    – Safety Training and Promotion.
    – Safety Violations.
    – Working at Height

Composition of Safety Committee

The Site HSE Committee is to comprise:

  • Project Director/ Manager (Chairman).
  • Project HSE Manager (Secretary).
  • Area Construction Managers.
  • Workforce Representation (Foreman / charge-hands)
  • MEP/Stores/Logistics representatives.
  • Environmental Coordinator.
  • Subcontractors PM’s/CM’s and Safety Officers.

Project Site Environmental Health and Safety Management Organisation Structure

Individual Responsibility for Environmental Health and Safety Management

Project Director

Main responsibilities are to:

Know and understand the HSE Policy and the responsibility of safety allocated to each level of staff within the project.

Know and understand the requirements of the relevant legislation and how they apply to the project.

Coordinate with the Officers of the Occupational Safety and Health Authority and ensure that their requirements are met.

Ensure that all levels of staff receive adequate and appropriate training.

Institute proper reporting, investigation and costing of injury, damage and loss; promote action to prelude recurrence and initiate analysis to discover trends.

Set a good personal example.

Project Managers/Construction Managers/Site Engineers

Main responsibilities are to:

Know and understand the H&S Policy and the responsibility of safety allocated to each level of staff within the project.

Coordinate safety activities between main contractor and subcontractor.

Determine at the planning stage.

  • The most appropriate order and method of working.
  • Risk to public & workforce e.g. through adequate Traffic Management.
  • Allocation of responsibilities with subcontractors and others.
  • Hazards which might arise from overhead or underground services and other situations which might lead to unnecessary improvisations on site.
  • Provision of adequate lighting.
  • Facilities for welfare and sanitation.
  • Basic fire precautions.

Provide written Job Safety and Environmental Analysis, to explain the sequence of operations, to outline potential hazards at each stage and indicate precautions to be adopted.

Check over Work Method Statement and precautions with the Project Director/ Manager before work starts.

Ensure that work, once started, is carried out as planned and in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Legislation regulations and codes of practice.

Set a good personal example

See that proper care is taken of casualties and know where to obtain medical help and ambulance service in the event of a serious injury. (Nominate others to act in emergency).

Accompany Local Municipality‟s Occupational Safety and Health Officers on site visits and act on their recommendations.

Release supervisors and operatives, where necessary, for site safety training.


Main responsibilities are to:

Organize site so that work is carried out to the required standard with minimum risk to men, equipment and materials

Ensure construction methods minimize risk to public & workers e.g. through adequate Traffic Management.

Know the requirements of the project health and safety plan, local regulations and other relevant legislation and how it applies to the project.

Ensure that all plant sent to site is safe and fully efficient, is guarded and equipped with safety devices and is tested in accordance with the Project Health and Safety Plan and that evidence of all certification is held on site.

Make certain that all plant operators and maintenance personnel are only employed for that which they have been thoroughly trained.

Check that all repair and maintenance work carried out on site is done in a proper manner and that emergency repairs are dealt with properly as soon as possible. Call the attention of site management to the need for dangerous plant to be put out of service.

Check that hired plant is safe and that, where appropriate, copies of current test certificates are available.

Give all Foreman and leading hands precise instructions on their responsibilities for proper working methods; see that they do not require or permit men to take unnecessary risk.

Arrange delivery and stacking of materials to avoid risks by double handling; position plant effectively; ensure that the electricity supply is installed and maintained without endangering men and equipment.

Plan and maintain a tidy site.

Implement arrangements with subcontractors and other contractors on site to avoid any confusion about areas of responsibility.

Make sure that suitable protective clothing is available and used.

Ensure that a qualified first-aider and all items of first-aid equipment as required by the Project Safety Plan are available and their location known to employees.

Cooperate with the HSE Engineer; act on his recommendations.

Set a good personal example

Foremen/ Leading Hand

Main responsibilities are to:

Be familiar with the Site Safety Handbook regulations applicable to the work on which their gangs are engaged and insist that those Regulations are observed.

Incorporate Job Safety and Environmental Analysis in routine orders and see that they are obeyed.

Restrain men from taking unnecessary risks.

Ensure that new employees learn to take safety precautions. – Transmit safety knowledge and company message to his fellow workers.

Commend operatives who, by action or initiative, eliminate hazards.

Discourage horseplay and reprimand those who consistently fail to consider their own well – being and that of others around them.

Report defects in plant or equipments.

Set a good personal example.

HSE Responsibilities of Site Workers

Main responsibilities are to:

Use the correct tools and equipment for the job; use safety equipment and protective clothing supplied, e.g. roof ladders, safety helmets, safety shoes, safety harness, goggles, etc.

Keep tools in good working condition.

Report to supervisor, defects in plant or equipment.

Develop a personal concern for safety – for themselves and for others, particularly newcomers and young people.

Avoid improvising which entails unnecessary risk.

Warn new men of known hazards.

Refrain from horseplay and the abuse of welfare facilities.

Suggest ways of eliminating hazards.

HSE Role of Office Personnel

Main responsibilities are to:

Ensure that they are aware of emergency procedures and locations of fire and emergency exits.

Keep workstations in a clean and tidy condition.

Do not overload electrical sockets, or tamper with electrical equipments to increase electrical supply.

Ensure that no attractive items are left in offices which could be stolen.

Advise Safety Manager of any known medical conditions that may require treatment.

Do not overload shelving, or stack materials that will cause an injury due to collapse.

Refrain from horseplay and the abuse of welfare facilities.

Ensure that if they have to visit site they are inducted and accompanied where necessary.

Suggest ways of eliminating hazards.

Responsibilities of Project HSE Manager in Safety Management

Main responsibilities are to:

Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the project safety management plan safety management plan.

Advise Management on:

  • Preventing injury to personnel and damage to plant and equipment.
    • Public safety issues especially Traffic Management & construction interface with public areas.
    • Further improvement in existing sound working methods
    • Legal requirement affecting safety, health and welfare.
    • Provision and use of protective clothing and equipment.
    • Potential hazards on new contracts before work starts and on the site safety organization.
    • Feedback on new policy or procedures adopted.
    • Methods of safe working arising from new developments.
  • Carry out site surveys, in association with the Section Manager, Superintendent or Supervisor, to see that only safe methods or working are in operation; that all regulations are being observed. Has the sole responsibility to stop any site construction works that present an immediate threat to life.
  • Determine the cause of any accident or dangerous occurrence and recommend means of preventing recurrence.
  • Supervise the recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage and loss, assess accident trends and review overall safety performances.
  • Assist with training for all levels of employees on safety.
  • Promote awareness of injury prevention and damage control to all levels of employees.
  • Keep contact with officials and professional bodies.
  • Keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practices and new safety literature and circulate information applicable to each level of employees.
  • Maintain records of certification of all operatives and plant.

HSE Engineer’s Responsibilities

Main responsibilities are to:

  • Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the safety management plan.
  • Ensure hazard identification is carried out by delegated Safety Officers, and where necessary close out hazards/ or report to Safety Manager.
  • Ensure daily records are compiled within the Safety Office, and that these are completed to suitable standards with comments being closed.
  • Report where necessary deficiencies in Safety Equipment to Safety Manager, ensure that all personnel within their areas are compliant with PPE requirements.
  • Carry out 2 Site Safety Meter‟s per month for allocated areas, which should include close down signatures by Construction Member.
  • Ensure that all fire appliances in designated areas are inspected, with records being forwarded to Safety Manager.
  • Identify safety training needs through consultation with Construction Staff in designated areas.
  • Assist in the implementation of all emergency and fire evacuations for designated areas.
  • Ensure suitable safety boards and safety signage are displayed in all designated areas, and updated as required.
  • Ensure that no sub contractors start works without correct Method Statement and JSEA approvals in designated areas.
  • Assist Safety Manager in accident investigation and lesson‟s learnt communication to site team.
  • Ensure training in the form of toolbox talks/safety briefings are carried out in designated areas.

HSE Officer Duties & Responsibilities

Main responsibilities are to:

  • Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the safety management plan.
  • Make sure that hazard identification is carried out in their areas through daily inspection, this is to be signed/closed down by Construction Manager.
  • Ensure all plant and machinery in their areas are safe with daily inspections taking place.
  • Check fire appliances and equipment regularly reporting to Safety Engineer deficiencies or problems.
  • Conduct tool box talks as and when requested by Safety Engineer, collect documentation from S/C personnel of local training.
  • Ensure safe lifting arrangements are taking place in local areas with consultation with Appointed Person.
  • Ensure that no sub contractors start works without correct Method Statement and JSEA approvals in designated areas.
  • Assist in the Emergency Evacuation and response team where required.
  • Ensure suitable safe access and signage in local designated areas.

Safety Management Responsibility of Logistics Manager

Main responsibilities are to:

  • Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the safety management plan.
  • Ensure that storage areas and lay-down areas are safe for pedestrian and vehicle movements.
  • Make sure temporary facilities are inspected regularly (electrical/fabric) and faults reported to Construction Director.
  • Ensure all vehicles that are inspected for safety requirements before entry onto site works area‟s, and that vehicles are inspected daily.
  • Keeping of records for all plant and machinery.
  • Liaise with site personnel for safe delivery of materials, there safe off-loading, and that a movement strategy is in place for delivery to the works face.
  • Carry out JSEA for any activity under their authority.
  • Ensure that all materials are protected to the clients requirements to prevent damage and weather degradation.
  • Make sure that the Logistics Plan is updated regularly and submitted to the Construction Manager.
  • With the assistance of the Safety Team ensure that pedestrian access, and vehicle movements are safe (Barriers/Signage/Crossing Points/Speed Limits Etc)

Responsibilities of Male Nurse

Main responsibilities are to:

  • Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the project safety management plan.
  • Ensure that the site clinic is fully stocked with the correct medical stores to function, ensuring that no prescription drugs are contained within the clinic. The stores are to conform to approved list of equipments required for site clinics.
  • Where stores are required contact the Safety Manager for approval and signature.
  • Report all First Aid injuries daily to Safety Manager.
  • Report all Hospital related cases immediately to Safety Manager.
  • Collate weekly statistics showing, name, trade, type of injury, category of activity, and give these to the Safety Manager.
  • Display local government approval certificate in site clinic.
  • Ensure that emergency numbers, contact numbers, and medial categories are displayed.
  • Have an emergency pack available for out of office accidents.
  • Ensure that the site clinic is not used for any other purpose than its intended use

HSE Responsibility of Storekeeper

Main responsibilities are to:

  • Assist in implementation of and reporting on compliance with the safety management plan.
  • Ensure that storage areas and lay-down areas are safe for pedestrian and vehicle movements. No unsafe stacking of materials, pallets are not be loaded more than 2 high.
  • Maintain sufficient PPE within the main store for staff and consultant/client representatives (less footwear which should be ordered).
  • Ensure that all power tools are serviceable and safe when issued and keep a register of inspections.
  • Make sure that all equipments are tagged and color coded to requirements, ladders/harnesses/power tools etc.
  • Ensure that suitable PPE is issued to those operating power tools, and that they are the training list for power tools and actuated equipments.
  • Provide the list of all MSDS and make known to those personnel who are working with hazardous materials.
  • Store lifting chains and lifting accessories vertically, oiled where necessary, with testing certificates in a bound folder.
  • Separate faulty equipments from serviceable units, and mark these accordingly as faulty units.
  • Store all harnesses in the vertical position, with a register being kept of inspections being kept showing serial number, and monthly inspections.
  • Keep all hazardous materials in a separate store, with quantity cards and type of materials listed and visible for inspection. Unit should have suitable ventilation/AC, and fire equipment located. Actuation charges should be stored in a separate steel chest marked accordingly.

HSE Responsibilities of Subcontractors

Subcontractors are required to comply with the requirements of the project safety plan throughout their duration on site.

Confirmation of their understanding of the requirements and intentions to comply with the Project Safety Management Plan are gained at the sub contract “start-up” meeting.

Site safety meetings are held to review sub-contractors safety performance and agree actions to be taken to ensure safe working methods are adopted.

Each subcontractor is required to appoint a representative to attend the meeting for the period they are on site. Subcontractors are involved in the safety training and awareness program for the Project.

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