Internal Painting Method Statement

This method statement details general procedures to be followed for the internal painting work using paints from Berger at any kind of a project/building.

The procedure covers preparatory works, actual application and area cleaning associated with the painting works.

For Latex Emulsion Paint the sequence will be:

Surface Preparations -> PVA primer 1 Coat -> Stucco 2 Coats -> Durosan Paint 2 Coats

For Enamel Paint the sequence will be:

Surface Preparations -> PVA primer 1 Coat -> Stucco 2 Coats -> Bengalac Matt Paint 2 Coats

Before commencement of work, remove electrical switch and outlet plates, surface hardware, frames of lighting fixtures and all other obstructions. Replace properly at completion of the work.

Remove soiled and used rags, waste and empty containers from the building each night.

Take every precaution to prevent a fire.

Before commencement of the work, also ascertain the nature and location of all existing services on site by visual survey.

If any protection, rerouting, termination or removals of services are required for the smooth progressing of the painting work, it will be discussed and written approval will be obtained from consultant as appropriate.

Necessary Tools, Plant & Equipment

  • Putty Knife
  • Sand Paper
  • Brush / Roller
  • Gloves
  • Paint Mixing Machine
  • Spray Gun
  • Water Tanker
  • Polythene sheets

Material Requirements

The material shall be approved and shall be used as per the finishing schedule. The colour of the paint shall match the appropriate approved sample.

All the paint material shall be delivered in an unopened package and containers bearing manufacturer’s name & labels.

The labels shall include information regarding batch/stock no, date of manufacture & expiry date.

Painting materials must be kept in air conditioned place, protected from heat and direct sunlight. Containers must be kept tightly closed.

The paint storage room shall be a designated non-smoking area with sufficient fire extinguishers of the type fit for use on paints.

Preparation Before Painting

Clean floors and adjacent surfaces, as well as surfaces to be painted, before work is commenced. Cut out, as required, defects in drywall and plaster surfaces and openings adjoining trim, and fill with a patching compound or approved patching plaster flush with adjoining surface. When dry, smooth and-seal the patch before application of the priming coat.

  • Fill nail holes, and similar defects after the first coat of paint has been applied. Filler to match the color of the finish.
  • Carefully hand sand woodwork before painting.
  • Clean and remove all defects and extraneous matter from surfaces to be finished.
  • Inspect wood surfaces for gouges, marks, and other defects and properly prepare by patching, filling, smoothing or surface preparation as necessary to insure a satisfactory surface for priming.
  • Remove from ferrous metals, rust, scale and loose paint by means of scrapers and wire brushes or blasting.
  • Neutralize galvanized surfaces with approved proprietary brand neutralizing (etching) solution.
  • Remove all foreign matter on surfaces before painting.
  • Prime on wood, with one coat of aluminum primer, if to be finished with paint.
  • Test all surfaces for moisture content before commencing painting. Do not apply paint when moisture content exceeds 8%, as determined by an approved moisture testing device.
  • In the case of presence of high alkali conditions, wash surface to neutralize the alkali.
  • Wire-brush concrete and masonry surfaces.
  • Advise consultant at least three days prior to application, of the use of special preparatory treatment.
  • Cement plastered surfaces to be rubbed down with rubbing stone, or approved method and cleaned of dust and all foreign matter before application of primer.

Surface Preparation for Primer

The substrate must be sound, clean, dry, free from dust, oil, grease and laitance etc.

All traces of release agents must be removed.

On chalky and dusty surfaces, all loose material must be removed by stiff bristle brushing.

Mixing of ingredients

All Paints shall be thoroughly stirred before use.

No dilution of painting material is allowed unless approved by the consultant/Engineer.

Water can be used as a thinner/cleaner for all specified paints except for Bengalac matt.

For Bengalac matt enamel paint, maximum 5% of Jotun thinner no.2 can be used.

painting work methods

Application Of the Painting Works

  • Do not undertake exterior painting at temperatures outside of paint manufacturer’s recommended application and curing temperature and humidity range, or immediately following rain and dew. Avoid painting surfaces when exposed to hot sun.
  • Thoroughly mix materials before paint application.
  • Apply paint under adequate illumination.
  • Apply materials and cut in neatly, so as to dry uniformly to the color and gloss specified, free from runs, sags, wrinkles, crawls and other defects.
  • Vary each coat in tone to permit supervision identification.
  • Sand lightly between coats of paint.
  • Each coat of paint to be dry and hard before following coat is applied.
  • Finish tops, bottoms and edges of doors in the same manner as the remainder of the door.
  • When the primer-sealer coat is dry, touch up all visible suction spots before the next coat is applied, do not proceed until all suction spots are sealed.
  • Where exposed pipes are to be painted, also include copper piping.
  • Unless otherwise specified, finish all other surfaces the same as the nearest or adjoining surfaces or as directed by consultant/client.
  • Brush paint wood and metal surfaces.
  • Unless otherwise specified, apply paint by roller unless the manufacturer’s recommendation excludes use of this method.

Priming Works

  • Prime ferrous metal surfaces including, without being limited to, steel, mechanical and electrical equipment, piping, ducts and conduit that have not received a shop coat of paint, with a coat of epoxy zinc primer or equivalent alkyd rust-inhibiting primer compatible with finish coating.
  • Prime galvanized or zinc-coated surfaces including, without being limited, to flashing, handrails, piping and ductwork with one coat of galvanized steel primer compatible with the finish coating.
  • Touch up with primer metalwork which has received a shop primer and which is to be finish painted, after loose paint and scale have been removed.
  • Prime or seal with compatible primer/sealer, surfaces, immediately after delivery to the building, if the work has not already received a primer. Reprime or reseal all edges of materials cut on job.
  • Prime surfaces of interior concrete with one coat of specified primer, compatible with finish paint.
  • Prime surfaces of concrete and block masonry with one coat of primer compatible with finish paint and filler.
Painting of Metal Work
  • Apply coats of interior paint over the prime coat of all interior metalwork which will be exposed in the finished work, other than stainless steel, brass, bronze and other specifically excluded metals.
  • Paint, without being limited to, all interior mechanical and electrical equipment, ductwork and piping and other exposed steel not noted to be painted under other sections of the specifications.
  • Painting of exterior roof-mounted mechanical equipment and piping to be done.

Application of Latex Emulsion Paint

PVA Primer coat is applied with roller and allowed to dry for minimum four hour.

First coat of Stucco is applied after applying filling material and allowed to dry for a minimum period of 8 hours.

Then second coat is applied and allowed to dry for a period of 8 hours.

Average wet film thickness of the stucco shall be 195 µm.

Sanding is done to receive a smooth finish and remove the chalky dust.

First coat of Durosan is applied by roller and allowed to dry for a minimum period of 4 hrs.

Before applying the second coat imperfections will be further rectified with a touch up of Stucco and sanding.

Final coat of Durosan is then applied.

Average wet film thickness of the Durosan shall be 150 µm.

Application of Enamel Paint

PVA Primer coat is applied with roller and allowed to dry for minimum four hour.

First coat of Stucco is applied after applying filling material and allowed to dry for a minimum period of 8 hours.

Then second coat is applied and allowed to dry for a period of 8 hours.

Average wet film thickness of the stucco shall be 150 µm.

Sanding is done to receive a smooth finish and remove the chalky dust.

First coat of Bengalac Matt Paint is applied by roller and allowed to dry for a minimum period of 24 hrs.

Before applying the second coat imperfections will be further rectified with a touch up of Stucco and sanding.

Final coat of Bengalac Matt Paint is then applied.

Average wet film thickness of Bengalac Matt Paint shall be 75 µm.

Paint Drying Time

Drying times are related to air circulation, temperature, film thickness, and number of coats.

The figures given in the table are typical with:

  • Good ventilation
  • Typical film thickness
  • One coat on top of inert substrate
  • Relative humidity 70 %

Drying Time for PVA Primer

Substrate Temp

100 C

230 C

400 C

Surface dry

06 hrs

3 hrs

1 hrs

Through dry

10 hrs

5 hrs

3 hrs

Dry to recoat Minimum

08 hrs

4 hrs

2 hrs

Stucco Putty Drying Time

Substrate Temp

100 C

230 C

400 C

Surface dry

6 hrs

3 hrs

1 hrs

Through dry

16 hrs

8 hrs

6 hrs

Dry to recoat Minimum

16 hrs

8 hrs

6 hrs

Drying time for Durosan Paint

Substrate Temp

100 C

230 C

400 C

Surface dry

6 hrs

3 hrs

1 hrs

Through dry

12 hrs

6 hrs

2 hrs

Dry to recoat Minimum

6 hrs

4 hrs

2 hrs

Drying time for Enamel Paint

Substrate Temp

100 C

230 C 400 C
Surface dry

18 hrs

8 hrs

6 hrs

Through dry

48 hrs

24 hrs

18 hrs

Dry to recoat Minimum

48 hrs

24 hrs

18 hrs

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