General Safety HSE Considerations at a Construction Site

This page gives you an overview of the general health and safety consideration for any type and size of construction project site.

In order to start a work, prepare a task based risk assessment and mitigation strategy for each activity of a project.

All the work should commence as per safety regulations laid down in the legal regulations, contract specifications and project safety plan.

Use appropriate safety gears for each activity. All personal protective equipment shall be used as appropriate according to the nature of the job.

For electrical works, provide non conductive tools and PPE personnel protective equipment.

Working on live power cables /equipment is not allowed.

ELCB shall be used in temporary panel boards; industrial connectors / sockets for temporary power cable connections.

Safety lights will be used in case of power failure ensuring the good illumination of the working area to aid evacuation if necessary.

Adequate lighting shall be provided to ensure the good illumination on the working area.

Always maintain cleanliness in work areas. Housekeeping shall be of good standard and all cut pieces and debris shall be removed by the end of workday.hse-consideration-of-a-construction-site

Ensure that all lifting operations are carried out as per approved procedures and safety regulations. Ensure that adequate barricade and signage “DANGER KEEP-OUT, HEAVY LIFTING IN PROGRESS” is provided around the affected area. Work will be executed through Permit to Work system.

All scaffolding shall be checked by competent person and should carry green tags “safe to use”, prior to
use for working purpose.

All plant tools tackles will have valid inspection and calibration certificate. Lifting machines, appliances and gear to be examined by qualified rigger and come with valid certification.

Workers working at height to wear their full body harness and should be anchored to a rigid point.

Nobody is allowed to stand on the top of the step ladder; worker should stand two rungs below from top of the step ladder.

A co-worker must hold the step ladder while in use.

Work inside shafts are not allowed without work permit and supervision.

Work areas to be provided with proper lighting and ventilation at all times.

Store tools and equipment and unused materials stacked in a safe area at the end of the workday.

Method statement / Risk assessments to be briefed to all concerned personnel and signed as read and understood.

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