Fire Pump Installation Method Statement

Below is a precise method statement for fire pump installation, each project will have its own specific method of statement for installation of fire pump.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions while installing the fire pump.

Pump shall be stored on a flat surface in well-ventilated storage area.

Inlet and outlet flange blanks shall not be removed until ready for connection to pipe work.

Manufacturer’s instructions shall be strictly followed as applicable for storage of the fire pumps.

Preparation Works

The foundations designed to meet the vibration and sound control requirements shall be provided by main contractor.

Check and ensure that the shop drawings used are latest and approved for construction.

Concrete, (reinforced as necessary or required) is most widely used for the foundation of fire pumps, in most cases it provides rigid support, which minimizes deflection and vibration. It may be located on soil, structural steel or building floors, provided the combined weight of the pumping unit.

While completing the civil works MEP contractor will co-ordinate the location of foundation as per approved shop drawings, the foundation surface shall be flat, level and smoothly finished.

Check the piping support locations and cable tray routing locations in co-ordination with pump and piping layout and ensure these are not obstructing the space around pump.

Ensure availability of easy access and sufficient clearance for servicing and maintenance i.e. for replacement of pump, motor.

Select a location for the pumping  unit (pump, base plate, coupling  and driver) that will be clean, well  ventilated, properly  drained  and provide  accessibility for inspection  and maintenance (see outline  drawing  for dimension), outdoor installations may require protection from the elements particularly freezing.

The suction supply system must provide the pump i.e. the suction tank location with its base or above the same elevation of the pump.

Method of Fire Pump Installation

Mark the locations of the pump base frame and hole locations.

Drill the suitable size holes in the foundations.

The pump and motor are assembled on the base frame by suitable flexible coupling arrangement.

Check and ensure free rotation of the shaft.

Position the pump frame assembly on the foundation and fix the anchor fasteners.

Ensure proper coupling guards are provided.

Complete the piping and valve package installation as per approved drawings.

Remove the end caps fixed on the inlet flange.

Install the electrical control panel and power connections as per approved drawings.

Incoming and outgoing cables shall be tested for insulation resistance/continuity.

Provide and connect earth wiring as per approved drawings/manufacturers instruction.

After completion of the fire pump installation and piping connections, the same shall be checked and certified by the pump supplier.

Inspection request for pump installation shall be raised for consultants inspection and approval.

Fire Pump Mounting On Foundations

Use qualified personnel (riggers)  to lift or move unit at any time.

Do not lift the pump unit using hooks or slings on shafts.

Never place eye-bolts in tapped holes except for removal of a part to perform service work.

When the unit is received with the pump and the driver mounted on the base plate, it should be placed on the foundation and the coupling halves disconnected.

Coupling should not be reconnected until the alignment operations have been completed.

The base plate should be supported on rectangular metal blocks and shims or on metal wedges having a small taper.

Support pieces should be placed close to the foundation bolts on large units, small jacks made of cap screws and nuts are very convenient to use.

In each case the supports should be directly under the part of the base plate carrying the greatest weight and spaced closely enough to give uniform support.

Adjust the metal supports or wedges until the shafts of the fire pump and driver are level.

Check the coupling faces as well as the suction and discharge flanges of the pump for horizontal or vertical position by means of a level.

Correct the positions, if necessary, by adjusting the supports or wedges under the base plate as required.

Firefighting Pumps and drivers mounted on a common base plate are accurately aligned before shipment.

Realignment is necessary after the complete unit has been leveled on the foundation and again after the grout has set and foundation bolts have been tightened.

The  alignment must be checked after the unit is piped and rechecked periodically.

To facilitate accurate field alignment, do not dowel the pumps or drivers on the base plates before shipment.

Firefighting Pump Alignment

Reliable, trouble‐free, and efficient operation of a pumping unit requires correct alignment of pump and driver shafts.

Misalignment may be the cause of:Fire Pump Testing and Commissioning Procedure SWMS

  • Noisy pump operation
  • Vibration
  • Premature bearing failure
  • Excessive coupling  wear

Factors that may change the alignment of the fire pumping unit are:

  • Setting of the foundation
  • Springing of the base plate
  • Piping strains
  • Settling of the building
  • Shift of pump or driver on the foundation

Correct for excessive parallel and angular misalignment by slightly shifting the leveling wedges under the base plate.

Tap tightly (in or out) with a hammer.

Retest alignment after each shifting of a wedge.

In some instances, for factory aligned pumping units, it may be necessary to change the shims under the pump or driver, or even relocate these factory‐positioned units on the base plate.

Make such changes only after it is certain alignment cannot be obtained by shifting of the wedges.

If wedges are shifted or shims changed a substantial amount to obtain proper alignment, recheck the piping alignment and level of the shafts.

Firefighting Pump Piping Works

Suction and discharge piping should be arranged for the simplest, most direct layout, to be of sufficient size and be internally free of foreign material.

The piping must never be pulled into position by the flange bolts, it must be independently fixed and arranged.

Suction piping, if not installed properly, is a potential source of faulty operation.

To achieve best performance consider below points:

  • the suction lines must be kept absolutely free from air leaks, when fire pump is in operation
  • A strainer should be installed in suction line.
  • The screen must be checked and cleaned periodically.
  • Opening in the screen must be smaller than the sphere size allotted for the impeller.
  • Piping should be cleaned mechanically and chemically, and flushed prior to installing the pump.
  • A large number of pump packing, mechanical seal and seizure troubles are due to improperly cleaned systems.
  • Fire pump should also be inspected internally for foreign matter that may have entered the pump.
  • The suction pipe shall be sized such that pump capacity and minimum distance to be maintained from suction pump flange.
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