Water Spray Firefighting System Installation Method Statement

Below you can find steps for installing the water spray firefighting and fire suppression system. The method statement covers all necessary parts and accessories for the spray system. Following tools shall be arranged before starting the job:

  • Water Spray Nozzle – High Velocity
  • Deluge Valve, OS & Y Valve
  • Electrical Devices
  • Pipe Wrenches
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Spanners
  • Screw Drivers
  • Files
  • Drilling machine
  • Grinder & Chain block
  • Welding machine
  • Threading machine
  • Grooving machine
  • Step Ladders
  • Aluminum mobile Scaffolding
  • Manual or electric water test pump



  • Clean the GI pipes with cotton rag to remove any dust or grease on the pipes.
  • After cleaning, paint the pipes with 1 layer undercoat of Yellow Primer for GI pipe. Please ensure both sides (top & bottom) are painted evenly.
  • Put the painted pipes in a good ventilation condition for 24 hours for the paint dry.
  • After the paint is dried, then paint the pipes with 2 layer of finish coat. Please ensure both sides (top & bottom) are painted evenly.
  • After the finish coat dry, install the pipes.


  • Identify the actual location of the hanger based on the approved shop drawing. Mark the position for installing the drop in anchor after coordination with structural Engineer as the slabs are Post Tension slabs.
  • Check the hanger size to confirm the depth of the hole to be drilled based on approved shop drawings and specification. Avoid tendons and confirm location with Contractor.
  • Check the hanger size to select the right drill bit. Then drill the hole according to the manufacturer’s specification on the marked position.
  • Clean the drilled hole to ensure it is free of dust.
  • Insert the drop in anchor into the hole.
  • Hammering down the conical plug inside the anchor with setting punch.
  • Install the Thread rod into the drop in anchor and tighten with Nut and Washer.
  • Rigid supports shall be provided to resist any vibration and to provide thrust to all pipes installed.


  • Cut the required length of the pipe to be grooved.
  • Check that the cut ends of the pipe are square.
  • Install the correct die on the Grooving machine for the corresponding pipe size.
  • Insert the end of the pipe to be grooved in-between the groover dies.
  • Support the other end of the pipe using the pipe stand.
  • Start the machine and at the same time apply pressure on the pipe toward the machine so that the pipe does not slip out of the groover die.
  • Groove the pipe until the required depth of the groove is achieved.


  • Cut the required length of the pipe to be grooved.
  • Check that the cut ends of the pipe are square.
  • Install the correct die head with threading teethes on the threading machine for the corresponding pipe size.
  • Insert the end of the pipe to be threaded in-between the die head and tighten the chuck to hold the pipes properly.
  • Support the other end of the pipe using the pipe stand.
  • Start the machine and engage the die head in to threading position.
  • Thread the pipe until the required length of the thread is achieved.
  • After threading loosen the chuck and remove the pipe.
  • Drain the residual threading oil from the pipe into the oil tray of the threading machine


  • Identify the actual location of the hanger based on the approved shop drawing. Mark the position for installing the drop in anchor after coordination with structural Engineer as the slabs are Post Tension slabs.
  • Install drop in anchor.
  • Install the pipe either by screw fitting or Grooved fittings.
  • Select the hanger based on the pipe size. Install the hanger rod to the drop in anchor.
  • Install the hanger to the pipe and the hanger rod.
  • Tighten the bolts and nut that hold the hanger rod and hanger evenly.
  • Provide rigid supports to pipes as a thrust to avoid any vibration.


  • Mark the location of the pipe to be laid as per the approved firefighting coordination drawings or site condition for alignment and level of the pipe.
  • Fabricate the pipe using Grooving machine or Threading Machine.
  • Install the anchor bolt at the marked location and fix the hanger clip.
  • Lift the fabricated pipes either using chain block or pipe lifter or manually using ladder or scaffolding (as applicable at site).
  • Guide the pipes through the hanger clips. Remove one hanger clip if needed and after locating the pipe in right position reinstall the hanger clip.
  • Connect the pipe together using Grooved of Threaded fittings.


  • Groove the pipe ends according to the manufacturer’s specification, project specification and consultant’s approval.
  • Pipe must be free from indentations, projections or roll marks on exterior from the ends to the groove, to assure a leak tight seat for the gasket.
  • Place gasket over pipe ends, being sure gasket lip does not overhang pipe end.
  • Align and bring 2 pipe ends together and slide gasket into position centered between the grooves on each pipe. No portion of the gasket should extend into the groove on either pipe.
  • Loosely assemble all segments leaving one nut and bolt off to allow for “swing-over” feature.
  • With 1 nut and 1 bolt removed, use the “swing-over” feature to position housings over gasket and into the grooves on both pipes.
  • Insert the remaining bolt to allow easy tightening of the nut. Be sure track head engages into housing recess.
  • Tighten nuts alternately and equally maintaining metal-to-metal contact at the angle bolt pads. Tighten securely to assure a rigid joint.


  • Drill the hole according to the manufacturer’s specification, project specification and consultant’s approval.
  • Remove 1 nut and bolt from housing. Loosen the other nut until it is flush with the end of the bolt. Remove the tape and lift the gasket from Mechanical-T outlet.
  • Check gasket supplied to be certain it is suited for intended service. Apply a thin coat of silicone lubricant to gasket lips and outside of gasket.
  • Reposition gasket into housing using alignment tabs on slides for proper positioning.
  • Rotate the lower housing approximately 90 degree away from the upper housing. Place the upper section onto the face of the pipe in line with outlet hole. Rotate the lower section around the pipe end and close the 2 halves.
  • Make sure that the locating collar is in the outlet hole by rocking the upper housing in the hole.
  • Insert bolt in its hole and finger tighten both nuts. Be certain oval-neck of bolt engages recess in housing. Make sure that the locating collar is in the outlet hole and the positioning lugs are properly aligned.
  • Tighten bolt nuts uniformly until the upper housing is in complete surface contact in the gasket pocket area and the assembly is rigid.

water spray system installation method statement


  • Check the flange size and specification according to valve size.
  • Cut the pipe to the required length.
  • Jointing the flange to either valve.


  • Confirm the valve size and location based on the shop drawings. Ensure that the selected valve is screw type.
  • Cut the pipe to the required length and thread it accordingly.
  • Place the valve between the pipes and make sure the threads are free of dust.
  • Ensure that the valves will be accessible and easy to operate.
  • Guide one of the pipe ends onto the valve’s thread, slowly run pipe in clock-wise direction.
  • Hold the valve firmly by a spanner on the flat nearest joint and then rotate the pipe with a plumbing wrench. Rotate the pipe until the end of the spindle operating joint. Repeat the above steps for the other pipe.


  • Confirm the valve size and location based on the shop drawings. Ensure that the selected valve is flange type.
  • Place the valve between the pipe flanges. Make sure the flange and adjacent pipe work are clean of dirt.
  • Select the gasket size according to the valve size and associated pipe size based on approved shop drawings so that it can match the pipe work flange.
  • Connect the valve with the pipe flange. The pipe flange shall be square with the associated pipeline.
  • When the valve is in proper position, install the bolts into the holes. Tightening the nuts one by one evenly. Repeat the above steps for the other joint.


  • Check the pipe length required based on the approved shop drawing.
  • Mark the desired length on the pipe and cut it. Make sure the pipe ends are square.
  • Place the pipe in the threading machine and thread it accordingly. Make sure the thread of the pipe is in good condition.
  • Remove the oil from the pipe end after the threading procedure and wrap it with Jute and Boss White or Teflon tape.
  • Install the pipe to the screw fitting.


The Deluge valve shall be installed in accordance with the following instructions.  Proper operation depends upon it being installed in accordance with the instructions given below.  Failure to follow these instructions may prevent the devices from functioning properly as well as void listings, approvals, and the manufacturer’s warranties.

  • The Deluge valve must be installed as shown in the drawing.
  • Install the applicable valve trims as shown in the drawing, Care must be taken to make sure that check valves, glove valves, etc. are installed with the flow arrows in the proper direction.
  • Drain tubing (if used) to the Drip Funnel must be installed with smooth bends that will not restrict flow.
  • Suitable provision must be made for disposal of drain water. Drainage water must be directed such that it will not cause damage or result in dangerous conditions.
  • After installing the alarm gong, connect it to the deluge valve through the special connection provision.
  • After installing the manual release station, connect it to the deluge valve through the special connection provision.
  • Unused connections in the deluge valve must be plugged.
  • The Deluge valve will not automatically reset after an operation. It must be manually reset and it should be restored to service as soon as possible.  Any impairment to the system must be promptly corrected in order to maintain the integrity of the system.


  • Mark the location of the detectors accurately as per the shop drawings.
  • Install the container box of the detector in the way that the center of the container is the center of the detector as per the shop drawing.
  • All materials and items to be the same as per approved material for this system.
  • Conduits to be laid as per the approved shop drawing and the wires inside the conduits to be installed and connected a per the shop drawings.
  • Use the control panel board schematic diagram (in the catalogue) to connect the wires which is coming from input devices (detectors), output devices (bell, flash light, solenoid valve).
  • Wires up to fire Alarm control panel/module and BMS system to be provided by the contractor and to be connected to the control panel.
  • The panel should have 2 signals (relays) for interfacing with Fire alarm and BMS one is Fire signal (which will be activated when the system detects fire) and Fault signal (which will be activated when the system has any fault such as main power failure or battery failure … etc).
  • For any extra fire and fault signals need to be connected, more relays (module) to be installed within the panel enclosure to give more outgoing fire and fault signals.

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