Construction Project Site Mobilization Method Statement

Project starts from project mobilization. Once you win the project and client asks you to move your team you need certain documents for submission and approval.

Site mobilization method statement is one of such requirement. Now a days most of the government entities require that all contractors must submit a plan which details how mobilization shall be done.

Below are some basic points which can be included in a project mobilization document. This page can help you understand and further prepare a good submission for your project.

Site mobilization comes under the responsibility of different departments like HSE, logistics and construction etc.

All the arrangements shall be made according to Client’s HSE Manuals. All personnel shall undergo complete physical examination and obtain fitness certificates prior mobilization.

All necessary and approved brands of Personal protective equipment’s shall be purchased and provided to workforce.Construction site mobilization

All Operatives must attend client’s induction before entering the project sites.

Risk Assessments shall be prepared and to be approved regarding all the mobilization activities.

Site Mobilization shall be given due significance and risks associated with it shall be rated and subsequently shall be either controlled, mitigated or prevented and ALARP shall be achieved as minimum.

Vehicles and equipment’s shall be strictly in accordance with client’s HSE and transport manual. Selection of drivers shall also be strictly in accordance with applicable procedure.

Drivers shall be provided with special training if required and certificates shall be obtained.

If the project is in the desert area, vehicles shall have IVMS, Desert safety kit and Roll over protection along with other things mentioned in HSE Manual.

The accommodation and food facilities must be arranged in advance and strictly in accordance with regulations and applicable client procedures and manuals.

All site safety rules & regulations shall be complied with Project Specifications.

Every personnel will go through a approved Pre employment medical checkup and only those who successfully complete the medical checkups will be allowed to work in the site.

Approved Job Performers, First Aiders & Fire Fighters will be available at the site all the time.

In the areas having high concentrations of H2S, operatives will carry a Positive Pressure Escape set and Personal H2S monitor all the time at site. All operatives will be equipped with minimum personnel protective equipment; hard hat, coveralls, safety boots, safety glasses etc.

Job Performer will deliver tool box talks, relevant to these activities to all operations involved in the testing & commissioning and shall be recorded.

The person using any forms of chemicals has to wear hand gloves.

A lifting plan will be devolved before the operations and all lifting activities will be carried out on basis of that plan.

Ensure only qualified personnel shall install, test & commission the equipment.

During testing & commissioning, display warning sign boards to be provided and barricade the area whenever necessary.

Only competent, experienced & trained personnel shall perform all the required activities stated in this method statement.

All Equipment and vehicles used in the project will comply with applicable regulations and must be inspected and approved by client before operating at site.

Ensure that all operatives fully understand the method of the activities related to their work.

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