Quality Management Procedure For Business Development – Sample

Below is a complete management procedure for business development, that can be used for any company by making little modifications. The procedure provides a basic structure for more inclusions depending upon the business type. Mostly marketing or business development departments are the owner of this procedure. Both departments are working collectively to achieve the business goals.

Quality Management Procedure For Business Development

1. PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to establish and maintain a documented procedure, which ensures that business development opportunities are identified, recorded and followed up.

2. Scope: This procedure applies to the existing products and services and the development of new products and/or services that company provides or plans to provide to its clients.

3. Reference

4. Definitions: Business Development Plan:  A plan to develop business annually.

5. Procedure:  Procedure Owner: Marketing / Business Development Manager

Step 1 :      Preparation of  a  Business Plan

A Business Development Plan is prepared annually. The Manager Marketing is responsible to prepare this plan on Form F-1-1. For the preparation of this plan, Manager Marketing contacts Assistant Manger Marketing who will detail his Marketing Executives to prepare their respective plans. Marketing Executives hand over their plans to Assistant Manager by the last week of July each year.

Step 2  :     Review of the Business Plan

The Assistant Manager Marketing will review the plans prepared by marketing executives and prepare a final plan. He will submit the final plan to Manager Marketing by 27th of the months. Manager Marketing will review this plan, prioritize it, contact Manager Finance & other Managers, if required, and submit the same to Managing Director for approval by 29th of the month after necessary revision.

Step 3: Approval Of Business Plan by Managing Director


The Managing Director will review the proposed Plan and discuss its contents with Manager Marketing and Manager Finance. If Managing Director is satisfied that the proposed plan meets the requirements it will be approved. If he doesn’t agree with any part of the plan, he will discuss it with the Manager Marketing and suggest necessary amendments. The Manager Marketing in consultation with the Departmental Heads will review and revise the plan in the light of Managing Director’s observations. The Manager Marketing will resubmit the revised plan to Managing Director by the 30th of the same month and get his approval.

Step 4 : Implementation and Monitoring of Business Plan

During each quarter of the year, Manager Marketing will implement the Business Development Plan using the records and quarterly progress reports prepared by the Assistant Manager Marketing, and monitors the successful implementation of the Plan.

Step 5: Action by Manager Marketing

The Manager Marketing will prepare a summary of the achievements against the agreed targets on F-1-2 for presentation at the quarterly Management Review Committee meeting held in the 1st week of January, April, July & October each year. The MRC reviews the performance of last quarter and makes recommendations about future course of action.

Step 6: Recording of Minutes

The Deputy QMR records the minutes of the meeting and advises Marketing Executives to incorporate recommendations of the MRC in the following quarter’s business development plan.

Step 7: Preparation of Proposal

Telephone/personal calls/Tenders/other postal enquiries will be directed to Marketing Coordinator who will direct the concerned Marketing Executive to fill form F-1-3. The Marketing Executive forward the filled form to the Assistant Manager Marketing who will review the same & hand over to Manager Marketing for price finalization. Manager Marketing, after price finalization, hands over the form to Assistant Manager Marketing for onward submission of the proposal to the client though concerned Marketing Executive and necessary follow up.

Step 8: Follow-up

The concerned Marketing Executive will follow up the enquiry as per enquiry Form F-1-3 till its maturity. If enquiry does not get matured, Marketing Executive will ensure refund of security money, if any.

Step 9: Delivery Order

If enquiry gets matured, then concerned Marketing Executive will fill delivery Order Form F-1-4 and will attach a copy of Purchase Order with it and get it reviewed by Assistant Manager Marketing or Manager Marketing. Marketing Executive will ensure timely delivery of the item to the customer.

Step 10: Payment / Recoveries

The concerned Marketing Executive will be responsible for recovery of payment from the customer within three weeks of the supply or as per conditions settled between the two parties. Each Marketing Executive will prepare his own recovery report and submit to Assistant Manger Marketing on Form F-1-5 who after verification by Accounts Manager will make a report & submit to Manager Marketing

Step 11: Daily Report

For all bids/tenders attended, comparative statements will be submitted by concerned marketing executives to Assistant Manager Marketing for on wards Managing Director’s review on Form-1-6. All Marketing Executives will additionally make daily reports on Form F-1-7 and submit to Assistant Manager Marketing one hour before pack-up every day. Manager Marketing will forward the weekly performance report to Managing Director for his information.

6.       Associated Documents

  • F-1-1         Business Development Plan
  • F-1-2         Business Development Report
  • F-1-3         Enquiry Form
  • F-1-4A      Delivery Order Form
  • F-1-4B       Demand Form
  • F-1-5         Weekly Payment Recovery Report
  • F-1-6         Comparative Statement
  • F-1-7         Daily Performance Report

Business Development & Marketing



(For the period                       to                    )





Name of Organization Contact Person Address & Tel. No.

of contact person

Dates to Contact Expected Revenues



















Prepared by Marketing Executive                                          Verified by Manager Marketing


Sigs:                                                                                        Sigs:

Date: –                                                                                     Date: –



(For the period                       to                    )


S. No. Name of Organization






Prepared by Manager Marketing                                                        Verified by Manager Finance


Sigs:                                                                                                    Sigs:

Date:                                                                                                   Date:


Reviewed by  Director

Sigs: –

Date: –



S. No. ­                        




Enquiry No & Date/

Ad’s Newspaper & Date

Quotation No & Date Enquiry Received Through:

Tel          Fax            Mail


Personal Visit         Tender

PART A (Client’s Details)


Name of client: ____________________________________________________


Designation:     ____________________________________________________


Organization & Department: __________________________________________________


Tele:                                     Fax:                                    Email:


Address: ___________________________________________________________________


Bid Documents Required:       Yes             No                     Cost of Docs, if any: ______________


a). Collection Date: __________ b). Submission Date: _________ c). Opening Date: _________

PART B (Client’s Requirements)

Type of equipment required:                                      Item Description:                     Qty

_____________________                                     ______________                     ____

_____________________                                     ______________                     ____

_____________________                                     ______________                     ____

_____________________                                     ______________                     ____

_____________________                                     ______________                     ____

Marketing Executive Assigned:                                           Assistant Manager/Marketing Manager

Sigs & Date:                                                                                              Sigs & Date:

PART C Follow Up:

Documents collected on(date): _____________

If late, Reasons:_______________________________________________________________

If late, then person responsible: _____________            Sigs:                           Date:

Draft prepared on: _____________                                Sigs:                            Date:


Draft received by Marketing Executive:                         Sigs:                            Date:


                                    Required:                                       Suggested:

Delivery Period:          ____________                              ____________


Validity:                      ____________                              ____________


Warranty:                    ____________                              ____________


Terms of Payment:      ____________                              ____________


Additional requirements of Customer, if any: _______________________________________


Sigs: Marketing Executive                                                                                  Date:


Sigs: Managing Director/Marketing Manager                                                    Date:

Date Price finalized: _____________                 Earnest money required: _____________


CDR form Raised on (Date): _____________

Earnest Money received by Marketing Executive?           Yes                         No.


If No, Reasons: _________________________________________________________________

Bid ready for submission on (Date): _____________

Opening attended by: __________________________

Comparative statement prepared:                                        Yes:                       No:


Company’s ranking: _____________                                                Sigs: (Marketing Executive)


Case Closed:                                                                       Yes:                           No:

If Yes, result with reasons:________________________________________________________




Sigs:(Marketing Executive):                                   Sigs: (Managing Director/Marketing Manager)

Date:                                                                        Date:

Enernest Money Realeased on (Date): _____________




Marketing Executive                                                              Manager Finance

Date:                                                                                       Date:

S. No.: _______                                                                                                  

F – 1 – 4A


Invoice No:      _____________                                 DO No.                                  


Client’s Name: _____________                                 DC No.                                  

Telephone No.                                    

Organization:  ________________________________________________________________


Address:          ________________________________________________________________


Quotation Number & date:                                          Marketing Executive:                         _______


Date Order Received:                                                             Target Date:                ______

Order No.:                                                                   Order Date:                            



S. No. Description          Specification/ Model Code


Remarks (If Any)

AGP Card
Sound Card
Modem Card
Network Card

Marketing Executive               Manager Technical                  Assistant/Manager Marketing

Sigs:                                        Sigs:                                        Sigs:

Date:                                       Date:                                       Date:

Are all items available in store?                      Yes:                       No:

If no, date requisition form raised:                

Date:                                                                           Sigs:( Manager Logistics)

Date all items provided to Manager Logistics:           ________


Sigs:(Manager Procurement)                                       Sigs:(Manager Logistics)

Date:                                                                           Date:

Items received by technical department on:               _______          Sigs:(Engineer)



System ready and checked on:                       ____                            Sigs:(Engineer)

QC label affixed after final inspection on (Date):                              ____


Date:                                                                           Sigs:(Manager Technical)

System handed over to Manager Logistics for delivery on (Date):                ____


Date:               Time:                           Sigs:(Manager Technical)              Sigs: (Manager Logistics)

Marketing Executive informed on (Date):                  ____


Date:             Time:                           Sigs:(Manager Logistics)              Sigs:(Marketing Executive)

Delivery Challan & Invoice Prepared on: Date:                                 Time:              



Sigs: (Accounts Officer)                                             Sigs: (Marketing Executive)

Invoice and other requisite documents in order for submission to Client on (Date):             ____

Time:                                                                           Sigs:(Marketing Executive)

Equipment handed over to customer on (Date):                     ____


Marketing Executive                                                   Assistant /Manager Marketing


Sigs:                                                                            Sigs:

Date:                                                                           Date:



S. No.                         


Name of person demanding: ________________________________________________


Designation:  __________________________Department: ______________________




To be procured



Description of Items                           Qty



a)…………………………………………….…           ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

b)…………………………………………….…          ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

c)…………………………………………….…           ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

d)…………………………………………….…          ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

e)…………………………………………….…           ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

f)…………………………………………….…           ……..          ………………..     ……….……………..      …….…………..

Dated:………………..                                                 Signature:……………………

Recommended by Concerned Manager………………………………………………………….…

Dated:………………..                                                 Signature:…………………

Form filled & handed over to Manager Finance on  …………….

Dated:………………..                                                 Signature:……………………

Received form duly filled  on …………………….    Sig. (Manager Fin.)…………….




(For the period                       to                    )


Name of the Marketing Executive: – _________________________



Name of the Client

Recovery Type

Invoice/ Quotation No.


Total Value

Amount Received

Sigs Accounts Person






















Prepared by Marketing Executive                              Verified by Manager Finance


Sigs:                                                                                        Sigs:

Date: –                                                                                     Date: –

Checked by Assistant/Manager Marketing







Name of Organization: ___________________________    Quotation No:      __________


Submission Date:         ______________                               Opening Date:      __________


Earnest money:            ______________                               Place of opening:  __________


Number of participants:  ____________                                Eligible Bidders: ____________


Opening attended by:       _________________________


S. No.             Company

















S. No. 1: _________                                                   S. No. 4: _________


S. No. 2: _________                                                   S. No. 5: _________


S. No. 3: _________                                                   S. No. 6: _________


Prepared by (Marketing Executive)                Checked by (Assistant/Manager Marketing)


Sigs:                                                                Sigs:

Date:                                                               Date:



(To be filled by each marketing executives & submitted to Asst. manager marketing one hour before pack-up everyday)

Dated: ____________________




Client & his address

Tel &




Prepared by Marketing Executive                                          Verified by Asst. Manger Marketing


Sigs:                                                                                        Sigs:

Date:                                                                                       Date:



Manager Marketing





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