Termite Control Perfect Method Statement for Anti Termite Treatment

Termite control method statement covers the detailed procedure to be followed for anti termite application under footings, grade slabs, crawl places, around structures, at expansion joints, control joints and the areas where slabs will be penetrated. This procedure shall be read in conjunction with project/contract specification wherever applicable.


Below is the equipment involved in anti-termite works:

  • Can
  • Safety gloves
  • Mixing Machines
  • Power sprayer
  • Securing pin
  • Contra Insect 480
  • 500 liter Tank

The capacity / size of the above equipment shall be judged in accordance with site conditions, requirements, and availability at the time of execution.


The applicator must follow the HSE precautions before spraying the pesticide chemical, which are as under:-

Applicator shall wear the protective gloves, protective glasses, protective boots or shoes and protective clothing during mixing, loading and application.

Applicator shall be used respirator with filter A or A/P for the protection of breath.

Workers will use complete personal Protection equipment PPE as per the project safety plan.

Employees shall attend Safety Induction and training Course to identify all Hazards associated with this termite treatment work.

All workers shall be provided with proper tools and equipment to execute the work safely.

MSDS (material safety data sheet) shall be displayed at work location as appropriate

Roles & Responsibilities for Termite Control

Project Manager

Ensuring that the project works in his zone are carried out in accordance with Company policies and in accordance with the requirements of this Quality plan.

Ensuring the full compliance of subcontractors with Company Quality policies and with the requirements of this Quality plan.

To ensure that the subcontractor performs the work as per the contract requirements.

To co-ordinate with the Construction Manager, Project Engineer, Safety Engineer, Foreman and Surveyor for a safe and proper execution of the works.

To guide specific attention to all safety measures in co-ordination with the safety officer/engineer.

Construction Manager

Ensure area is ready and safe to start the works.

Arrange the required visit by the termite treatment subcontractor.

Ensure the works are carried out according to the specification, quality and approved shop drawings.

Liaise and co-ordinate with the Project Manager for the agreed sequence of works with respect to the construction program.

Allocation of required manpower through co-ordination with the Project Manager.

Ensure that the risk assessments for the work is understood by all and implemented on site.

Provide sufficient and safe access for operatives, trucks and pumps.

Take precautionary measures with regards to protecting works from hot weather, wind, rain and sun.

Project Engineer

The engineer shall carry out his duties in a manner that shall be coordinated by the project manager on a daily basis, and shall ensure proper distribution of the workforce and equipment at required locations.

Coordinate with the subcontractor on location and the quantity of area to be treated.

To co-ordinate with the Safety Officer to maintain safe working and proper housekeeping of the site. To comply with the safety measures and ensure that all Safety Officer Teams are aware of the same to prevent accident and loss.

Monitor and check all activities and ensure that works shall be carried out according to specifications, quality and approved drawings.

To inform the QC Inspector of the areas ready for inspection.

QA/QC Engineer / Inspector

Ensuring that Consultant/Client inspection requests are implemented.

Compilation of all necessary quality control checklists.

Assisting client inspectors and consultants during the inspections.

Coordinating with the third party lab regarding tests and results.

The control of work performance by means of checking the work before consultants’ inspection and issuing RFIs & punch lists as necessary.

Completion of documentation to verify the work performed.

Controlling all inspection activities on site in line with ITPs.

HSE Engineer/Officer

Provide the risk assessments for the works in hand.

To ensure implementation of all safety measures related to the nature of works being carried out, and in accordance with the Project Safety Plan.

Ensure that all the persons involved in the works are aware of their responsibilities, and that they have enough understanding of the safety procedures.

The safety officer in co-ordination with the Project Manager shall ensure that all the implemented safety measures are effective enough to maintain safe working on the site.

To maintain continuous inspections of the site activities, advise and train persons on a daily basis to prevent accidents and personnel injury.

Give special concern to housekeeping, and ensure that the site is maintained clean and tidy.

To ensure all the relevant safety sign boards for different works are in place.


Ensure the material/supplier approval obtained from the Engineer. The material approval shall be as per the standard project anti termite control specifications.

Before chemical application, all extraneous sources of cellulose and other edible materials such as wood debris, tree stumps, root stakes, construction soil and waste wood shall be removed from the treated areas.

All foreign matters and impermeable soil material which decrease the termite treatment effectiveness shall be removed from the treated area.

Formation shall be compacted and tested prior to the application of anti termite.termite control and anti termite treatment procedure

Manufacturer’s instructions/procedures including dilution and application shall be strictly followed during termite control application.

The treated areas shall be covered with polythene sheet as soon as the treatment is completed.

Treated areas shall be kept undisturbed as per manufacturer recommendation in order to allow chemical to bind strongly with the soil.

In case if the soil removed from the treated areas and rains after the treatment, the areas shall be treated again in order to restore the continuity of the chemical barrier.

Anti Termite Treatment Stages

The anti termite treatment works shall be carried out in four stages during the construction of building, which are as under:

Termite treatment to Soil under substructure slabs.

Treatment to Soil along the External Perimeter of the Building

Mixing of Chemical

For every liter of chemical 49 liters of water shall be mixed. In plain horizontal surfaces a 5ltr/m2 dose shall be applied. For trenches and edges a 6ltr/m dose shall be used.

Chemical Application

The one 5 liter dose Chemical shall be added to the 500 liter tank. The pump machine shall be set to 20bar pressure that shall produce a flow of 5 liters per 15seconds. So, in 15 seconds an area of 1 sq. m will be covered. For the linear meter applications the pump shall be set to 15 bar pressure to produce a 6 liter per 20second flow and this shall cover a distance of one linear meter.

Treatment to Soil under Slabs at Plinth Level

The treatment to soil under slabs at plinth level shall be carried out into following sequence

Termite Control Perfect Method Statement for Anti Termite Treatment

Foundation Termite Control Treatment

A trench 200 x 200mm x total perimeter, along proposed foundation shall be excavated.

Application of termite control along trench shall be done with 6 liters per linear meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water using 1:49 ratio.

Backfill of trench up to existing foundation level shall be done in preparation for second application of termite treatment.

Upon completion, 5 liters per square meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water (1:49 ratio) shall be applied.

On completion, the treated area shall remain undisturbed for two hours. After two hours polyethylene sheets can be placed over the treated area.

Preparation for structural works shall be done only within 24 hours for the anti-termite application to remain effective.

Under Pile Cap

On the cleared and levelled ground the anti-termite treatment shall be done using 5 liters per square meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water using 1:49 ratio.

On completion, the treated area shall be covered with polyethylene sheets after two hours from application.

Preparation for structural works shall be done only within 24 hours for the anti-termite application to remain effective

Ground Beam/PCC

Application of termite control chemical shall be done at the rate of 5 liters per square meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water at a ratio of 1:49 and covered by polythene sheets after 2 hours.

Preparation for structural works shall be done only within 24 hours for the anti-termite application to remain effective

When the ground beam/pick shall be cast, excavate a trench 200 x 200mm along the perimeter of ground beam/ PCC. The Anti-Termite treatment shall be done with 6 liters per linear meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water using 1:49 ratio.

After completion of anti-termite application the trench shall be backfilled.

Termite Control for Slab on Ground

Excavate a trench 200 x 200mm along perimeter of the slab.

Application of Anti-Termite shall be done with 6 liters per linear meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water using 1:49 ratio. After completion, the trench shall be backfilled and levelled.

Application of Anti-Termite shall be done with 5 liters per square meter of Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed with water using 1:49 ratio along the substructure slab area.

On completion, the treated area shall be covered with polyethylene sheets after two hours from application

Termite Treatment to Soil along the External Perimeter of the Building: Soil around utility pipe openings, floor drains, expansion joints, electrical conduit entry point shall be sprayed at a rate of 6liters/linear meter with Contra Insect 480 TEC mixed in 1:49 ratio with water.

Checklist For Anti Termite Control Application:

Sub-Contractor/ Applicator Verification Check Sub-contractor’s approval.

Applicator is a licensed PCO.

Material approval Check Material approval.

Check termite control product certificate signed by the Manufacturer are available

Incoming material inspection Check and ensure that all delivered materials conform to approved material submittal.
Preparation of strata Substrata is free of foreign materials and impermeable soil matters
Mixing Mixing to be done as per approved method statement and manufacturer recommendation
Areas of application –       Slab-on-Grade (SOG)

–       Foundations

–       Crawlspaces

–       Masonry

–       Penetrations

Rate of application Check as per manufacturer recommendation and approved method statement of termite control.
Protection Ensure that 1000 gauge polyethylene sheet has been laid under the SOG and PCC below footing.
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