Standard Termite Control, Treatment and Application Requirements

This document covers termite control using approved insecticides executed in accordance with all applicable regulations in force in the country of project. Following documentation shall be submitted for the approval of consultant.

Product Data: Treatments and application instructions

Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of termite control products certifying that treatments furnished comply with requirements.

Qualification Data: For firms and persons to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with names and addresses of projects, names and addresses of architects and owners, and other related information.

Termite Control Applicator Qualifications

A licensed PCO (Pest Control Operator) having license to apply termite control treatment with authorities having jurisdiction where Project is located. The Sub-Contractor should be experienced and has completed termite control treatment for projects similar this Project with a record of successful in-service performance. The PCO should have a experienced workers trained and approved by bait station system manufacturer to install manufacturer’s products.

Regulatory Termite Control Requirements

Formulate and apply termiticides, to comply with the authorities having jurisdiction. Provide termiticide complying with requirements of Authorities having jurisdiction, in a soluble or emulsible, concentrated formulation that dilutes with water or foaming agent, and formulated to prevent termite infestation.  Use only soil treatment solutions that are not harmful to plants. Contractor shall provide MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) of the termiticide

Site Execution Requirements for Termite Control

Examine the site and proceed with termite control chemical application only when it is in satisfactory conditions as per the requirement of the manufacturer.

General Preparation: Comply with the most stringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and with manufacturer’s written instructions for preparing substrate. Remove all extraneous sources of wood cellulose and other edible materials such as wood debris, tree stumps and roots, stakes, formwork, and construction waste wood from soil and around foundations.

Soil Treatment Preparation: Remove foreign matter and impermeable soil materials that could decrease treatment effectiveness on areas to be treated. Loosen, rake, and level soil to be treated, except previously compacted areas under slabs and footings. Termiticides may be applied before placing compacted fill under slabs if recommended by termiticide manufacturer.

Fit filling hose connected to water source at the site with a backflow preventor, complying with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction.

Application of Termite Control – Soil Treatment

Mix soil treatment termiticide solution to a uniform consistency. Provide quantity required for application at the label volume and rate for the maximum specified concentration of termiticide, according to manufacturer’s Label, to the following so that a continuous horizontal and vertical termiticidal barrier or treated zone is established around and under building construction. Distribute the treatment evenly. Anti Termite treatment shall be provided to all the following elements/areas:Termite Control & treatment requirements

  • Slabs-on-Grade.
  • Foundations
  • Crawl Spaces
  • Masonry
  • Penetrations at expansion joints, control joints, and areas where slabs will be penetrated.

Avoid disturbance of treated soil after application. Keep off treated areas until completely dry. Protect termiticide solution, dispersed in treated soils and fills, from being diluted until ground-supported slabs are installed. Use waterproof barrier according to Label instructions. Post warning signs in areas of application and provide safety supervision. Reapply soil treatment solution to areas disturbed by subsequent excavation, grading, landscaping, or other construction activities following application.

Soil Termite Treatment Application Report:

After application of termite control treatment submit report for the Employer’s record and information, including the following as applicable:

  • Date and time of application.
  • Moisture content of soil before application.
  • Brand name and manufacturer of termiticide.
  • Quantity of undiluted termiticide used.
  • Dilutions, methods, volumes, and rates of application used.
  • Areas of application.
  • Water source for application.
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