Construction Safety Procedure to Keep Children Away from Hazards

This construction safety instruction provides two-fold direction to assist in preventing children from entering the construction / mining site and being exposed to harm and to prevent underage personnel from working on the project.

Procedure is applicable for all kind of projects especially in the context of children safety and child labor.

Additional control measures may be required depending on project and country local requirements.

Child is generally a person under the age of 16 years, depending on the relevant country legislation.

Overall the project manager and site safety Incharge are responsible or the implementation of this standard procedure.

Apart from the labor laws of the country and restricting underage personnel from working on the project, there is an increasing danger to children coming onto the project outside of working hours and being exposed to danger and injury.

Some of the causes of accidents to children range from falling into holes, being drowned, being trapped by falling earth, falling from heights or materials falling onto children.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment

The hazards of construction/mining sites are such that children should not be permitted on site except for properly supervised educational visits etc.

All reasonable steps should be taken to prevent access of children to site and any children found on site should be escorted beyond the site boundary.

The hazards found on construction sites vary and thereby site management should identify areas where children would be particularly vulnerable.

Risk Checklist for Children on Construction Site

Falls into excavations, manholes, pits, sumps, shafts etc. that have not been covered or protected.

Children falls from scaffolding open edges, stairwells etc. which have not been protected.

Falls from ladders, which have not been removed or altered to prevent access.

Gaining access to plant, transport, machinery, which has not been positioned properly or isolated.

Climbing onto stacks of material or playing with manhole rings, pipes and cable drums that allow movement.

Tunneling into piled sand or soil which could then be undermined and collapse onto children.

Exposure to unsecured hazardous chemicals, e.g. solvents, acids etc.

Gaining access to electricity supplies.

Control Measures to Prevent Children Entering the Construction Sites

A fence should be erected enclosing all construction activities.

This fence to be at least 2m high and be such that it is not easily climbed, i.e. close boarded or mesh not exceeding 30mm in size.

Any gates in the fence should be locked when the site is unoccupied or security guards provided.Construction Safety Procedure to Keep Children Away from Hazards

Materials should not be stacked near to the outside of the fence, thus providing easy facility for climbing.

Suitable warning notices should be prominently displayed.

Where it is known children are gaining access to site through or over the fencing, or when it is impractical or unreasonable to provide a permanent fence, additional attention to the following control measures may be necessary:

Excavations, openings, shafts etc. exceeding 2m in depth or 1m in depth where particular hazards exist, e.g. Water, starter bars etc. should either be filled, securely covered or fenced.

Temporary access to elevated areas should be removed to safe storage when site is unoccupied.

Electricity power supplies if practicable to be isolated during hours of non-working

All machine cabs should be locked.

Machinery should be switched off before being left unattended.

Starting handles/ignition keys should be removed and where possible plant should be immobilized before being left. (Lock-out Facility)

All tools, which are liable to cause injury, should be locked away at the end of each shift.

Materials should be stacked in such a way that they cannot be easily displaced.

Harmful or hazardous substances should be locked away when site is unoccupied.

Gas supplies should be isolated or protected, and cylinders stored or placed in a lockable, ventilated enclosure when site is unoccupied.

Fuel supplies (i.e. diesel for site plant) should be locked off at the end of the working day, to prevent unauthorized release of their contents.

Good housekeeping to be maintained.

All timber to be de-nailed.

Children on Construction Sites Checklist

Children on Construction Sites Checklist

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