Lock Out Tag Out LOTO Construction Safety Isolation Procedure

This lock out tag out procedure shall help companies to establish a standard for the safe isolation of machinery, equipment and any other energy source which may need isolation by means of a lock-out tag-out LOTO system.

Overall the project head / project manager is responsible for the implementation of this standard  hse procedure as per the chain of command.

Definitions and Abbreviations

Isolation: Where a piece of machinery, equipment or process has been rendered inoperable due to the removal of the electrical, mechanical or other damaging energy at a predefined isolation point.

Out of Service Tag:  A yellow and black tag that is placed on a piece of equipment/machinery to indicate that the equipment is inoperable and/or should not be used.

MCC: Acronym meaning Motor Control Center

Personal Danger Tag: A black, red and white tag that is placed on the isolation point of a piece of equipment/machinery to indicate that an employee is physically working on such equipment.

Lock Out Tag Out LOTO Isolation Procedure

Prior to any work commencing on electrical / mechanical equipment on the work site, the following instruction should be adhered to at all times to protect personnel from injury and / or protect the equipment from further damage. Failure to adhere to these procedures will result in disciplinary action as detailed in below section of this Instruction.

Commonly there are two types of tags used on the construction projects: Lock-Out Procedure – Protection of Equipment only & Lock Out Facility – Protection of Personnel only.

Lock-out Procedure/Facility

a) A proper Lock-out Procedure/Facility to be in place to render Equipment/Machinery in operable.

i. The equipment is defective in some way

ii. The equipment has a fault, which could cause injury or harm to you or other persons, or may cause damage to that equipment.

iii. Repairs to the equipment are incomplete or the equipment has been left unattended in an unsafe positionLock Out Tag Out Procedure Checklist

iv. The equipment has been removed from service to allow access for maintenance inspection or servicing.

b) The Lock-out Facility signifies that the equipment must not be used or operated except in the usual course of maintenance and repair.

c) Any person who finds fault with equipment and/or is leaving equipment in an unsafe condition should place a Lock-out Facility. Persons should notify their supervisor of the placing of a Lock-out Facility and the reasons for placing it.

d) Clearly mark the lock-out facility with the name of the person placing the tag along with the time and date.

e) Place the Lock-out facility on machinery in such a way that no one can operate the machine without the operator viewing or touching the tag (i.e. on a master switch, valve handle, or ignition).

f) Lock-out Facilities should only be removed after the machine has been repaired and inspected, and only by a qualified person affecting the repair.

Lock-out Facility Key and Pad Lock:

A Pad lock and key which is in the possession of the Person carrying out the work used to warn potential users of a machine rendered inoperable.


a) Isolation of machinery / equipment can only be carried out by the personnel who are trained in repairs and maintenance of such equipment. Depending on site requirements, certain types of equipment may only be isolated by approved persons (i.e. Manager etc)

b) All isolation, (where possible) should be performed at the main source of energy. For all electrical isolations, the isolation should be performed at the workshop. For mechanical isolations, the isolation should be performed at the main source of the energy. Remote isolations should only be performed when isolation cannot be performed at the main source of energy.

Prior to Isolation

Prior to the isolation being performed, the following must be carried out:

i. Check the work area and identify the task to be performed

ii. Job Safety Analysis conducted and procedure written

iii. Approval from Shift Manager / Supervisor to begin work.

Isolation Procedure

a) The authorized person should isolate the equipment at the primary source of energy (Workshop) and then place a lock out tag out facility in place.

b) Employees will then place their padlock on the switch/valve. The employees will retain the key to their padlock at all times. Do not place a lock in the last hole of the hasp. Additional hasps are placed in this last hole.

c) The employee will then place their ‘Personal Danger’ tag on their padlock. The employee will ‘prove’ isolation by attempting to start the isolated equipment. This is to ensure that isolation has been carried out correctly.

d) The employee will enter appropriate details in the Isolation Book (ie. Name, date, start time, etc).

e) The employee will then proceed to carry out the required task.

Completion of Task

a) At the completion of the task and after checking to ensure that the area is safe, the employee is to return to the point of isolation and remove their ‘Personal Danger’ tag and padlock.

b) Once all locks and ‘Personal Danger’ tag are removed, the work area is to be checked and the ‘Out of Service’ tag removed.

Task Incomplete

If the event of the job task extending past normal working hours or into the next shift, the following additional procedures should apply (as appropriate):

i. Changing Shifts

Prior to all employees removing their padlocks and ‘Personal Danger’ tags, the Supervisor should place a ‘Supervisor’s’ lock on the hasp to ensure that equipment cannot be started whilst in an unsafe condition. The key to this lock should be handed over to the incoming Supervisor.

ii. Other

The ‘Out of Service’ tag should remain in position until the equipment has been repaired and inspected and approval has been given to return the equipment into service

Disciplinary Proceedings if LOTO is Violated

The isolation procedures are written to ensure the safety of personnel is not jeopardized and the following disciplinary procedures should apply.

Intentional Removal of another Person’s ‘Personal Danger Tag’

First Offence is the dismissal from job.

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