Method Statement for GI & PVC Conduit Installation Including Accessories

Below is a comprehensive method statement for GI and PVC conduit installation which can be used for purpose of any project and it can be approved easily by consultants because it covers all aspects of a standard conduit installation method.

We have also given the download link for method statement for GI and PVC conduit installation which will help you to easily modify the word and excel files that also include ITP, inspection checklists and risk assessment etc.

1. Purpose

This document describes the method statement for conduit installation which includes GI & PVC conduits and accessories for any kind of the construction project.

Procedure will ensure that all concerned persons are familiar with the sequence of activities, utilization of resources, and execution of the works in compliance with applicable project safety and quality procedural requirements, project legal documents and specifications.

2. Scope of Works for Installation of GI Conduits

This method statement is intended to outline the activities and the methods used for the installation of electrical conduits and accessories.

Installation activities will be carried out in accordance with the contract details and in full compliance to the contract specifications and documents.

All work within the rights-of-way of the standards and specifications will be done in compliance with requirements issued by authorities.

3. Legislation and Code of Practice

All related codes and standards referenced in the project electrical specifications.

4. Reference

5. Definitions

GI: Galvanized Iron

PVC: Polyvinylchloride

ITP: Inspection and Test Plan

6. Resources

6.1. Equipment / Tools: Following tools shall be arranged for the site construction works.

  • Bending machine
  • Die sets
  • Measuring tape
  • Screw driver
  • Chalk mate thread
  • Oil
  • Drill machine
  • Screw driver

6.2 Safety of Equipment’s

Necessary measures will be taken for the safety of the equipment and any other works affected by the works covered in this document.

Relevant entities which might require protection include any such works in the vicinity of the area of work or on the service access or discharge path.

The construction team will ensure that any such requirements are documented.

 7. Health, Safety & the Environment

The hazards identified in the risk assessment will be controlled under the overall Project Safety Plan which is a separate document communicated to all parties on the project.

Personal Protective Equipment

The works covered under this document require that the PPE must be used as required.

Safety Training and Emergency procedures

Before commencing any conduit installation work, all employees will attend a site safety induction training to ensure all safety measures are understood and implemented and to cover specific procedures in case of emergency.

If necessary, practical training exercises will be conducted on escape routes, signage, evacuation and rescue etc.

First Aid

Prior to the commencement of work, arrangements will be made for medical facilities and medical personnel to be available from prompt attention to the injured person.

The contractor’s vehicle assigned to the job site will be used for transporting the injured person to the first aid station and to the nearest hospital when required.

8. Methods for GI & PVC Conduit Installation

General Procedure for conduit installation is given below after which area wise details are provided like method statement for conduit installation in slab, walls and exposed areas etc.

Steps for exposed GI conduit installation on walls & ceilings etc.

Step 1: Take the following drawings approved for construction.

  • GI conduits layout complete with section details.
  • MEP coordination drawing complete with section details.
  • Architectural DrawingMethod statement for GI Conduit Accessories

Step 2: Procedure for GI Conduit Installation

Check the route of GI conduiting to make sure that it is free from debris and obstruction of any other activity.

Arrange scaffolding of sufficient height which is checked by scaffolding inspector/ safety officer before using the same for installation.

Mark the reference points on wall/ column as per civil architectural drawing.

Identify the circuit start point and end points to mark the conduit route as per approved drawings.

Make hole in wall/concrete using drill machine for rawal plug, fix rawal plug inside hole and then fix base of saddle by screw at every 2 meter span.

Use recommended and approved GI conduiting & bends as per site condition and drawing. Remove sharp edge of cut length of conduit by filing.

Install conduits and all accessories as per approved shop drawing and tight with saddle and screw, make joints using threaded fittings.

Installation of GI conduits shall be checked by internal quality engineer as per drawings and quality of installation before offering consultant/client for inspection.

Conduits are not to cross pipe shafts, vents or opening.

Additional threaded cuts on GI conduits are to be painted with zinc based coating resistant to corrosion.

Approved clamps to be used for the supports.

Maximum spacing of supports for different conduit sizes to be clarified.Method Statement For Conduit Installation GI Conduits

Conduits on walls are to be run neatly, horizontally or vertically.

Conduits are to be used for exposed installations over false ceilings when the false ceiling is used as return plenum.

Conduits is to be used for all installation in elevator machine room and shafts, electrical equipment rooms, parking floor, solid waste rooms, etc.

All works on site will be as per electrical specifications and as per applicable electrical wiring regulations.

The risk assessment mentioning necessary control measures shall be attached to this method statement to follow and implement the requirements

Method Statement for PVC Conduit Installation In Concrete Slab

Following tools should be arranged before starting the job.

  • Dia (20 & 25 ) mm pipe Bender
  • Mini Hacksaw Frame with Blades
  • Choke Lime Powder with sufficient length of Thread
  • 500gm Hammer
  • Measuring Tape
  • End Cutter ( Kalwa )

PVC Conduit Installation Steps in Slab

  • Ensure that the civil people have finished ply/post tension work on the slab.
  • Arrange the approved shop drawings for the area of installation.
  • Mark first the wall location for lower floor in slab as per latest Architecture layout so that it will be easy to locate the drops for switch, thermostat and any other drops required for electrical system.
  • Mark the opening size in Electrical Room and Telephone room as per approved electrical drawing.
  • Mark the Electrical points on the slab as per approved Electrical Layout and fix proper shape and size of the Circular Box with the help of nail/mess in case of plywood slab and provide steel bar chairs for fixing the box in case of post tension slab.
  • Just after completing the first layer of steel, start PVC conduiting work with different sizes of conduit based on electrical system requirements and as per drawings.
  • Always loop the two way switches with 20 mm conduit as the number of wires will be more and only switch drop pipe will not be sufficient for pulling all these wires.
  • Try to avoid the overlapping of conduits and keep some distance between the conduits for low current and power/Lights.method statement for pvc conduit installation
  • Just after completing the work tight the conduits with binding wire and mark the circuit numbers. identification for the raised pipe in slab for upper slab to be done for power, TV and telephone systems and closing the mouth of pipe with the help of masking tape .
  • The site Engineer/Foreman should check the proper size of conduit and circular box, opening size in both Electrical and Telephone room and be sure the work is completed as per approved Electrical shop drawing.
  • Before the concrete pouring the PVC conduit installation to be inspected and approved by consultant/client/contractor.
  • During concrete pouring, keep electricians for taking care of conduit to avoid any damage by others or dislocation of joints.

Method statement for conduit installation (GI Box & GI/PVC Conduit in Walls)

Following tools should be arranged before starting the job.

  • 9” Grinder with cutting disc
  • Mini Hacksaw Frame with Blades
  • White chalk /Marker
  • 1 KG Hammer
  • Measuring Tape
  • Sprit Level
  • Water Level Pipe
  • Point & Flat Chisels
  • Trowel
  • Pipe Bender
Method Statement for Conduit Installation inside the Wall – PVC
  • Ensure that the civil people have finished block wall and clearance is given to proceed for electrical works.
  • Check the required reference markings are available for FFL (finished floor levels).
  • Mark the location of switch/socket and conduit route on proper height based on approved shop drawing.
  • Ensure the box size and accordingly cut a bit larger size of box in marked place of block wall with sufficient depth.
  • Start cutting the marked place for conduit run with the help of grinder and chip with hammer after cutting.
  • Fix the GI Metal box of appropriate size and level with the help of spirit level.
    Method Statement For pvc conduit installation in wall
  • The bottom portion of box should match the marked level as per consultant approved height for switch/ socket and/or as per local applicable wiring regulation requirements.
  • Apply cement filler to fix the box properly and leave for setting, insert the required lengths of conduits on their paths and don’t connect with boxes until next day.
  • Next day, after setting of box connect the dropped conduits for switch/socket to the box.
  • Make sure the conduits are not visible from outside their route which could lead improper plastering.
  • Before the plastering work issue the inspection requests for client so that approval can be taken.

    Quality Inspection and Testing

    The work area shall be maintained neat and tidy as reasonably practical at all times.

     Executed works in areas where other works are still being carried out shall be protected as per the contract requirements.

     In accordance with the project quality plan, necessary records will be maintained as documentary evidence of the establishment of this electrical method statement.

    All the in process works shall be monitored for quality of workmanship and installation against approved shop drawings by the relevant supervisor.

    Installation works shall be inspected for conformance to project electrical specifications.

    The inspection formats shall be used in accordance with the requirements of the main contractor.

    An inspection request for the PVC & GI conduits and boxes shall be submitted one day prior to the consultant.


    • Inspection & Testing Plan ITP
    • Installation Checklists
    • Risk Assessment
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