Project Approvals – Statutory and Regulatory Requirements for Construction Projects

This procedure describes the requirements on statutory approvals to ensure all necessary regulatory and statutory project approvals are obtained in a timely manner to support engineering activities, construction activities and project completion etc.

The process related to statutory/regulatory project approvals is described below, all parties shall  allocate sufficient cost, time and resources for this activity as applicable.

The project engineering manager may nominate a responsible person to manage this process. Often, this process is managed by an external consultant who may be nominated by the Project engineering manager as the lead consultant.

The Project Engineering Manager or the Lead Consultant is responsible for all communications with statutory authorities.

Project Approvals Requirements

As early as possible, preferably at the pre-contract stage, a Regulatory and Statutory Approval Matrix detailing the required Regulatory and Statutory Approvals shall be developed and agreed to by the Project Engineering Manager and the client.

During the course of the project the status of Regulatory and Statutory Approvals shall be indicated on this Matrix and should include the following details:

All documentation that is required to be submitted and / or approved by the statutory and regulatory authorities.

The planned dates for document submission, the dates that approvals are required and the ‘actual’ dates which is also indicated in the project schedule.

The party and person who is responsible for obtaining the necessary approvals.

The project approvals matrix shall be agreed to by the Client as early as practically possible so that all parties are aware of their responsibilities.

Approval Process Status Tracking

The Project Engineering Manager, with input from the Lead Consultant shall ascertain the payments that are required for the respective Regulatory and Statutory authorities. The Lead Consultant shall advise whether the payments are contributions, fees or deposits.project approvals procedure for construction projects

If there are deposits, the due date for the return of the deposits shall be recorded.

The Regulatory and Statutory approvals status shall be regularly updated, as a minimum this shall be done monthly or more frequently if required.

Status of the project regulatory approvals processes shall be reported in the project monthly report.

A separate meeting shall be held on a regular basis to discuss the status of all necessary Regulatory and Statutory approvals, application, requirements etc.

All Vendors and Sub Contractors shall be advised of their requirements regarding Statutory Approvals and the need for them to co-ordinate the design and execution of his works with all statutory authorities.

During the development of the design, the inputs from Statutory Authorities shall be obtained and the process of design development shall address such inputs.

The Regulatory and Statutory Approvals Status shall be integrated into the Project Completion Plan as and when this is developed.

Approval Documentation

 The final approved drawings shall be compiled into one folder for ease of reference and for handing over to the Client and Owner.

The final approval associated with the issuance of the relevant certificates shall be filed separately for easy access and a copy shall be filed in the respective regulatory and statutory file.

At the end of the project, the Regulatory and Statutory Approval documents shall form part of the End of Project Report.

Related Records

Regulatory and Statutory Approval Matrix

Project Monthly Report

Project Completion Plan

End Project Report

Regulatory and Statutory Files

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