Central Battery Emergency Lighting System – Electrical Installation Method Statement

This document describes the methodology for the installation of emergency Lighting central battery System in any kind of project.

Following this electrical installation method shall ensure that all concerned persons are familiar with the sequence of activities, utilization of resources, and execution of the works in compliance with applicable Safety and Quality Procedures, and project documents and specification.

Method statement is intended to outline the activities and the methods used for installation of Emergency Lighting System or central battery system.

All the electrical installation activities will be carried out in accordance with the contract details and in full compliance to the contract electrical specifications and relevant documents.

The work within the rights-of-way of the local municipal governments will be done in compliance with requirements issued by those agencies.

References, Legislation and Code of Practice

  • IEE Wiring Regulations.
  • NFPA 72.
  • All related codes and standards referenced in the contract specifications
  • Electrical Specification General Requirements.
  • Electrical Specification Emergency Lighting System
  • Contract Related Drawings, Codes & Standards.

Necessary Equipment’s and Tools

  • Crane, Trolley, Chain Block, Rollers etc.
  • Hand Tools
  • Flat Files
  • Measuring Instruments
  • Ladders/Scaffolding
  • Drilling Machine
  • Standard Electrical Tool Box
  • Hand Gloves, Fall Protection Equipment (and other PPE as necessary)

Necessary measures will be taken for the safety of the equipment and any other works affected by the works subject of this document.

Relevant entities which might require protection include any such works in the vicinity of the area of work or on the service access or discharge path.

The construction team will ensure that any such requirements are documented.

Health, Safety and Environmental Requirements

A task based risk assessment and mitigation strategy shall be prepared and attached to this method statement.

The electrical installation work will commence as per safety regulations laid down in the contract specification and project HSE plan.

Safety gears / personal protective equipment shall be used as appropriate according to the nature of the job, for electrical works, provide non-conductive tools and PPE.

Working on live power cables/equipment is not allowed.

ELCB shall be used in temporary panel boards; industrial connectors/sockets for temporary power cable connections.

Always maintain cleanliness in work areas. Housekeeping shall be of good standard and all cut pieces and debris shall be removed by the end of workday.

Make sure that all lifting operations are carried out as per approved procedures and safety regulations.

Ensure that adequate barricade and signage “DANGER KEEP-OUT, HEAVY LIFTING IN PROGRESS” is provided around the affected area. Work will be executed through Permit to Work system.

All scaffolding shall be checked by competent person and should carry green tags “safe to use”, prior to use for working purpose.

All plant tools tackles will have valid certificate. Lifting machines, appliances and gear to be examined by qualified rigger and come with valid certification.

Workers working at height to wear their full body harness and should be anchored to a rigid point. Nobody is allowed to stand on the top of the step ladder; worker should stand two rungs below from top of the step ladder. A co-worker must hold the step ladder while in use. Work inside shafts are not allowed without work permit and supervision. Work areas to be provided with proper lighting and ventilation at all times.

Store tools and equipment and unused materials stacked in a safe area at the end of the workday.

Method statement / risk assessments to be briefed to all concerned personnel and signed as read /understood.

Safety Training and Emergency procedures

Before commencing any works, all employees will attend a site safety induction training to ensure all safety measures are understood and implemented and to cover specific procedures in case of emergency. If necessary, practical training exercises will be conducted on escape routes, signage, evacuation and rescue.

First Aid

Prior to the commencement of work, arrangements will be made for medical facilities and medical personnel to be available from prompt attention to the injured person. The contractor’s vehicle assigned to the job site will be used for transporting the injured person to the first aid station and to the nearest hospital when required.


All documentary requirements for this purpose shall be submitted for approval and this shall include Manufacturers data, certificate of compliance, brand designation, type and class including samples.

method statement for emergency-lighting

Pre Installation Requirements

All workers to attend safety induction conducted by main contractor and given specific Training on the safe installation methods.

Install emergency lighting system as indicated on the approved shop drawing and as per specification and according to manufacturer’s recommendation.

The Site Supervisor/Foremen will also check that proper tools and equipment are available to carry out the work and are in compliance with contract specification.

Site Supervisor also explains to the tradesmen regarding safety the precautions to be observed.

Inspection and Guidance

Many of the installation requirements included in the procedures will come from the Supplier. Care should be taken to ensure that the requirements of the manufacturer and any of his technical manual (s) have been included.

Ensure the specified test on plant and equipment will not invalidate the manufacturer’s/supplier’s warranty.

The Supervisor will complete the inspection checklist and follow the Inspection & Test Plan detailed in this procedure.

The intent of this procedure is to establish a high level of assurance that the end product meets the specification requirements.

The QA/QC Inspectors should verify the approved procedures are followed and the inspections and testing records are completed.

Training & Qualification of Personnel

All operatives will attend safety induction along with the relevant document copies i.e. valid visa company ID copy, and copy of previous experience and training in the same job which proves his competency.

Supervisor shall closely monitor the activity, if he finds any operative is lagging on safe work competency, he will send him for re-induction and even retraining if necessary.

Examine the areas to execute the work and the site conditions. Identify conditions detrimental or unsafe for the proper and timely completion of the Work. Do not proceed until the correction of unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions.

Inspection and Storage of Construction Materials

Submit Notification of Permanent Material Received on Site i.e. Material Inspection Request upon receipt of materials delivery to site. Attach Delivery Receipt, Material Submittal Approval and other documents to show complete compliance with specifications and QA/QC Plan.

Any material found not as of approved material or with surface damage which is not rectifiable will be set aside. These materials will be labelled and returned to supplier warehouse and a Non-conformance Report will be issued to the supplier by QA/QC engineer.

Deliver and store materials in manufacturer’s original packaging labelled to show name, brand, type and grade.

Store materials in protected dry location off-ground in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

Survey and check site for material delivery accessibility.

Lay down area at site to be coordinated with main contractor and arrangements to be made for unloading and / or mobilization of materials.

Ensure all the hoisting chain / belts are in good condition and checked by specialist third party and valid certificate are to be provided prior to any lifting activity unloading of materials at designated storage area and ensure no blockage to any access.

Ladders / Scaffolding to be secured firmly over the working platform and inspected by competent personnel and tagging system (green/red) are implemented, prior to start of work.

Prior to commencement of work, the Engineers & Supervisor/Foreman will inspect all materials delivered to work place with their shipment check list and ensure they are the relevant piece for the site and materials are not damaged, without excessive scratches or visible corrosion.

Only required materials to be shifted to site and stored temporarily and ensure extra materials are not dumped to site and congest the working area.

Once work is completed extra materials and tools to be return back to stores, work area to be kept clean.

Installation Procedure / Sequence of Work

Make sure that conduiting / raceways for central battery & emergency lighting system are already installed and approved.

Surface Mounted Luminaries (Emergency & Exit lights)

Make sure the wall or ceiling is ready, clean and in acceptable condition prior to fixing the luminaries.

Install luminaries as per latest approved emergency lighting layout drawings and as per manufacturer recommendations, with all connections/wiring. Height & location to be as per approved drawings.

Make sure the type and size of the wire is correct as per specification, approved material submittal and civil defense requirements.

Ensure the raceways or conduits used for the emergency lighting are not used for other systems.

Make sure the wiring is done as per manufacturer wiring diagram unless otherwise indicated.

After the installation is complete cover the luminaries with polythene plastic as protection against dirt, moisture, paint and other construction debris.

Recessed Mounted Luminaries (Emergency & Exit Lights)

Make sure the wall or ceiling is ready, clean and in acceptable condition prior to fixing the luminaries.

Install luminaries as per latest approved reflected ceiling plan layout, emergency lighting layout drawings and as per manufacturer recommendations, with all connections/wiring. Height & location to be as per approved drawings.

Make sure the type and size of the wire is correct as per specification, approved material submittal and civil defense requirements.

Ensure the raceways or conduits used for the emergency lighting are not used for other systems.

Make sure the wiring is done as per manufacturer wiring diagram unless otherwise indicated.

After the installation is complete cover the luminaries with polythene plastic as protection against dirt, moisture, paint and other construction debris.

Central Battery Panel & Central Monitoring Unit

Install central battery panel and central monitoring unit based upon the latest approved layout drawings and manufacturer recommendations.

Ensure the position and orientation of the panels is as per approved general arrangement shown on the approved detail drawings.

For central battery panels, make sure holes are provided on the base plate of the cabinet for floor anchoring or bolting to a fixed base.

Use appropriate size of bolts/anchors for fixing the central battery panels and make sure panels are leveled and plumbed.

Either cable tray or trunking should be available to contain all the home runs above the panels.

Wiring and connections shall be done as per panel manufacturer’s wiring diagram unless otherwise indicated.

Other components of the central battery system shall be installed as per manufacturer catalogue and instructions provided with them and included in material submittals.

Containment for the CBS Cabinets shall be done as per the requirement of the emergency lighting system and approved containment shop drawings.

Panel board shall be located and installed with the maintenance distance for the accessible doors to open and close without any restrictions.

After the installation is complete cover the CBS panels with polythene plastic as protection against dirt, moisture, paint and other construction debris.

Construction Programs.

All site construction activity will follow the main site progress program.


The work area shall be maintained neat and tidy as reasonable practical at all times.

Protection of Executed Works

Executed works in areas where other works are still being carried out shall be protected as per the contract requirements. 



Overall Resp.



Short Description

Project Manager
Construction Manager
Project Engineer
Site Engineer


Land Surveyor
Safety Engineer
QA/QC Engineer
MEP Coordinator
General Foreman  
Charge Hand




In accordance with the Quality Management System, the following records will be maintained as documentary evidence of the establishment of this method statement:

Records to be retained


Minimum Retention Period


Work Notification( If required) Construction Manager As per Contract Requirements
Request for Inspection( RFW ) QA/QC Engineer As per Contract Requirements

Inspection and Testing Requirements

The engineer should verify that the supervisor/foreman with construction responsibilities for installation is familiar with this method statement and is issued with copies of the inspection checklists and test plans.

The engineer should satisfy the procedures provided by QA/QC inspections to ensure the as-installed condition of the Emergency Lighting System installation meets the specified engineering requirements and approved drawings.

As part of the assessment, the QC Inspection Procedures must ensure a quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining the prescribed activities have been accomplished satisfactorily.

The QC inspection personnel, in coordination with Site Supervisor, should verify that the quality of the related Emergency Lighting System installation activities is within the prescribed criteria.

The Supervisor should verify any as-built record of Emergency Lighting System installation, and confirm that the information meets the project requirements.

Quality Control Engineer along with Project Engineer and Site Supervisor will monitor that all components are installed as per contract specifications, manufacturer instructions and approved submittals.

Request for Work Inspection Request (WIR) shall be submitted by Site Engineer to QA/QC Department for verification and inspections.

Readable stamped approved drawing to be available during installation and inspection.

QA/QC Department will forward WIR to QA/QC for inspection and approval in accordance with ITP.

All the equipment’s engaged for testing shall have a valid calibration and certificate should be furnished.

Related Forms

As per standard checklists for inspection of installation and testing checklist provided by supplier.


  • Inspection & Testing Plan
  • Check lists for installation
  • HSE Risk Assessment

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