This document covers the procedure to establish a method statement for all lifting activities for any kind of project especially laying of large transmission pipelines.
The purpose of this document is to follow proper methodology and to carry out the activities and sequence of lifting works for laying of transmission pipelines at any kind of project.
This safe works method details the followings,
- Responsibilities
- Organization
- Manpower & Equipment
- General
- Lifting
- Lifting
- Risk Assessment
References & Standards
- Work Place Safety And Health Act
- Work Place Safety And Health(General Provisions) Regulations
- Work Place Safety And Health(Construction) Regulations 2007
- WSH(Operations Of Cranes) Regulations 2011
- Code of practice for the safe use of mobile cranes
- Specification for personal fall arrest system
- Code of practice for safe use of machinery
- Code of practice for working safely at heights
- Project Quality Plan
- Project Safety Plan
Roles and Responsibilities
All personnel delegated to the work would have undergone the relevant mandatory and project specific in-house training, and all personnel would be competent for the tasks that they will be carrying out.
Supervisory personnel will act as “lead person” by following and guiding the team.
Project Manager
- Undergone Project Manager’s Safety Course and possess valid certificate.
- Familiarize himself with the company’s environmental, health and safety management system and ensure its effective application.
- Take prompt corrective actions to remove any unsafe or unhealthy work conditions and to maintain effectively such corrections made.
- Ensure good housekeeping is practiced on
- Ensure that environmental, health and safety is planned into all
- Review all working methods and process, both new and existing to see that all environmental, health and safety are
- Act as Chairman to the site safety, health and environment committee and conduct monthly site committee inspection and meeting.
- Participate in all incident investigation and dangerous occurrences
Project Engineers
- Familiar himself with the Company’s environmental, health and safety management
- Review any new or changes in processes, equipment and materials to ensure that safety, health and environment are not disregarded.
- Establish and maintain a program for the identification and assessment of hazards.
- Assist in the investigation of every serious or fatal accident and dangerous occurrence and recommend preventive measures.
- Ensure that method statements, hazard analysis and safe work procedures for hazardous operations must be submitted by the sub-contractors prior to commencement of work on site.
HSE Coordinator
- Undergone Building Construction Safety Supervisor Course and WSH Co-coordinator Course possess valid Certificate.
- Ensure that all rules and regulations as stipulated in the WSHA (Construction) Regulations are met.
- Inspect and rectifying any unsafe place of work and unsafe
- Checking sub-contractors work to ensure compliance with the WSHA (Construction)
- Liaison with sub-contractors with respect to environmental, health and safety works undertaken by them.
- Assist the Safety Manager, Workplace Safety and Health Officer and Environmental Control Officer in all safety, health & environment matters.
- Carry out site safety, health and environment programs and procedures.
- Assist in organizing safety, health and environment awareness activities such as toolbox meetings, safety, health and environment orientation, safety, health and environment promotional activities, etc.
- Ensure that issuance of personal protective equipment are properly recorded and
- Coordinates and assures compliance with the Risk Assessment Program
Lifting Supervisors
- Undergone Lifting Supervisor Safety Course and possess valid certificate
- Possess relevant experience in lifting operations for a period of not less than one year before the appointment as a lifting supervisor.
- Co-ordinate all lifting activities.
- Supervise all lifting operation by a mobile crane or tower crane in accordance with the lifting plan.
- Ensure that only registered crane operators, appointed riggers and appointed signalmen participate in any lifting operation involving the use of a mobile crane or a tower crane.
- Ensure that the ground conditions are safe for any lifting operation to be performed by any mobile crane.
- Brief all crane operators, riggers and signalmen on the lifting plan.
- If any unsatisfactory or unsafe conditions are reported to him by any crane operator or rigger, take such measures to rectify the unsatisfactory or unsafe condition or otherwise ensure that any lifting operation is carried out safely.
Crane Operators
- Undergone Crane Operator’s Training Course and possess valid certificate.
- Before the start of every work shift, to carry out operational tests on all limiting and indicating devices under no load conditions before any lifting operation is carried out and shall enter the results of such tests in a log book or log-sheet.
- To ascertain whether the ground conditions, in particular the ground surface on which a mobile crane is to be operated, are safe for travel or any lifting operation; and if he is of the opinion that it is not safe for travel or any lifting operation, he shall report this to the lifting supervisor.
- To ensure that any outrigger when it is required is fully extended and secured.
- Not to carry out any lifting operation unless he has been briefed by the lifting supervisor on the lifting plan.
- Not to hoist any object if he is unable to ascertain the weight of the load.
- Not to hoist any load unless he has received a clear signal from a signalman.
- Not to engage in any act or manoeuvres which is not in accordance with safe and sound practice.
- Not to hoist any load if there is any obstruction in the path of manoeuvre and if there is any such obstruction, he shall report this immediately to the lifting supervisor.
- Not to manoeuvre or hold any suspended load over any public road or public area unless that road or area has been cordoned off.
- Not to operate a mobile crane or a tower crane within 3 meters of any live overhead power line.
- Not to use the crane for any operation for which it is not intended, including pulling or dragging a load
- To ensure that any stationary truck mounted or wheel mounted crane is adequately and securely blocked while it is on a slope.
- To report any failure or malfunction of the crane to the lifting supervisor and to make an appropriate entry of the failure or malfunction in the log book or log-sheet of the crane.
- Appoint a rigger in a workplace unless the person has successfully completed rigger training course acceptable to the client.
- Check the slings to be used for slinging the loads to ensure that the slings are of good construction, sound and suitable material, and adequate strength and free from patent defect.
- Ensure that an adequate number of legs of the sling are used and that the slinging angle is correct so as to prevent the sling from being overloaded during the hoisting.
- Determine the weight of the load which is to be lifted and inform the crane operator of the weight of the load;
- Ensure that only proper lifting gears are used in conjunction with the sling.
- Ensure that the load to be lifted is secure, stable and balanced.
- Ensure that any loose load (which includes any stone, brick or tile) is placed in a receptacle to prevent the load or part thereof from falling during the lifting operation.
- Place adequate padding at the edges of the load which come in contact with the sling so as to prevent the sling from being damaged; and
- Report any defect in the lifting gear to the lifting supervisor.
- Undergone Signalman’s Training Course and possess valid certificate.
- Ensure or verify with the rigger that the load is properly rigged up before he gives a clear signal to the crane operator to lift the load.
- Give correct and clear signals to guide the crane operator in the maneuver of the load safely to its destination.
- He will be in-house trained, always equipped with a whistle and hi-visibility vest.
- Assist in assessing the ground conditions prior to the entry of equipment/ machinery/vehicles.
- Use standard signals to guide the movements of machinery/equipment/vehicle at/to the location of works to be carried out.
- Communicate to the drivers/operators during the movements of the machinery/equipment/Vehicle.
- Station full time on site assisting in guiding all vehicular movements on site.
- Report any incidents/accidents to his immediate supervisor, power gas site/safety personnel.
- The movements of machinery/equipment/vehicle will be stopped during the absence of the banksman to prevent any incidents on site.
- The operator/driver must be able to see the banksman during the communication process.
- The banksman must be stationed in such a way not to be in the line of fire (front, behind or in-between) of the equipment movement.
Foremen/ Supervisor
- Responsible for the safety, health & welfare of all workers either assigned or not assigned to him but may be working temporary in his area.
- Ensure that workers know safety, health and environment rules and regulations, follow safe job procedures and be aware of all major hazards associated with their work and work areas.
- Maintain satisfactory standards of housekeeping in his assigned area.
- Investigate all incidents to worker(s) and/or equipment in his area and assist Workplace Safety and Health Officer to put up accurate incident report on all such investigation.
- Ensure that all workers working in his area use the appropriate personal protective
- Accepting individual responsibility for their own safe behavior as well as sharing responsibility with their fellow workers and line supervision to look out for their own as well as their co-workers.
- Work in a safe manner at all times.
- Complying with HSE requirements which apply to an individual’s work activities.
- Keeping the work area in an orderly condition.
- Wear PPE provided to them and inspect it daily.
- Comply with work instructions and permits.
- Attend daily tool box/pre-task meetings.
- Inspect all tools before use and on a daily basis.
Necessary Equipment’s Tools and Resources
- Crane
- Trailer
- Personal Protective Equipment’s
- Pipes & Fittings
- Pipe Supports
- Belts
- Sling
- Chain Block
- Hoist
- Shackle
- Ropes
Man Power
- Project Engineer 1 person
- Safety Coordinator 1 person
- Lifting supervisor 1 person
- Crane operator 1 person
- Rigger man 2 persons
- Banks man 1 person
- signal man 1 person
- General worker 2 persons
Preparatory Work
Ensure that the document received bear the stamp “Issued for Construction” and are of latest revision.
The documents submitted/referred with this method statement shall be considered as an integral part of this method statement and shall be read in conjunction with the same.
The crane operator will be required to attend the in-house safety Induction at site.
Lifting Supervisor & crane operator will check & plan the travel routes prior to mobilization. Ensure travel routes & access to the jobsite is in good condition and free from obstruction.
Check and confirm crane set-up positioning.
The engineering drawings and documents received shall be clearly understood to find out the service, material specification, size, thickness, pipe routing quantity etc. line wise and area wise.
Make sure that all the Pre-Construction formalities, approvals, and preparations are done sufficiently in advance to start the lifting activity as per the schedule.
A checklist of all requirements shall be made internally to avoid any omission of them.
All equipment to be used in the work should be initially checked and approved by power gas’s authorized personnel.
Working area shall be barricaded with proper devices & warning signs to display.
Unauthorized person are not allowed in the area barricaded off.
Workers shall wear appropriate PPE for the task.
Safety Coordinator & supervisor shall be present at all time during work activity.
Work Execution Method
All lifting tools, equipment’s and ropes used for lifting shall be inspected and certified by WSH regulations. Activities shall be done according to the proper method statement for lifting.
Submit method statement and RA for review and approval by the client before commencing the mentioned work.
Upon mobilization of crane in to the site, the copies of crane operator’s license, LM certificate and test certificate of lifting gears will be obtained from the crane operator, verified and kept for records.
Lifting Supervisor must verify that the strength / condition of the lifting gears and equipment’s are adequate and they are certified with the safe working load. No lifting operation shall be performed when the load exceeds the safe working load.
Only authorized persons and personnel involved in the lifting are allowed in the lifting operation area. Critical lifting operation area and other areas with potential hazard/danger must be cordoned off to prevent access for all unauthorized personnel.
Positioned the Crane near the designated area and steel plate should be place over the landed of the crane out-rigger.
Lifting plan shall be filled up and attached with load chart and LM certificate shall be submitted during application for permit.
Apply the lifting permit before work commence. Lifting supervisor will conduct tool box and brief the safe lifting operation before work start.
Prior to Lifting Works, it must have an approved Lifting permit and Lifting Plan. Which indicate the type of cranes & lifting gears accessories indicated. The lifting plan must be attached with the lifting permit and display in the lifting area.
Lifting supervisor shall conduct tool-box meeting / pre-work briefing about the risks, hazards and available control measures, using the risk assessment.
Positioned the trailer near the designated area and proper and adequate clearance should be maintained between the fence and the trailer.
Trailer must be secured with hand brake.
Before starting the lifting work, the assigned people must wear proper PPE and adequate safety procedure must be implemented.
All employee and worker involved in the work should first undergo training or safety induction.
Contractor shall employ an experienced, competent and responsible Lifting supervisor to plan and execute lifting operations.
Barricade the marked location scheduled for lifting operation with safety signages.
Use the crane operator’s and lifting supervisor’s checklist before lifting operation.
Special care shall be taken when a crane has to operate on soft or sloping ground or close to the sides of trenches. Outriggers and sufficient heavy timber blocks or plates must be used and carefully placed to ensure stability.
To Provide safe work during lifting of pipes, there are consideration which take according to weight of the pipe.
The site supervisor should prepare the site area to be clean and clear from obstruction.
Rigging work shall be performed under the direction of the lifting supervisor.
The load shall be controlled by means of tag lines to prevent the load from turning or swinging.
For hoisting or lowering of loose materials such as stones, bricks, tiles, slates and bolts & nuts, safety nets or sand bucket or other suitable containers will be used to contain any drops.
Wire rope shall be replaced when the following critical condition is observed:
- Area of broken wire exceeds 10 % of the total area in one strand.
- Reduction in diameter exceeds 7 % of original diameter of wire rope.
The communication between crane operator and the signalman will be established by using hand signals / walkie-talkie in the case of remote places where the operator has no visibility.
Suspended loads are not to be left unattended.
When the crane is not in use the hook will be raised up to a safe height away from any moving vehicles, machines or person.
Safety equipment must be always present and ready for immediate use.
HSE Manager shall ensure that the work is performed in accordance with the approved health and safety manual and precautions specified in the work permit. He shall ensure that barricades, warning tapes, warning signs, firefighting equipment’s and first aid kits are readily available at the working area.
Tool box talk shall be conducted on a daily basis to inform the workers of the recent safety issues and incidents and to get feedback of any unreported unsafe acts. Feedback will then be processed and resolved.
Safety Procedures
Area shall be barricaded adequately with warning signs.
All Equipment’s and tools shall be checked for good conditions before commencing the work.
Unauthorized persons shall be excluded from the area.
Adequate caution boards and warning signs shall be provided.
On completion of job, the area shall be cleared of any materials and keep clean and tidy.
Hazard analysis for hazardous operation shall be carried out prior to commencing the works.