Construction Project Quality Plan Basic Requirements & Template

Below are basic sections that can form a good project quality plan for construction sites.

1. Introduction

Construction Quality Control Plan (CQCP) for any kind of project is implemented to ensure that construction procedures are performed in compliance with the plans and specifications under the contract requirements. The CQCP provides means to maintain effective quality control at the project site.

The quality control measures as presented herein include quality control organization; methods of performing, documenting, and enforcing quality control operations of both the main or primary contractor and all the subcontractors. A good project quality management plan also covers inspection and testing, planned inspections to be performed; and protocols for corrective actions.

Overall quality management of the construction project will be the responsibility of the Contractor’s Quality Control Manager (QCM). He will have the authority to act in all construction quality control matters and will be responsible for ensuring that all materials and work comply with the contract specifications.

All inspection and testing firms will be at the disposal of the QCM to ensure that all aspects of work are compliant with the contract. The QCM will report any deviations from the CQCP independently to the On-site Project Manager. The resume of the Contractor’s designated QCM is submitted for approval prior to mobilization to the construction site.

2. Project Description

This section covers details about the project its title, scope of work, building sizes etc.

3. Project Organization & Job Descriptions

The contractor’s proposed project organization for this project and the resumes of key personnel, along with their job titles and job description, should be submitted for review and approval.

Below is list of mandatory personnel for a typical project.

  • Project Director/Manager
  • Construction Manager
  • Quantity Surveyor
  • MEP Manager
  • Project Engineers (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical)
  • QA/QC Manager / Engineer
  • HSE Officer
  • Supervisors
  • Foremen

4. Project Quality Control Methods

Construction Quality Control Plan will be implemented in order to ensure compliance with the specifications for construction as detailed in the contract specifications. The basis of the CQCP is nationally recognized standards published by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Project Specifications. In addition, procedures utilized within the CQCP should reflect the experience gained by the main contractor in completing construction projects similar the new project.

Quality control measures will extend to field sampling procedures; staffing; types of material and equipment to be used; and methods of performing, documenting, and enforcing quality control operations of both the contractor and subcontractors (including inspection and testing).

As previously stated, implementation of the construction quality plan will be the responsibility of the QCM. The QCM will be responsible for ensuring that all materials and work comply with the contract specifications.

Quality manager will have field inspectors/engineers at his disposal to assist him with the on-site inspections. Third party testing firms will be at the disposal of the quality control manager to ensure contract compliance in all aspects of work. All reports from testing firms will be forwarded to the project quality manager for his review and approval.

Project quality control manager is responsible for implementing the construction quality control plan by ensuring that quality materials and supplies are provided for the proposed project, and that good workmanship is provided in all aspects of the contract. The QCM will report directly to the On-site Project Manager and will complete daily site inspections to ensure compliance with the quality control specifications.

Daily reports will be completed listing all field inspection, testing and sampling activities. These reports will be submitted to the client representative on a daily basis. Quality engineer will be responsible for ensuring that all materials and work comply with the contract plans and specifications, and that all performance standards are met.

It is anticipated that the client representative and the contractor’s quality leader will meet frequently in order to forecast and/or prevent any potential problems from arising. An on-site quality control meeting will be conducted on a weekly basis as part of the weekly progress meeting in order to review performance during the previous one-week period, and prepare for the upcoming two-week period.

Quality control manager will record project activities in a daily quality control report maintained on site at all times. All site activities, site inspections, and field testing of materials will be recorded on a daily basis, along with any unacceptable site occurrences or deficiencies and their associated corrective actions. Each daily entry into the report will be signed by the QCM. Quality control reports will be submitted on a daily basis during all field construction activities.

5. Project Quality Inspection Requirements

To ensure that all construction activities comply with the project specifications, the site quality manager will complete, in conjunction with the subcontractors, three phases of site inspections for each feature of work. These inspections will include the following:

Phase 1: Preparatory Inspections

Preparatory inspections will be performed prior to beginning of the work on any definable feature of the project and will include:

  • Review of submittal requirements and all other contract requirements with the performance of the work;
  • Check to assure that provisions have been made to provide required field quality control testing;
  • Examine the work area to ascertain that all preliminary work has been completed;
  • Verify all field dimensions and advise client/consultant of any discrepancies;
  • Perform a physical examination of materials and equipment to assure that they conform to approved shop drawings or submittal data and that all required materials and/or equipment are on hand and comply with the project contractual requirements.

Subsequent to the preparatory inspection and prior to commencement of work, the contractor shall instruct each applicable worker on the level of workmanship required to meet contract specifications.

Phase 2: Initial Inspections

Initial phase inspections will be performed as soon as a representative portion of the particular feature of work has been accomplished. Initial inspections include, but are not limited to, examination of the quality of workmanship; review of control testing for compliance with control requirements; and identification of defective or damaged materials, omissions, and dimensional requirements.

The initial phase inspection is the time to discuss and agree on the required level of quality associated with a given work activity. Any discrepancies relative to work quality should be addressed at this time.

Phase 3: Follow-Up Inspections

Follow-up inspections will be performed daily as work progresses to ensure continuing compliance with contract requirements, including control testing, until completion of the particular feature of work. Final follow-up inspections will be conducted and deficiencies corrected prior to beginning new work.

Site quality team will notify consultant at least 24 hours in advance of any inspections. Notification and meeting minutes of all inspections will be recorded in the Daily Quality Control Report.

6. Field Quality Testing Procedures

The contractor will conduct field-testing to verify that control measures are adequate to provide a product that conforms to contract requirements. Field testing will be conducted under the auspices of the quality manager or his designee, he shall:

  • Arrange for, or conduct, field testing in accordance with applicable test parameters (ASTM etc.).
  • Verify that facilities and testing equipment are available and comply with testing standards and ensure that testing facilities are approved and are validated.
  • Check test equipment calibration data against certified standards.
  • Verify that all tests are documented and submitted as part of quality control system reporting.
  • Review all test documentation prior to submittal.

7. Technical Submittals Procedure

Project team will follow standard procedures concerning submittals, including the use of the transmittal forms etc.

Each submittal form may contain more than one submittal specific to that specification section.

A submittal register listing major submittals will be prepared in conjunction with the anticipated progress schedule.

The QCM will be responsible for the review and approval of submittals prior to their submittal to client representative. This includes reviews of materials and suppliers’ catalog cuts, as well as subcontractor submittals.

Quality control engineer/manager will review the submittal for completeness and compliance with the contract specifications. Variations to a submittal will be noted on the transmittal form. The QCM will actively participate during procurement activities to ensure purchase orders and subcontracts comply with the main project contract.

8. Quality Documentation Requirements

All testing results will be recorded on the daily quality control report. Any concerns or deviations from the required material specifications and the actions taken to correct the problems will be noted on the report. Information recorded on the daily quality control report will include:

Definable features of work that was addressed.

Description of trades working on the project.

Numbers of personnel.

Weather conditions.

Types and numbers of tests performed.

Results of testing.

Nature of defects or cause for rejection.

Proposed corrective action(s).

Corrective action taken and date.

Delays encountered.

Directions received from the Engineer and actions taken.

Health and safety issues or deficiencies and how they were resolved.

Any Deficiencies.

9. Revision to Work

Contractor will be responsible for ensuring total compliance of field work to the project specifications.

Should modifications or revisions to the specifications become necessary, the contractor will make the request, in writing to the consultant.

Approval from consultant must be received prior to allowing the modifications or revisions to be made in the field.

The quality control manager will be informed of and record all such requests in his daily log and on the daily quality control report.

10. Definable Features of Work

Listed below are the general categories and types of work that will be performed under this contract. These items, known as Definable Features of Work, have been grouped into the various categories in which work will be performed, and correlate to measurement and payment.

Suitable quality control methods and procedures will be utilized in order to ensure that all work is performed to the standards and quality required by the project specifications.

The following are the definable features of work that will be performed under this contract:

Pre-Construction Preparation Activities


Site Preparation

Tire Pond Management

Clearing and Grubbing

Demolition and Removal of Above Ground Items

Excavation of Impacted Fill Material

Transportation and Disposal of Impacted Fill Material

Backfill/Utility Replacement



11. Attachments

project quality control daily report format

You can download construction quality control plan from our download page by visiting this PQP page.

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