Room Integrity Test For Fire Suppression System FM-200 Inergen Vesda Novec

The objective of this document is to ensure that the room integrity tests in the 200 Bar gas fire extinguishing protected rooms are carried out correctly.

FM200 room integrity test will ascertain, whether the room will retain the design concentration of the FM 200 or Inert fire suppression gas for a period of 10 minutes.


  • Canvas Sheet
  • Air Current Fan unit
  • Set of tools
  • Sampling tubes c/w fittings (set)
  • 15 meter – Extension Reel
  • Digital Manometer Battery
  • Digital Manometer 200/2000 Pa
  • Digital Thermometer
  • Measuring Tape
  • Tile Lifter
  • Hacksaw Blade



  • Ensure that the necessary work permit (if required) is obtained.
  • Barricade the area.
  • Inspect the room thoroughly for any openings not sealed, windows / doors opened.
  • Ensure that the HVAC system is switched off and all the inlet / outlet dampers are closed.

 NOTE: The air-conditioning / ventilation system must be closed during the test. The required isolation duration will be around 2 hours for each protected area.

Foam System Testing & Commissioning


Integrity test procedure involves the fitting of a variable speed fan unit into an existing doorway by means of an adjustable door frame.

The fan is used to pressurize and depressurize the enclosure with a known / measured quantity of air of very low pressure.

Leakage is quantified by measuring the air flow rate and the developed pressure within the enclosure.

A computer is used to calculate the “effective leakage area” (ELA) which is the sum total of all leakage sites within the perimeter of the enclosure.

The test is essentially a two part test.

The first part of the test uses a fan that quantifies the leakage areas within the enclosure and provides a calculation of the effective leakage area (ELA).

The second part of the test involves the use of a computer model to predict whether the INERGEN gas would be held for a specified period.

Personnel can be inside the enclosure during tests however, they must remain inside until tests are completed.

Part 1: FAN TEST

Ensure all pre-works were completed.

Complete the fit-out of adjustable door frame and fan unit in door way. Connect the manometer and the pressure sampling tubes.

After the equipment set-up, finalize preparations for the actual test.

Fix the sign stating “DO NOT ENTER / CLOSE DOOR – FAN TEST IN PROGRESS”. The sign shall be posted in English.

Fill the integrity test record form except the readings to be taken during the test.

Take the readings of static pressure within the enclosure as appropriate.

Perform Depressurization Test – the fan to be switched on and by varying the quantities of air blown into the protected enclosure, it will create negative pressures within the enclosure.

Perform Pressurization Test – the fan to be switched on and by varying the quantities of air blown out of the protected enclosure to create Positive pressures within the enclosure.


Following the completion of the Pressurization and Depressurization tests, the readings taken are entered into the computer along with the details of the INERGEN gas fire extinguishing system and calculation of the effective leakage area (ELA) are made as well as the prediction of the INERGEN gas retention time on the basis of design parameters.

In case the enclosure does not hold 10 minutes retention time, then the client may need to obtain services of Specialist Company to seal the protected enclosure.

After completion of the above, the room can be turned back to its normal stage.


Upon completion of the room integrity tests, a full report shall be prepared and test results shall be compiled by the Engineer.


  • Obtain work permit.
  • Barricade the restricted area before testing.
  • Wear necessary PPE.
  • Only authorized persons are allowed to enter inside the testing room.
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