Risk Assessment Template and Risk Matrix Download Links

You can download hazard identification, risk matrix and risk assessment templates from below links.

These are the templates that you can use for conducting the risk assessments for any kind of activities related to any industry like  manufacturing, production and construction etc.

These risk assessment template files are in Word Document format .docx and you can make changes as per your requirements.

At the end of risk assessment template section we have given a complete risk assessment for the installation of electrical works that shall also help you understand that how you can also utilize the risk assessment matrix etc.

1. Hazard Identification Checklist/Form

This is very initial form where you need to identify whether the hazard exists or not and just tick the respective box. The completed form will just show you what type and kind of hazards are associated with the activity which you are going to perform safely.

For more details on how to identify the hazards you can read our detailed article on risk assessment process step-1.

The sample hazard identification and risk assessment form is shown here and also another hazard identification form document is given in word format which you can download by clicking the below link.

Click to Download Hazard Identification Form

2. Risk Assessment Form

After identifying the hazards related to any activity now you need to find out quantitatively the value of initial or actual risk without any control measures.

After suggesting control measures recalculate residual risk that will be less because you have suggested some control measures.

You will need the risk assessment matrix for finding out the likelihood and severity of the occurrence.

For more details on how to estimate likelihood and severity of a risk refer to our article on risk assessment process Step-2.

The sample template of risk assessment form  is shown and the same can be downloaded in the word format without any watermark by clicking the below link.

You can right click and select Save Link As.


Click to download risk assessment form

3. Risk Assessment Matrix

The risk assessment matrix is used for estimating the probability or likelihood and severity of occurrence of an unwanted event.

While deciding the value every personnel involved in the activity should be invited to give his opinion and decide about the value.

There can be many other versions of the matrix but we found the one very useful that is given below that can be used for health safety and environmental risk assessments.

The sample risk assessment matrix is shown below word document of the same can be downloaded by clicking the below link.

risk assessment template for electrical testing and commissioning

Click to Download Risk Assessment Matrix

Risk Assessment Template for Electrical Installation

Assessed by: Name: Position: Date:

Description Of Work:

 Electrical Equipment Installation
Task / Job Component Hazard Risk Persons at risk Risk Rating L/M/H Controls / Precautions to Reduce Risk Residual Risk

Rating L/M/H

Loading, transportation and offloading of GIS materials Fall of goods / damage to goods, personnel injuries.

Traffic obstruction.

Damage to vehicle/ property.

4*4*=16 Installers, technicians and labourers H Proper lifting technique shall be used while lifting of goods.

Proper manual techniques shall be implemented while handling goods.

Goods shall be packed as per convenience of transportation, stacking and handling.

Name of the goods shall be labelled categorized for identity.

Goods shall not protrude more than the transporting vehicle space allocated for it.

Goods transported shall be in approved container specified

Right goods shall be transported in approved container

Vehicle carrying goods shall be rated for the load and verified periodically for performance

All lifting accessories and tackles should be in good condition and third party certified.

Lifting tackles regularly inspected, color coded.

Use competent and approved operators

Swinging area to be barricaded with signage to restrict unauthorized entry.

Loading transportation and offloading of panels Fall of goods/ damage to goods

Traffic obstruction

Damage to vehicle

4*3=12 Installers, technicians and labourers H Proper lifting technique shall be used while lifting of goods to vehicle or during offloading.

Proper manual techniques shall be implemented while handling goods.

Goods shall be packed as per convenience of transportation, stacking and handling.

Name of goods shall be labelled, categorized for compensation of dues while handling.

Name of goods shall be labelled, categorized for identify

Goods shall not extend or protrude more than the vehicle.

Vehicle carrying load shall be rated for the load concerned and verified periodically for performance.

Right goods shall be transported in right vehicles.

All lifting accessories and tackles should be in good condition and third party certified.

Lifting tackles regularly inspected, color coded and regularly maintained.

Use only competent operators.

Do not overload and tie the load before loading.

Strict supervision shall be ensured.

Swinging area to be barricaded.

Installation/fixing of supports. Hand or finger bruise when caught between supports and floors

Back pain:

extensive work on floor by sitting for long periods, bending spine for taking measurements.

4*2=8 Installers, technicians and labourers M Use proper working platform.

Assistance must be there

Avoid working on portable ladder for long duration.

Proper concentration on work.

Keep back bone straight.

Use of appropriate tools.

Defective /incorrect equipment spillage of oil/lubricants. Property damage

Tilting of the equipment’s

Fall of load

Land contamination.

4*2=8 Installers, technicians and labourers M Competent and certified operator to operate the equipment

Equipment should have valid certification

Equipment regularly inspected and well maintained.

Daily inspection for hydraulic leaks should be done by operator

Drip tray to be used to avoid soil contamination

Lack of knowledge of operating equipment Personal injury

Property damage

Tilting of equipment

Fail of loaf

4*4=16 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors. H Use only competent and certified operators for such operations

Operate with competent rigger

All personnel involved shall be briefed about\ method statement and risk assessment before starting activity.

Always ensure load is below SWL

Lack of communication between rigger and operator Property damage and personnel injury

Tilting of equipment

Fail of load



Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors. H Experienced and certified rigger to be assigned

Coordination between operator and rigger through visual contact at all times

Adverse weather condition Personnel injury

Asset damage

3*3=9 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors and equipment M Do not work at heights during strong winds and storms

Deploy only trained workers

Ensure competent supervision

Restart work when it Is safe

Cranes shall cease operation when wind speed exceeds 25 knots or as in manufacture specifications.

Work shall be stopped if humidity exceeds 80ppm and temperature exceeds 50 degrees centigrade.

All measuring instruments like anemometer hygrometer, thermometer should be available with the supervisor during the entire operation..

Overloading Loss of property

Damage to equipment

Personnel injury

3*3=9 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors and equipment M Ensure adequate capacity crane is used

SWL to be displayed on the equipment to be used

Only experienced and certified operator to be deployed

Effective supervision

Prior briefing to operators before starting the activity.

Simultaneous operation Personnel injury

Property damage

3*5=15 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors and equipment H No other activity to be carried out at close proximity

Isolate the swing radius area and proper warning signage to be placed

Proper supervision and briefing.

Adjacent live circuit Electric shock / Electrocution

Flash over

Electric burn

5*4=20 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors and equipment H Use proper insulated hand tools

Conduct Toolbox talk prior to work start.

Place caution boards to adjacent live parts.

Work should be carried under the direct supervision of competent person.

SF6 Gas Installation Leak, Inhalation can cause asphyxiation.

Highly potential greenhouse gas

3*3=9 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors and equipment M Do not vent out the gas into atmosphere.

Contain the gas in designated cylinders.

Adequate ventilation.

Use SCBA in case of leak

In case of leak ensure adequate purging, strictly ensure no entry to trenches or low lying areas if SF6 leaked is heavier gas and displaces Oxygen below.

Accident hit on the transformer parts while working. Body injury 2*2=4 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers  



















Use proper PPE L
Working at Height on top of transformer Fall injury


4*5=20 Installers, technicians and labourers Safe scaffold shall be constructed

Work more than 2-meter height requires to having full body harness with double hook lanyard and retractable fall arrester block.

Use PPE I.e. helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, safety glasses, coveralls etc.

Ensure availability of first aider

Follow approved safety working procedures

Ensure that all precautions for working at heights are taken

Work more than 2-meter height requires to having full body harness with double hook lanyard and retractable fall arrester block.

Use of PPE i.e. helmet, safety shoes, hand gloves, safety glasses, coverall etc.

Deploy only medically fit workers without vertigo

Ensure competent supervision

Ensure availability of first aider.

Falling down by slipping due to the presence of oil Body injury 3*5=15 Installers, technicians and labourers H Clean the oil traces on the transformer.

Keep the floor always clean.

Wear PPE.

Provide proper scaffolding wherever possible.



Contact with chemicals & Oils Skin reaction



3*4=12 Installers, technicians and labourers H Take care while handling chemicals/oil and using chemical and oil resistant hand gloves.

Follow safe working procedures.

Use proper PPE.

Available of first aider with first aid box.

Overpressure inside the tank bursting of the tank

loss of oil

asset damage

4*4=16 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers H keep breather line and valve in the conservator line open and close maintaining of pressure in the machine

Proper maintenance

Bursting of tank Burns due to oil spillage

Land contamination

4*4=16 Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers H Ensure the pressure within the tanks is within safe limits by proper monitoring

Follow manufacturers’ instruction

Improper operation of machine Equipment damage 3*3=9 Equipment L Operate according to the manufacturer instruction L
Uneven /unstable ground Fatality

Equipment damage due to fail.

4*2=8 Installers, technicians and labourers M Ensure ground is firm and stable

Ensure proper soil compaction

Extend the outrigger fully

Keep wooden support beneath outrigger

Provide warning signboards

Ensure availability of banks man during heavy equipment movement

Ensure first aid facility

Manual handling Slipping/tripping of the load.

Imbalance or loss of control

Back pain

Cut injuries/ sprain, etc.

3*3=9 Installers, technicians and labourers M When specifying/ordering material, consideration will be given to manual handling requirement and will be purchased in packages of 25kg or less where possible

When planning the operation/activity consideration will be given to use handling aids where possible

Where the handling load will be above 2kg sufficient number of operatives to be assigned






Operatives shall be explained about manual material handling basics

The surround area will be level and stable where possible and free from tripping hazard.

PPE shall be provided and used i.e. gloves for handling sharp materials and accessories.

Experienced person to handle GIS material and avoid contact with sharp edges

Beware and take extra care about pinch point.

Pinch/nip point: Finger/hand struck between machine/equipment Finger/Hand injury 3*3=9  

Installers, technicians and labourers

M Training in Safe Manual handling practice

Wear personal protective equipment’s like safety helmet, hand gloves, coverall, safety shoes, goggles, etc.

Trained work force

Maintain good housekeeping

Avoid horse play

Cordoned off the area and affix awareness signs boards

Unaware about work procedure Injury to persons

Damage to assets





Installers, technicians and labourers

M Supervision should be present within the duration of work

Skilled and experience workers shall be involved in the activity

TBT Should be conduct prior to start of work

Unauthorized employee not allowed to enter

Qualified first aider to be there in the site

Ensure good supervision

ERP should be communicated with concerned work force

Dismantling of Packing materials Injury to person

Damage to assets

2*2=4 Installers, technicians and labourers L All tools in use should be inspected and ensure that they are appropriate to the task to be performed. L
Maintain good housekeeping and denial all dismantled packing materials.

Remove all scattered nails from the surface.

Do not store the packing materials in the site.

Ladders used must be in good condition.

Wear necessary PPE.

Presence of first aider at site

Use of improper/substandard Tools Upper limbs disorder

Muscular sculptor Disorder

Personal Injury

2*3=6 Installers, technicians and labourers L Ensure use of right type of tools for the job being performed.

All Tools should be Pre-Inspected/calibrated.

Home Made Tools Should not be used.

Routine inspections to check & replace poor conditioned tools.

Periodic rest breaks & job rotation.

Use proper PPE.

Unsafe handling of hand and power tools

/Defective hand tools/ equipment electric shock/poor earth

Major/minor injuries/ propert y damage 4*4=16 Installers, technicians and labourers H Strict supervision required

Only competent person to handle the tools

All electrical installations shall be inspected and tested prior to use

All electrical installation and alterations shall be undertaken by competent electricians only.

Adequate earth and ELCB with 0.03 A shall be provided

Regular inspection of electrical equipment, tool, and connections shall be carried out.

Ensure properly rated cables, sockets are used and safe condition of insulation cables.

Electrical equipment’s shall be away from water to enter inside live wires.

Tools/equipment’s shall have relevant guards fitted

Tools/fittings, alignment and general condition shall be inspected prior to use

Electrocution Injury to person

Damage to assets

Legal issues

5*4=20 Installers, technicians and labourers H All work in the live equipment area shall be carried out with Electrical Permit by authorized party.

Work shall only be under the guidance and supervision of a competent supervisor

Tools shall be double insulated and only 110V tools should be used.

ELCB to be tested before work starts.

Authorized and trained persons to carry out the Job.

Prevent body contact with earthed surface

Ensure adequate information instruction, training for all workers.

Isolate the machine/equipment and to be connected to primary earth and double insulated

Affix sign board and cordoned off the area to avoid unauthorized entry

All construction activities must be prohibited in the panel erection area to avoid conflicting activities

Complete PPE (Goggles, Safety shoes, safety helmets ,coverall ,HV resistance hand gloves )

ERP communicated with concerned work force

Qualified first aider to be there in the site

Entry into existing Buildings/Premises Accidental contact with energized part

Personal injury

5*4=20 Installers, technicians and labourers H Obtain valid Work permit from higher authority prior to start work near the live area

Authorized Entry

Valid gate pass

Competent person to be used

Conduct Tool box meeting prior to work starts

Use all mandatory PPE.

Ensure Proper communication systems

ERP should be in place and communicated with all work force.

Good supervision

Trip, Slip and Falls Major/minor body injuries 4*3=12  

Installers, technicians and labourers

H Maintain good house keeping

No trip hazard in the area

Good cable management

Enough lighting

Remove the empty paint containers regularly

Do not block the access

Working on drums/temporary stands is prohibited

Nearby works Major/minor injuries/ property damage 5*4=20 Installers, technicians and labourers other contractor workers H Other work shall not be allowed in the vicinity of GIS/ Panel installation area

Strict supervision required

Barricade area coming below and place necessary warning signs

Inadequate access and egress Major/minor injuries/ property damage 3*4=12 Installers, technicians and labourers other contractor workers H Strict supervision required at all time

Access shall be free from obstruction of materials and to be identified easily

Suitable and sufficient safe access by means of ramps or stair ways.

Illumination and humid temperature Major/minor injuries/ property damage 3*4=12 Installers, technicians and labourers other contractor workers H Ensure lighting level minimum 100-150 at worksite.

The entire access route to be well illuminated.

Temperature control shall be ensured, provide adequate air conditioner.

Floor openings People and material falling down 5*4=20 Installers, technicians and labourers other contractor workers H Protect the floor opening with adequate protective cover

Provide adequate illumination

Provide warning signage

Never keep the openings open

Tool box talk shall be conducted every day before starting work.

Working at height Major/minor injuries/ property damage 4*3=12 Installers, technicians and labourers. H Competent person shall inspect the A type ladder before using it.

Stand by peon will be always available for holding the ladder.

People should come down every time while moving the mobile scaffold.

Work platform shall be fully boarded with proper toe boards and railings

Only trained competent person will erect, modify or dismantle the scaffold.

Materials shall not be thrown from height.

PPE for fall protection system shall be used

No excess material shall be kept on the platform.

Working on drums/temporary stands is prohibited.

Red tagged scaffolds shall not be used.

Human behavior Absent minded /inattention 2*3=6 Installers, technicians and labourers. M Promote human behavior campaign.

Communicate personal loss due to behavioral aspects

Communicate the hazards and risks involved in unsafe act.

Provide adequate supervision

Counselling the person to understand the circumstances for remedy.

Chemical Handling Acute & Chronic Skin disorders, Irritation

Chemical Burns

Burns of Eyes.

3*4=12 Installers, technicians and laborers, other contractor workers and site visitors. H Follow instructions as per MSDS.

Avoid direct contact with Electrolyte.

Ensure Adequate Ventilation and Exhaust Fans.

Mixing of Electrolyte as per vendor’s instruction.

Use of proper PPE-Safety Googles, Hand Gloves, and safety Shoes and Apron.

Proper Tool Box Talk should be given to workers covering all safety precautions.

Battery Charging/Testing. Severe injury to person.

Utility/Asset Damage

Blast or battery acid splash.

3*3=9 Installers, technicians and laborers, other contractor workers and site visitors. M Battery charging/discharging/Testing should be carried out only as per the instruction of Manufacturer.

Experienced person should be present while carrying out activity.

There should be adequate ventilation and Exhaust Fan and ensure that Hydrogen Gas should not get Trapped.

Condition of battery should be monitored before testing using Hydrometer (Specific Gravity should be analyzed)

Proper Tool Box Talk should be given to workers covering all safety precautions.

Use proper PPE.

Fire Extinguisher & other firefighting aid should be present

Uneven /Unstable Ground/

Existing structure/

scaffold /inadequate access

Personal injury.

Equipment damage due to fall.

Structure or scaffold damage.

4*4=16 Installers, technicians and labourers H Transformer to be mobilized to site only after pre inspection visit from supplier and site clearance from consultant.

Work to be started only after obtaining permit to work.

Ensure access road and ground is firm and stable.

Ensure adequate soil compaction, soil density shall be tested and certified by third party.

Extend the outrigger fully

Keep correct size wooden pad under outrigger.

Provide warning sign boards

Ensure availability of competent rigger.

Safe distance to be maintained between scaffold and crane

Existing gate barrier has to be temporarily removed or modified.

All temporary materials obstructing equipment and trailer movement shall be removed.

Defective/incorrect use of lifting tackles Injury to person

Damage to assets

Legal issues



Installers, technicians and labourers, other contractor workers and site visitors. M All lifting accessories and tackles should be third party certified.

Lifting tackles regularly inspected, color coded and well maintained.

Lifting belts and tackles should be inspected prior to the lift by rigger.

Follow safe work procedures.

Swinging area to be barricaded with signage.


risk assessment template matrix

We hope by using above three forms and the example of risk assessment, you can understand and record your risk assessment template properly and in a professional way.

Click here to download above risk assessment template doc document

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