PMC Project Manager Roles & Responsibilities


The Project Manager shall perform the Services strictly in accordance with the skill, care and diligence reasonably to the expected of a professional international project management consultant experienced in the provision of like services with due regard to protecting and representing the Client’s interests.

The Project Manager’s duties and responsibilities include:

Liaise with and keep the Client informed and co-operate fully with the Client’s representatives and any of its other professional advisers or contractors.

At the same time, the Project Manager shall be entitled to rely upon the information and/or advice given by the Client and those other professional advisers and contractors after such information and / or advice has been dully verified by the Project Manager.

The project Manager shall check the data and information provided by the Client’s contractor and bring to the Client and the Client’s contractor and bring to the Client’s attention any significant inaccuracy, deficiency or inconsistency.

The project Manager shall co-ordinate with the Client’s appointed consultants, contractors and vendors to facilitate the smooth and timely execution of the works.

The project Manager shall advise the Client in advance of the key staff who will act on the project Manager’s behalf in the provision of the Services for Client’s approval. The individual persons referred to herein shall have the necessary qualifications and experience to competently perform their duties in relation to the Services.

Project Cost & Operation Management

  • Obtain details and relevant duties of all contracts for approval and direct the Consultants accordingly.
  • Advise the Employer on the need for and make recommendations for the appointment of other consultants by the Employer.
  • Check and advise the Employer on the terms of consultant appointments and fee structures for approval. Check that Consultant’s responsibilities and information production are clearly stated. Advise on the need for duty of care warranties.
  • Advise the Employer on the need to check Professional Indemnity Insurances of Consultants and arrange any necessary further checks.
  • Determine with the Employer the limit of the authority of the Project Manager to issue instructions without obtaining the Employer’s prior approval.Project Manager Responsibilities
  • Advise the Employer on the need for and appointment of a technical site supervisor and other site supervisory staff.
  • Monitor the performance of Consultants, technical site supervisor and contractors in the performance of their duties and the discharge of their responsibilities.
  • Report Consultant scheme design proposals to Employer.
  • Check that Consultants review build-ability and the technical design of proposals with specialist contractors.
  • Establish procedures for checking that the consultants’ designs conform to the project brief.
  • In conjunction with Consultants, advise on the need for quality assurance schemes, defects insurance and product guarantees.
  • Establish appropriate channels of communication between members of the project team.
  • Establish meetings structure. Lay down procedure for convening, chairing, attendance, function, frequency and responsibility for recording of meetings and circulation of information. Monitor communications and distribution of information.
  • Check appropriate information provided to Employer. Notify Employer of decisions required.
  • Agree with Consultants their reporting and recording procedures.
  • Convene and chair all principal project meetings.
  • In conjunction with Consultants, prepare and maintain a master development programme from detailed design to completion to record principal activities and identify critical dates. Verify and incorporate Consultants’ programs for production of detailed design information.

Monitor the Project progress

  • Check that applications for statutory consents, government grants etc. are submitted in accordance with the master programme.
  • Advise the Employer of changes, recommend appropriate action and obtain authorization.
  • Check, in conjunction with the design Consultants, the contractors’ programme; seek clarification of contractors’ programme proposals if necessary, and incorporate these into the master programme.
  • See that a procurement programme is produced by the contractor.
  • Monitor the Cost Consultant in the preparation of budget costs.
  • See that the Cost Consultant regularly updates project costs.
  • Supervise a change control process by the Cost Consultant on behalf of the Employer. Advise the Employer of any alterations required and obtain authorization for changes.
  • Advise when requested and in conjunction with the Cost Consultant on commissioning implications and of alternative designs and materials.
  • Advise the Employer on appropriate procedures for dealing with insurance claims and agree any changes required to Consultants fee arrangements generated by them.
  • Check that the Consultants are providing adequate and timely information for the preparation of tender documentation.
  • Manage the appointment process for the Contractor is conjunction with other Consultants.
  • Obtain Employer authorization for costs and variations when limit of authority is exceeded and check that costs are being agreed.
  • Report to the Employer at regular intervals the forecast of final costs, including costs of variations and the cost implications of extensions of time and forecast completion dates.
  • Check that Consultants prepare regular valuations and payment certificates of the contractors’ works valued in accordance with the building contract. Check that valuations and certificates are correctly circulated.
  • Check and recommend Consultants’ applications for payment.
  • Check that Consultants prepare final account and agree settlement. [additional service]
  • In conjunction with Consultants and Contractor, arrange for the preparation and maintenance of cash flow forecasts and statement for monitoring project expenditure.
  • Check and recommend payment of Employer’s copies of certificates. authorize any other payments due and check against cash flow.  Check Employer makes payment within the stipulated time.
  • Check with the Consultants which other statutory approvals are required and that applications for approval are submitted. Check that Consultants apply for amendments to statutory approvals granted when required.
  • Decide with the Consultants a procurement procedure for the selection of contractors. Decide on type and form of contract.  Monitor Consultants in the preparation and assembly of tender documents.  With the Consultants, check the form and content.
  • Decide with Consultants the selection and method of appointment of preferred / nominated sub-contractors and agree extent of design and specifications to be included in tender documents. Advise the Employer accordingly.
  • With the Consultants, prepare a list of tenderers, conduct interviews, if required, and obtain approval.
  • Arrange with Consultants tender analysis; obtain clarification of ambiguities and prepare tender report. If necessary, arrange interview of tenderers. Prepare tender award recommendation and obtain instructions.
  • Co-ordinate the preparation of contract documents. Arrange for preparation of Contractor’s duty of care warranty if required.  Arrange signatures of parties to the contract.
  • Arrange for the contractor’s insurance certificate and renewal of insurance at renewal dates to be checked by others.
  • Advise Employer of any works to be carried out under separate direct contract.
  • Co-ordinate the Consultant / Engineer using reasonable endeavors to secure the provision of information to contractors in an appropriate timescale.
  • Check that Consultants are providing adequate supervision in accordance with their terms of appointment and undertaking regular site inspections.
  • Check that variations and instructions are being issued and correctly circulated.
  • Check that the Consultants fulfill their contractual obligations in assessing and dealing with extensions of time and issuing the appropriate certificates.
  • Check that the Consultants fulfill their contractual obligations in confirming completion and issuing appropriate certificates of making good defects and completion.

Monitoring the Commissioning & Closeout

Liaise with Employer/Agents/Consultants on commissioning and equipping programs. Check that the Health and Safety information is delivered to the Employer, and to the extent not included in the document arrange for contractors’ and Consultants’ maintenance and cleaning information, maintenance manuals, test certificates, guarantees, operating instructions, ‘as built’ drawings and ‘as installed’ diagrams to be forwarded to the Employer.

Conduct Post-Tender Value Engineering exercises, to provide the Employer with available options of cost savings that do not negatively impact upon the form or function of the buildings.

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