Procedure for Installation of Steel Structure for Pump Rooms

The following Method Statement describes the procedure and equipment required for the installation of steel structure for pump room. Following equipment shall be arranged:

Lifting Equipment:

  • Tower Crane (if available) To lift the beams/Purlins structure from ground floor to the roof where  the area of installation is located.
  • JCB or Fork Lift To bring the beams structure from laydown area to the site at ground before lifting to the roof.
  • Chain block / Lever Block use to lifting the beams at the installation area. Usually use to help workers to lift the beams at low level height before fixing the connection bolts the same also for aligning the connection of the beams.

Rotating & Power Machines:

  • Welding Machines (if required at site) during installation – optional only.
  • Rotating & power machines, Grinding machines, drill machines, corring machines, pencil grinding machines etc.

Cutting Machines:

  • Gas cutting (includes oxygen cylinder, acyteline cylinder) use for cutting the steel beams if necessary during installation – optional use only.
  • Grinding Machines (cutting disc)


Installation Procedure of Steel Structure

  • Prior transferring materials from lay down, the foreman shall make a materials inventory at the lay down area as per approved shop drawings if the all materials required for the steel structure for pump room are available at site.
  • Take necessary layout by taking the surveyor on site for exact and correct location for the installation. Take all coordinates and level required and marked them properly as site.If all marking required at site are done as per layout, the foreman now check the assembly drawings for materials scheduling. (Meaning priority materials to be brought to the site from the lay down area).
  • While the materials are transferred to the site from the lay down, the foreman shall assign the installer to take concrete drilling if required as per actual marked on site.
  • After all concrete drilling are done, the foreman shall re-inspect again the concrete holes are correct before lifting the beams structure from the ground to the roof deck.
  • If found correct holes drilling, the foreman shall now arrange for the lifting of the beams structure to the roof deck. The foreman shall also coordinate to the crane operator and the rigger that the beams structures are ready for lifting. The foreman shall ensure that lifting belt is inspected by the safety officers on the ground at site.
  • When the beam structure has been lifted, the beam shall be placed to the correct position as per assembly drawings and fixation.
  • Ready all the required connection bolts and anchorage and tightening tools.
  • Place the beam vertically to fix to the concrete by anchorage and then tight the nuts.
  • When it is done fixing the vertical beams, connect or fix the horizontal beams to the vertical of each base plate by using connection bolts.
  • Use level block or chain block of aligning the beams and also the level bar.
  • Fixation of beams structure is identical as per assembly and approved shop drawings. This will be followed of the same other beams.
  • If, there are any modification or rectification of the fabricated beams required as site because of the site condition the foreman shall informed the site engineer.
  • If cutting required, the workers shall used gas cutting and grinding the burs.

Lifeline Provision / Installation

  • Life line support has to be 48” dia pipe with 5mm thickness with 1.2 meters in height each post.
  • Life line post has a distance to not more than 3 meters each fixing on top of the beam.
  • After fixing the required life line, start lifting the purlins from ground floor to the top roof using the tower crane.
  • Arrange the purlins according to the length of the installation location using tower crane.
  • Install the purlins as per approved lay out drawings accordingly.
  • Lift one-by-one the purlins at the installation location, 2 workers on top of the beam having hook-up to the life line and one worker also on top of the beam hook to the life line for tightening the bolts connection for purlins.
  • After fixing the purlins in two lane, fix the sagrod in between to holes to holes with a distance of 1.2 meter each sagrod as per approved lay-out drawings.
  • After fixing the purlins and sagrod in all lines the foreman shall check the tightening bolts and connection as per approved drawings.
  • The installer shall issue a IR for the purlins installation for inspection.

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