Procedure for Filling Core Sonic Pipes

The following describes the procedure for filling core sonic pipes with cement grout. Prepare the mix as per the proposed mix design given below using following equipment’s:

  • Mixer
  • Piston Pump
  • Grout hose of suitable length

Grout Mix Design For Filling Core Sonic Pipes

For Grout Strength 30N/mm2

Mix  Design OD Weights
MSRC (Type II) 1420 kg/m3
Microsilica 70 kg/m3
Free Water 510 ltr/m3
Super Plasticizer (Conplast-SP432) 7 ltr/m3
Fresh concrete density 2000 kg/m3

For 100 Liter Mix

Mix  Design OD Weights
MSRC (Type II) 142 kg
Microsilica 7 kg
Free Water 51 ltr
Super Plasticizer (Conplast-SP432) 0.7 ltr

For 100 kg Cement

Mix  Design OD Weights
MSRC (Type II) 100 kg
Microsilica 5 kg
Free Water 36 ltr
Super Plasticizer (Conplast-SP432) 0.5 ltr

GROUT MIX DESIGN (Alternative)

Grout Mix Design For Filling Core Sonic Pipes

For 100 kg cement

Mix  Design OD Weights
Cement 100 kg
Dune Sand 88 kg
Microsilica (ELKEM) 3 Kg
Free Water 35 ltr
Super Plasticizer (Conplast-SP432) 1.5 ltr

Grout Strength: 30 N/mm2Filling-Core-Sonic-Pipes

Filling Core Sonic Pipes

  • The grout has to be mixed for at least 5 minutes using Bauer’s mixer and piston pump.
  • The grout hose will be connected at one end to the piston pump and the other end to the bottom of sonic pipe.
  • The grout will then be allowed to slowly and continuously flow to the core sonic pipes through the grout hose.
  • At the same time of pouring of grout, the grout hose has to be pulled up in a similar way as done in the tremie method.
  • The quantity of grout entering the sonic pipe can be measured by counting the strokes of the piston pump (1 stroke = 0.3 ltrs of grout).
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