Method Statement for Mobilization of Diesel Generator Genset

Step 1: Electrical Circuit Isolation

  • Isolate the main electrical connections and supply line from the gen-set.
  • Cut off the main circuit breaker of the generator control panel to “stop”.
  • Disconnect the electrical batteries connection from the genset.
  • Disconnect the grounding cable from the battery.

Step 2: Dismantling of Radiator Exhaust Ducts

  • Mark the mating parts of the radiator ducting at the joints.
  • Cut the rivets of the radiator exhaust ducting & detach the ducts from the radiator assembly.
  • Mobilize the ducts and store them in the open area or inside the generator room.

Step 3: Dismantling of Engine Exhaust Duct Pipes

  • Mark the mating parts of the engine exhaust ducting at the joints.
  • Mark the exhaust pipes, air inlet pipes & all other pipe connections prior to dismantling.
  • Remove the air filter frame from the Genset.
  • Remove the Air Inlet Pipes and the filter from the genset.
  • Remove the exhaust manifold and the exhaust pipes from the genset.

Step 4: A-Frame Erection

  • Mobilize all steel columns and beams for A-frame in the generator room.
  • Place vertical columns 4 no.s in the relevant positions beside genset and 2 no.s each along side the length of the genset.
  • Place the horizontal beam (end beam) over two vertical columns towards radiator end and tighten the beam to the columns with bolts.
  • Place the main load holding horizontal beam over the end beams alongside Genset length & tighten the center beam to the end beams with the bolts .
  • Place the Side supporting horizontal channel over the vertical columns alongside Genset length & tighten the channel to the vertical columns with the bolts.

Step 5: Radiator Handling & Storage

  • Transfer the radiator coolant in the empty drum & remove the entire coolant from the radiator .
  • Tie around the lifting belt to the center beam above the radiator’s hook.
  • Mount the chain block’s hook on the belt’s eye and mount the lifting chain hook to the radiator’s  hook.
  • Remove the guard cover for the radiator & the engine shaft.
  • Loosen the foundation bolts of the radiator.
  • Lift the radiator with 2 chain blocksin tandem from the roof hook supportat 0.5 meter height from the ground.
  • Shift the radiator away from the engine & towards the front wall of the engine room i.e. one meter away from the original position.Diesel-Generator-Genset Mobilization Method
  • Lower the radiator and place it on the base.
  • Secure the  radiator with the front side cross Beam with the help of the tying belt.

Step 6: Engine Handling & Mobilizing

  • Place the A-Frame assembly in the position above the genset.
  • Tie around the lifting belt on the A-Frame’s center beam and mount the chain block in the bell eye.
  • Mount the lifting hooks (04 nos) on the lifting eye of the engine and connect the lifting hook’s eye to the A-Frame chain block’s hooks with lifting belt.

Step 7: Engine Handling & Mobilizing

  • Loosen the engine’s base mounted bolts from the skid.
  • Disengage the engine flange from the alternator’s governor flange.
  • Pull the engine away from the alternator to provide the sufficient space to rotate the generator.
  • Lift the engine with the chain blocks @ 50 cm and rotate the engine at 90° angle towards the passage.
  • Mount the steel base support columns below the engine’s base mount plate & Place the Engine trolley below the steel base support columns.
  • Fasten the steel base support column to the engine base and the trolley plate.
  • Rotate the engine mounted trolley to 90° angle from the original position.
  • Place the forklift’ s fork below the front side of the trolley & secure the rear end of the trolley with the A-Frame chain block.
  • Pull the engine with the forklift towards the exit passage (ramp) & at the same speed ( pulling speed of the forklift) lower the chain block to enable the placing of the engine trolley on the floor.
  • Place and fasten the engine frame’s side support columns.
  • Hook up the pulling belt’s eyes to the front pad eyes of the engine frame trolly and secure the belt to the fork lift hook.
  • Tie around the lifting belt to the RCC columns along side ramp for securing the engine frame in case of any slippage.
  • Pull the engine mounted trolley with the fork lift towards the exit way (in accordance with the contractor’s drawing) thru ramp.
  • Stop the forklift at each column and ti the lifting belts at succeeding ascending RCC columns.
  • Repeat the pulling procedure for the engine by advancing towards the exit way and securing the lifting belts at ascending columns along side ramp.
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