Method of Statement for Traffic Diversion

This method statement introduces the proposed activities to be undertaken and acts as a general methodology for traffic diversion during road construction in the project site.

This has been prepared to identify the work stages and the construction methodology for ensuring the works are carried out in compliance with contract requirements.

This method statement describes the overall sequence of the traffic diversion that will carry out at project site. It also outlines the materials used, machinery and equipment involved for ensuring the works are carried out safely and in compliance with contract requirements and compliance to local authority requirement.

Traffic Management Equipment

The traffic management equipment’s requirements in the project are as below:

  • Light weight movable plastic barriers
  • Light weight movable plastic hoardings
  • Concrete Barriers
  • Arrow flasher (power by solar)
  • Light weight movable traffic cone
  • Temporary signage

Necessary Definitions

Lorries with gross weight of less than 10 tons, pick up trucks and saloon cars
HEAVY VEHICLES Lorries exceeding gross weight up to 10 tons or more such as mobile and crawler cranes, dump trucks, concrete mixer lorries, and etc.
SLOW VEHICLES Crawlers cranes, trailers, low loaders, excavators, forklifts backhoe and etc.
IN HOUSE VEHICLES Vehicles consist of contractor company cars, consultant and clients vehicles
PUBLIC VEHICLES All non-in-house vehicles

Traffic Management Procedure

The traffic management shall be implemented in a safe and accident free manner and the following measures shall be carried out without fail at site.

The details of the stages of temporary internal/external road, control of junction with flag (men) or traffic signage, cones, barriers and blinkers shall be shown sufficiently at site for the information of project site workers.

Before any road closure can be implemented, the work package contractor will submit the proposed road closure plan complete with schedule of closure for review and approval. The road closure will only be implemented after the approval is obtained from the relevant authorities.

Work Instructions

The persons involved should be informed about the possible presence of traffic diversion in the working and transportation area, the safety clearances and the possible instructions from the local authority.

Also, the persons involved should be acquainted with the local authority and its telephone number. Local authority will be informed about all incidents in relation to traffic diversions.

  • Stage of Traffic and Safety Management Scheme
  • Traffic control during road closure
  • Traffic diversion
  • Traffic control during construction stage (haul road)

Traffic management officer will make sure below responsibilities are properly discharged.

  • To ensure all roads signage are in place and in good condition at all time.
  • To ensure that all permits are obtained before any diversion, closure, changes of traffic flow are made.
  • To ensure to coordinate to all parties and to brief all parties from time to time on the traffic management issues.
  • To ensure that the preventive maintenance of the road and signage’s are carried out on daily basis.
  • To ensure that all flagman are always in their designated area at all time
  • To ensure to comply with all requirement as per stated in the traffic management write up.
  • To carry out investigation, report to relevant parties and coordinate if there are any accident happened at the site.

Road and Signage Maintenance

The road will be cleaned everyday by using water browser and general workers. The traffic officer will ensure that the road is clean and safe to use at all time. The traffic officer will also ensure that daily inspection is carrying out.

Traffic Management Scheme Preparation Procedure

Collecting Data

In carry out traffic management, respective person will visit the site for field check and collect the entire inventory on the existing facilities including:

  • Identify all roads crossings
  • Any necessary working permit to commence utilities diversion
  • Identify the needs of temporary road diversion

Select the Traffic and Construction Duration Categories

Duration categories
Classification Duration
Temporary < 1 day
Short term diversion < 1 month
Long term diversion >1 month

Determine the Extent of Roadway Occupancy

The location of the road crossing will generally dictate the degree which the roadway will be occupied and closed or diverted the normal traffic. To define the extent of the occupancy, the following factors should be determined.

  • Beginning / ending points
  • Length of the occupied roadway
  • Portion of the roadway that will be closed / diverted
  • Work duration on the designated location

Traffic Management Arrangement

Since the works involved are roadwork, construction of bridge and culvert across the road, and maintenance road, a proper traffic management within site area is required.

Traffic Diversion Planning

For the bridge or culvert construction, the road will be totally closed and new route diversion will be proposed. In case where there is two or more bridge or culvert need to be constructed in one zone, a proper planning will be done in order to determine which area to be constructed first.

As example, in figure shown below there are two bridges to be constructed. In this case, bridge 18 will be constructed first. New road of diversion will be proposed in order to allow the vehicle to enter the work area. Once bridge 18 is completed and ready to use, the bridge will be opened to construct bridge 17.

A proper signage will be erected. Road at bridge 17 will be closed and NO ENTRY signage will be erected. Plastic barrier will be placed at the proposed location. Refer to Figure 2 for the detailed proposed signage and road condition.

Bridge Construction

Proposed Signage and Road Condition

For one side working condition, one lane will be opened and plastic barrier or traffic cone will be placed at the work area. Proper signage will be erected. Refer to below figure for the detail work diversion.

Road Diversion for One Side Working Condition

For work zone which is at the middle of the road, two lanes will be opened on the both side of the road. Plastic barrier or traffic cone will be placed at the respective location and proper signage will be erected. Refer to below figureĀ for the detail. The temporary equipment’s and signage will be removed accordingly upon the completion.

Road Diversion for the Middle Working Condition

Signage Requirements

A proper signage which classified as advance warning area will be placed according to the condition. Within the advance warning area, approaching drivers are informed that they are entering a work zone, and given an initial indication of any action to be taken ahead. If a temporary reduce speed limit applies in the work zone, signing for this is located in the advanced warning area.

Inspection and Testing

The inspection and frequency of testing shall follow the approved Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) for Traffic Diversion found in Project Quality Plan.

All sampling testing of road materials will be carried out in the Material Testing Laboratory which is set up at the site, equipped and operated by the Contractor under the supervision of the Engineer.

Quality Control

All the works to be carried out shall in accordance with the approved Work Quality Plan and Material Quality Plan in the Project Quality Plan.

Work Quality Plan and Material Quality Plan are the documents that to be referred to identify the key parameter of inspection and testing. It is also to ensure that the work is complying with the specifications.

The related site personnel shall review all the test reports based on the criteria set in the Work Quality Plan or Material Quality Plan for all completed works and materials.

All inspection and test record are to be kept and maintained.

Health & Safety Requirements

All the works to be carried out shall in accordance with the approved Project HSE Plan. Safety & Health Induction shall be given to all new workers and staff before the commencement of works at site to ensure they have full knowledge on all the precautions for safety and health at site.

All the work to be carried out shall comply and in accordance to the approved Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) requirement set up by the client.

All workers shall be equipped with sufficient Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as safety helmets, safety shoes, safety vest, hand gloves, goggles and etc. whichever suitable to the activity to be carried out.

Toolbox meeting shall be carried out weekly in order to ensure the safety procedures are complied at all times through-out the construction period.

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