Care will be taken to avoid all the equipment, apparatus, devices to a pressure exceeding its prescribed test pressure as obtained from its name plate data or product catalogs.

All equipment, apparatus and devices that might be damaged by the test pressure shall be isolated, removed, bypassed or blanked off.

Ensure temporary blank flanges are anchored firmly in a way to restrain all developed end thrust.

All pressure testing will be done by competent employees and all pressure testing will be controlled under a Permit to Work system.

For the pressure testing, ensure all installed valves are in fully open position before starting pressure test; NO pressure shall be applied against closed valves.

Testing Procedure

Start Pressure testing of Chilled Water Piping System by closing in proper way all openings of the system with plugs/blanking off and by filling slowly with water using hand-pump or a suitably-sized pump.

  • Ensure water is reached to the entire system by releasing drain/plugs momentarily.
  • Ensure entire system is free from trapped air and ensure automatic air vent function properly on highest point of the network.
  • Pressure shall be applied to the system by means of hand pump or power pump drawing from a water container.
  • The pump discharge pipe shall be connected to the system through a gate valve/check valve and will be provided with factory calibrated pressure gauge of suitable range (the indicator must have the range of 1.5 times the test pressure). Subject the Chilled Water Piping System to Hydro-Pressure Test at 1.5 time the working pressure for a minimum duration of 2 hours.
  • When hydraulic test is to be carried out for an installation of multiple floors, pressure gauge shall also be provided at the highest point of the circuit.
  • Ensure test pressure is recorded at highest point of the system.
  • Pressure gauges will be identified with serial numbers matching the submitted copies of calibration certificates.
  • A team of trained workers will be monitoring the pipe line right from the start of filling of water, equipped with all the tools to repair the leak instantly and wipers to drag the water spills due to any leakage.
  • Repair the leaks and defects if any until satisfactory results are obtained.
  • Raise request for inspection of Hydro pressure Testing to witness the same, by Consulting Engineer.
  • After obtaining approval of inspection for Hydro-Pressure Testing, release the water gradually to the nearest floor drain or by flexible hose to outside drainage.
  • Protect the piping installation and end cap the pipe. Apply 2nd coating of red oxide primer to the chilled water pipes in preparation to the application of insulation.

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