Operating Instructions sprinkler system, landing valves, hydrant valve, hose reel valve, and extinguishers.

Operating Instructions for fire fighting system including sprinkler system, landing valves, hydrant valve, hose reel valve, and extinguishers.


Alarm Valve

(i) Setting up of an Installation Control Valve assembly.

State of Plant:

Fire protection system mains pipework charged to system pressure up to the upstream side of Installation Control Valve.

All Normally Closed (NC) Valves on trim closed.

All test Valves and drain Valves fully closed.

Inform the senior site engineer that the Installation Control Valve is to be set up for operation.

Ensure that the downstream side of the Valve has no open ends and leakage and that the Installation Control Valve stop Valve is closed.

Ensure that the isolation Valve of the Water Motor Alarm Gong is closed.

Open the Isolation Control Valve stop Valve in steps and allow water to flood the Isolation Control Valve and downstream side of Valve until water stops flowing and Pressure Gauges (At Upstream & Downstream sides) read equal pressure.

Flush out entrapped air from the downstream side of the Valve by opening one or two flush Valves provided at the remote end of each Sprinkler network.

After air is flushed from the system close all flushing Valves.

Repeat procedure for each Sprinkler network.

Observe pressure reading of both Pressure Gauges.                                               

Allow the system to stabilize for a minute after both Pressure Gauges indicate equal readings.

Open Isolation Valve for the Water Motor Gong and ensure that the water is flowing to this device.

Test Isolation Control Valve and Water Motor Gong as per test procedure mentioned hereinafter for correct operation. 

(ii) Shutting down and resetting an Installation Control Valve after a fire:

State of Plant:

Existing water supply pumps in operation with status alarm initiated on relevant Panels.

Water being discharged onto the fire risk via the Valve and its associated Sprinklers.

System operation alarm initiated on system Panel.

Ensure that all fires are extinguished.

Close Isolation Control Valve stop valve and isolate Installation Control Valve and downstream side of Valve.

Replace all operated Sprinklers available from stores after draining out system as per procedure mentioned hereinafter under trouble shooting clause 4.

Ensure PTFE tape is used for Sprinkler and Sprinkler fitting joints.

Ensure that the downstream side of Valve has no open ends and leakage.

Repeat procedure as mentioned herein before.


When using landing valve installations the operator must always take extreme care. The relevant  valve should be cracked open until the whole run of hose fills with water & then slowly opened further to increase the pressure of discharge to suit the circumstances. Discharge pressure must never exceed the capabilities of the operator to control the branch pipe end of the hose safely.

In case of fire follow the instructions indicated below :

  • Open the fire fighting hose cabinet and immediately unwind the hose.
  • Open the incoming supply water valve.
  • Open the hose valve and aim the water in to the fire using a fog to solid stream water configuration.
  • Adjust nozzle to provide water in the configuration required to combat the fire.
  • If water supply has failed Connect the Fire hose of the Fire department vehicle to the Breeching inlet.
  • Pressurize the riser pipe work by starting the Fire pump of  the fire brigade
  • When fire is extinguished close hose valve, drain water out of Hose and rewind hose onto hose rack, Stop the fire pump & Disconnect the supply connection to the breeching Inlet

Fire fighting system operating instructions


When using hydrant installations extreme care must always be taken by operators. Initially the relevant hydrant valve should be cracked open until the whole run of hose fills with water & then slowly opened further to increase the pressure of discharge to suit the circumstances. Discharge pressure must never exceed the capabilities of the operator to control the branch pipe end of the hose safely.

In the event of fire, the fire hoses will be connected to the hydrant valve outlets. Before connecting the hose to the hydrant valve remove the cap provided on the hydrant valve outlet. Assemble the branch pipe nozzle to the hose coupling. Then the other end of the hose coupling will be connected to hydrant outlet. Carrying the branch pipe, layout the hose towards the fire area as straight as possible. Avoid twisting the length of hose as this will impair operation. Slowly crack open the hydrant valve. Allow the hydrant hose to fill slowly before opening the hydrant valve fully. This will limit the hydraulic surge, which might otherwise throw the operator off balance. The valve must be opened slowly. Opening of hydrant valve results in a pressure drop in the pipe network automatically starting main electric pump. Water will be discharged in full force through the hose by the opening of the hydrant valve to fight the fire. The standby diesel driven pump starts if the main electric driven pump fails. The Jockey pump is used only to maintain the system pressure and cuts off automatically when either electric driven pump or diesel driven pump is in operation.

Stopping of the electric or diesel pump is manually after completing extinguishing of the fire.


In case of fire follow the instructions indicated below :

–           Open the fire fighting hose reel cabinet and immediately unwind the hose.

–           Open the incoming supply water valve.

–           Open the hose valve and aim the water in to the fire using a jet to spray configuration.

–           Adjust nozzle to provide water in configuration required to combat the fire.

When fire is extinguished close hose valve, supply valve drain water out of hose and rewind hose onto hose reel.

Opening of hose reels results in pressure drop in the pipe network automatically starting the fire pump  Water will be discharged in full  force thru  the hose by the opening of the  valve to fight the fire.


In case of fire follow the instructions indicated below:

–           Take the extinguisher

–           Pull out safety pin

–           Squeeze release handle

–           Approach the fire as close as possible within safety constraints.

–           Aim horn at base of flames

–           After use send the extinguisher to the supplier for recharging.

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