Maintenance Procedure For Fire Sprinkler, Stand Pipe, Hydrant & Hose Reel Systems

Maintenance Instructions for the maintenance of Fire Sprinkler, Stand Pipe, Hydrant & Hose Reel Systems including fire fighting pump sets.

  1. Maintenance Of Sprinkler System: Installation of Control Valve (Alarm Valve)

It is recommended that the Alarm Valve be inspected periodically to ensure proper operation.  Several areas to be routinely inspected are:

Clapper/Clapper Latch: The rubber clapper facing should be checked for wear or damage and to determine it is free of dirt and other foreign substances. If found to be worn or damaged (eg. foreign matter embedded in the surface ) the facing should be replaced. If it is dirty, it should be cleaned, but compounds, which could damage the rubber facing, should never be used.

Seat Ring: The seat ring should be cleaned thoroughly and checked for damage.  If it is found to be damaged, the complete valve assembly should be replaced or returned to fire systems supplier for reconditioning.

By pass check valve. The ¾ “ check valve in the external by pass should be checked for clapper & seat condition.

Alarm Line Strainer.  The strainers in the alarm line, pilot line and air supply should be checked and cleaned thoroughly.

Alarm Test Valve & Main Drain Valve.  All controlling valves normally closed when the Alarm valve is in the set position should be checked to be sure that they are fully closed and not leaking.

Alarm Valve & Trim.  The overall setup should be checked for visible leaks and possible physical damage to the valve and connections (e.g., broken gages)

fire-fighting-equipment maintenance

(ii)        Water Motor Alarm Gong

  • Open drain Valve
  • Open test valve
  • Observe for normal sound of Water Motor Gong.
  • Any anomalies during test should be identified as per Trouble Shooting section and rectified accordingly.
  • Restore system to original status if no problems are noticed.

(iii)       Water Flow Detector

  • Close installation control valve assembly.
  • Drain out water by opening the inspectors test connection provided at the end of the zone.
  • Observe for system operation indication on Fire Alarm Panel.
  • Restore system to original status if no problems are noticed.

2. Maintenance Of Fire Stand Pipe, Hydrant & Hose Reel Systems

A.        Inspection

Components of standpipe and hose systems shall be visually inspected quarterly or as specified in the chart provided elsewhere.

Check points and corrective actions outlined in maintenance shall be followed to determine that components are free of corrosion, foreign material, physical damage, tampering, or other conditions that could prevent operation.

B.        Testing


All systems shall be pressure tested at the requirements in effect at the time of installation.

C.        Maintenance

Maintenance / repairs shall be in accordance to maintenance Charts (see below)

Schedule of Inspection, Testing & Maintenance

Items Activity Frequency
Landing valves Inspection Weekly / Monthly
Fire hose reels Inspection Weekly / Monthly
Pin hose racks Inspection Weekly / Monthly
Hydrant Valves Inspection Weekly / Monthly
Hose connection Inspection Quarterly
Cabinet Inspection Annually
Hose Inspection Annually
Branch pipe nozzle Inspection Annually
Hose Test Annually
Landing valves Test Annually
Fire hose reels Test Annually
Pin hose racks Test Annually
Hydrant Valves Test Annually
Hose connections Test Annually
Hydrostatic test Test 5 years
Flow test Test 3 / 5 years
Landing valves Maintenance Annually
Fire hose reels Maintenance Annually
Pin hose racks Maintenance Annually
Hydrant Valves Maintenance Annually
Valves (al types) Maintenance Annually / as needed
Maintenance summary chart
Check Points Components Corrective Action
  1. Fire hose connection damaged
  2. Valve handles / wrenches missing
  3. Valve leaking
  4. Visible obstruction
  5. Restricting device missing
  6. Manual, semiautomatic, or dry standpipe – valve does not operate smoothly
 Hydrant / Hose Connections
  1. Repair
  2. Replace
  3. Close or repair
  4. Remove
  5. Replace
  6. Lubricate or repair
  1. Damaged Piping
  2. Control valves damaged
  3. Missing or damaged pipe support device
  4. Damaged supervisory devices
  1. Repair
  2. Repair or replace
  3. Repair or replace


  1. Repair or replace
  1. Inspect



  1. Mildew, cuts, abrasions, and deterioration evident


  1. Coupling damaged
  2. Gaskets missing or deteriorated
  3. Incompatible threads on coupling
  4. Hose not connected to hose rack nipple or valve
  5. Hose test date outdated
  1. The hose, including gaskets, shall be removed and inspected and the hose re-racked or re-reeled annually.
  2. Replace with listed, lined, jacketed hose
  3. Replace or repair
  4. Replace
  5. Replace or provide thread adapter
  6. Connect
  7. Retest or replace
  1. Hose nozzle missing
  2. Gasket missing or deteriorated
  3. Obstructions
  4. Nozzle does not operate smoothly
 Hose Nozzle
  1. Replace with listed nozzle
  2. Replace
  3. Remove
  4. Repair


  1. Difficult to operate
  2. Damaged
  3. Obstructions
  4. Hose improper racked or rolled.
  5. Nozzle clip in place and nozzle correctly contained
  6. If enclosed in cabinet, will hose rack swing out at least 90 degree
 Hose Storage Device
  1. 1. Lubricate or repair if necessary
  2. Repair or replace
  3. Remove
  4. Remove
  5. Replace if necessary
  6. Repair or remove any obstructions
  1. Check over condition for corroded or damaged parts


  1. Difficult to open
  2. Cabinet door will not open fully


  1. Door glazing cracked or broken
  2. Not properly identified as

containing fire equipment

  1. Visible obstructions
  2. All valves, hose, nozzles, fire extinguishers, etc easily accessible
  1. Repair or replace parts, replace entire cabinet if necessary
  2. Repair
  3. Repair or remove obstructions


  1. Replace
  2. Provide identifications


  1. Remove
  2. Remove any material not related

3. Maintenance Of Fire Extinguishers

A.       Inspection

A.1      Frequency

Fire extinguishers shall be inspected when initially placed in service and thereafter at approximately 30 days intervals. Fire extinguishers shall be inspected at more frequent intervals when circumstances require.

A.2      Procedures

Periodic inspection of fire extinguishers shall include a check of at least the following items:

1) Located in designated place.

2) No obstruction to access or visibility.

3) Operating instructions on nameplate legible and facing outward.

4) Safety seals and tampers indicators not broken or missing.

5) Fullness determined by weighing or lifting.

6) Examined for obvious physical damage, corrosion, leakage, or clogged nozzle.

7) Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position.

8) For wheeled units, the condition of the tires, wheels,

Carriage, hose, and nozzle checked.

A.3      Corrective Action

When an inspection of any fire extinguisher reveals a deficiency in any of the conditions listed in (1), (2), and (8) of A.2, immediate corrective action shall be taken.

A.4      Rechargeable Fire Extinguishers

When an inspection of any rechargeable fire extinguisher reveals a deficiency in any of the conditions listed in (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) of A.2, it shall be subjected to applicable maintenance procedures.

A.5      Inspection Record keeping

– Personnel making inspections shall keep records of all fire extinguishers inspected, including, those found to require corrective action.

– At least monthly, the date the inspection was performed and the initials of the person performing the inspection shall be recorded.

– Records shall be kept on a tag or label attached to the fire extinguisher or in an electronic system (e.g., bar coding) that provide a permanent record.

B.        Maintenance

B.1      Frequency

– Fire extinguishers shall be subjected to maintenance not more than one year apart, at the time of hydrostatic test, or when specifically indicated by an inspection.

– A conductivity test shall be conducted annually on all carbon dioxide hose assemblies. Hose assemblies found to be nonconductive shall be replaced.

– Carbon dioxide hose assemblies that pass a conductivity test shall have the test information recorded on a suitable metallic label or equally durable material, a minimum size of 1/2 in. x 3 in. (1.3 cm x 7.6 cm). The label shall be affixed to the hose by means of a heatless process. The label shall include the following information:

1) Month and year the test was performed, indicated by perforation, such as by a hand punch.

2) Name or initials of person performing the test, and the name of the agency performing the test.

– Every 6 years, stored pressure fire extinguishers that require a 12-year hydrostatic test shall be emptied and subjected to the applicable maintenance procedures. When the applicable maintenance procedures are performed during periodic recharging or hydrostatic testing, the 6-year requirement shall be from that date.

– Fire extinguishers removed from service for maintenance or recharge shall be replaced by a fire extinguisher suitable for the type of hazard being protected and of at least equal rating.

B.2      Procedures

Maintenance procedures shall include a thorough examination of the three basic elements of a fire extinguisher:

1) Mechanical parts

2) Extinguishing agent and

3) Expelling means

B.3      Seals or Tamper Indicators

At the time of the maintenance, operating the pull pin or locking device shall remove the tamper seal of rechargeable fire extinguishers. After the applicable maintenance procedures are completed, a new tamper seal shall be installed.

B.4      Maintenance Record keeping

– Each fire extinguisher shall have a tag or label securely attached that indicates the month and the year the maintenance was performed and that identifies the person performing the service.

– Fire extinguisher shells that pass the applicable 6 years requirement shall have the test information recorded on a suitable metallic label or equally durable material, a minimum size of 2 in. X 31/2 in. (5.1 cm X 8.9 cm). The label shall be affixed to the shell by means of a heatless process. These labels shall be self – destructive when removal from a fire extinguisher is attempted. These labels shall include the following information:

1) Month and year the test was performed, indicated by a perforation such as by a hand punch.

2) Name or initials of person performing the test, and the name of the agency performing the test.

– In addition to having a label affixed to the shell, rechargeable dry chemical fire extinguishers shall have an internal legible marking to indicate the following:

1) Month and the year the maintenance was performed.

2) Name or initials of person performing the maintenance and the name of the agency.

– If a label is used for the above marking, it shall be of material that is component – listed for that purpose.

C.        Recharging


– All rechargeable type fire extinguishers shall be recharged after any use or as indicated by an inspection or when performing the maintenance.

– When performing the recharging, the recommendations of the manufacturer shall be followed.

NOTE: Some manufacturers require that their fire extinguishers be returned to the factory for recharging.

– The amount of the recharge agent shall be verified by weighing. The recharged gross weight shall be the same as the gross weight that is marked on the label.

– For those fire extinguishers that do not have the gross weight marked on the label, a permanent label that indicates the gross weight shall be affixed to the cylinder. The label containing the gross weight shall be a durable material of a pressure – sensitive, self-destruct type.

C.1      Leak Test

After recharging, a leak test shall be performed on stored – pressure and self – expelling types.

D.        Check points & corrective actions

Please see attached NFPA-10 pages for portable fire extinguishers.

4. Maintenance Of Fire Pumps

The alarm receiving facility always shall be notified by the owner or by the designated representative to avoid false alarms where supervisory service is provided as follows.

Before conducting any test or procedure that could result in the activation of an alarm, and

b) After such tests or procedures are concluded.


The purpose of inspection is to verify that the pump assembly appears to be in operating condition and is free from physical damage.

The pertinent visual observations specified in Table-1 shall be performed weekly

Check points and corrective actions outlined in maintenance shall be followed to determine that components are free of corrosion, foreign material, physical damage, tampering, or other conditions that could prevent operation.

Summary of Fire pump Inspection, Testing and Maintenance


Item Activity Frequency Section no.
Pump house ventilating

LouversInspectionWeeklyTable 3Fire pump systemInspectionWeeklyTable 3Pump operation        no-flow conditionTestWeeklyTable 3Pump operation        flow conditionTestAnnuallyAs given below

In pump testing section

HydraulicMaintenanceAnnually-do-Mechanical transmissionMaintenanceAnnually-do-Electrical systemMaintenanceVaries-do-Controller, various componentsMaintenanceVaries-do-MotorMaintenanceAnnually-do-Diesel engine system, various componentsMaintenanceVaries-do-


The purpose of testing the pump assembly is to ensure automatic or manual operation upon demand and continuous delivery of the required system output. An additional purpose is to detect deficiencies of the pump assembly not evident by inspection.

B.1 Weekly tests

Qualified operating personnel shall be in attendance during the weekly pump operation.

A weekly test of diesel engine – driven pump assemblies shall be conducted without flowing water. This test shall be conducted by starting the pump automatically and the pump shall run a minimum of 10 minutes.

Where installed, a circulating relief valve shall be permitted to discharge water.

The automatic weekly test timer shall be permitted to be substituted for the starting procedure

The pertinent visual observations or adjustments specified in table – 4 should be conducted while the pump is running

B .2 Annual Tests

An annual test of each pump assembly shall be conducted under minimum, rated and peak flows of the fire pump by controlling the quantity of  water discharged through approved test device. This test shall be as described below.

Use of the pump discharge via the bypass flow meter to the reservoir. Pump suction and discharge pressures and the flow meter measurements shall determine the total pump outlet.

The pertinent visual observations, measurements and adjustments specified in Table –5 shall be conducted while the pump is running and flowing water under the specified output conditions.

Alarm conditions shall be simulated by activating alarm circuits at alarm sensor locations, and all such local or remote alarm indicating devices (visual & audible) shall be observed for operation. The trouble conditions of all the pumps should be monitored in the fire alarm panel for any fault indications

B.3 Reports

Any abnormality observed during inspection or testing shall be reported promptly to the person responsible for correcting the abnormality.

Test results shall be recorded & retained for comparison purposes.


A preventive maintenance program shall be established on all components of the pump assembly in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Records shall be maintained on all work performed on the pump, driver, controller, and auxiliary equipment.

In the absence of manufacturer’s recommendations for preventive maintenance, Table – 2 provides alternate requirements.

Maintenance / repairs shall be in accordance to maintenance Charts

Summary of fire pump inspection, testing, and Maintenance.

Table –2
Sr. Complete as applicable Visual

InspectionMaintenanceTestFrequencyCheckChangeCleanA.Pump system

Lubricate pump bearings


AnnuallyCheck pump shaft end play x   AnnuallyCheck accuracy of pr.gauges &sensors xX  Annually (Change or recalibrate when 5% out of calibration)Check pump coupling alignment x   AnnuallyBMechanical Transmission

Lubricate coupling




Sr. Complete as applicable Visual

InspectionMaintenanceTestFrequencyC.Electrical system

Exercise isolating switch & circuit breaker    xMonthlyTrip circuit breaker (if mechanism provided)    xAnnuallyOperate manual starting means (electrical)    xSemi –annuallyInspect & operate emergency manual starting means (without power)x   xAnnuallyTighten electrical connections as necessary x   AnnuallyLubricate mechanical moving parts (excluding starters 7 relays) x   AnnuallyCalibrate pressure switch settings x   AnnuallyGrease motor bearings  X  Annually

DDiesel engine system      Fuel System

(a) Tank levelxx   Weekly

  1. b) Water and foreign material in tank

x x Annually

  1. c) Water in system

x x Weekly

  1. d) Tank vents & overflow piping unobstructed

x  xAnnually(e) Pipingx    Annually(f) Condition of flexible hoses & connectorsx    WeeklyLubrication System


(a) Oil level x   Weekly(b) Oil change  X  50 hours or annually(c) Oil filters  X  50 hours or annuallyCooling System

(a) Levelxx   Weekly(b) Adequate cooling water to heat exchanger x   Weekly(c) Water pumpsx    Weekly(d) Condition of flexible hoses & connectorsxx   Weekly(e) Clean louvers   x Annually(f) Water strainerxxX  QuarterlyExhaust System

(a) Leakagexx   Weekly(b) Insulation & fire hazardsx    Quarterly(c) Exhaust system hangers & supportsx    Annually(d) Flexible exhaust sectionsx    Semi-annuallyBattery system

(a) Electrolyte level x   Weekly(b) Terminals clean & tightxx   Quarterly(c) Remove corrosion, case exterior clean & dryx X  Monthly(d) Specific gravity or state of charge   x Monthly(e) Charger & charge ratex    MonthlyElectrical system

(a) General inspectionx    Weekly(b) Tighten control & power wiring connection x   Annually(c) Operation of safeties & alarms x  xSemi-Annually(d) Panels & cabinets x x Semi-annually(e) Circuit breakers or fusesxx   Monthly(f) Circuit breakers or fuses  x  Biannually


Weekly inspection observations

Pump house conditions

Ventilating louvers free to operate

Pump system conditions

Pump suction, discharge valves fully open

Inspect for piping leaks

Suction line pressure gauge reading normal

System line pressure gauge reading normal

Suction reservoir full

Electrical system conditions

Controller pilot light (Power on) illuminated

Isolating switch closed

Diesel engine system conditions

Fuel tank two-thirds full

Controller selector switch in auto mode

Batteries (2) voltage readings normal

Batteries (2) charging current readings normal

Batteries (2) pilot lights on or battery failure (2) pilot lights off

All alarm pilot lights off

Engine running time meter reading

Crankcase oil level reading normal

Cooling water level normal

Electrolyte level in batteries normal

Battery terminals free from corrosion

 Weekly Test Procedure

Pump System Procedure

Record system suction & discharge pressure gauge readings

Check pump-packing glands for slight discharge

Adjust gland nuts if necessary

Check for unusual noise

Check pump packing boxes, bearings, or pump casing for overheating

Record pump-starting arrangement

Electrical system procedure

Observe time for motor to fully accelerate

Record time controller is on first step (for reduced voltage or reduced current)

Record time pump runs after starting

Diesel Engine system procedure

Observe time for engine to reach full running speed

Observe engine oil pressure gauge, water & oil temperature indicators periodically while engine is running

Record any abnormalities

Check heat exchanger for cooling water flow

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