This method statement is for commissioning of Easi-Check Emergency Lighting Monitoring Systems comprising of both single and multiple EC2001 Easi-Check panels Stand Alone or Networked together complete with front end P.C. having Site Monitor/ graphics software installed.

General Requirements

Before works commence the engineer should have obtained certified copies of as ‘fitted drawings’ of the installation from the contractor.

These drawings should indicate the location of all installed luminaries, complete with address numbers and short circuit isolators etc.

All cable routes i.e (Loop) should also be clearly indicated.

Copies of the programming address sheets should be taken from the office project file.

Commissioning Method Statement

Before commissioning commences Insulation and continuity certificates should be obtained from the contractor and confirmation obtained that polarity of the loop has been checked.

The following procedures should then be carried out systematically, on all EC2001 panels connected to the system:

  • Apply for necessary permits to work, and access to Distribution Boards.
  • Isolate the mains supply to the Easi-check panel.
  • Disconnect loop cabling (Belden8471) and check to confirm continuity and polarity.
  • Disconnect the loop earth/screen/drain-wire, check continuity and ensure no connections have been made to the main system earth other than to the panel earth bar. Earth only one screen/drain wire.
  • Re-connect all loops cabling, and check all connections are secure, connect batteries – then power up the unit.
  • Initiate self-learn mode, and ensure that all allocated system addresses are being displayed on the screen
  • Any discrepancies between the addresses displayed, and those shown on the address sheets should be investigated and rectified by the installing contractor.
  • Measure and record voltage at the last fitting on each connected spur, minimum voltage should be no less than 20volts.
  • Download text and test schedule to the EC2001 panel from the laptop. The test schedule should be obtained from the End User.
  • Connect printer to panel and take print out.
  • Ensure that all the luminaries have a Battery Voltage and Charge Current and that all of the cell references are correct.
  • Initiate and complete a ONE/THREE HOUR emergency test and visually check that all lamps have struck.

The following procedures should then be carried out systematically; on all Easi Check panels connected light fittings:

  • Check & ensure the 230VAC supply in light fitting.
  • Check & ensure the Switched/Un-Switched 230VAC supply in light fitting.
  • Check & ensure 230VAC supply EARTH continuity of light fitting.
  • Check & ensure 230VAC supply NEUTRAL & EARTH resistance value (0.1Ω).
  • Check & ensure 230VAC supply NEUTRAL & EARTH pressure value (0.2V).
  • Check & ensure Convertalite (Inverter) termination as per manufacturer instruction.
  • Check & ensure ECS110 SCAEL unit neutral in out termination.
  • Check & ensure data cable Loop termination positive in parallel & negative in/out as per manufacturer instruction.
  • Check & ensure De-Coupling capacitor termination details and confirm earth continuity.
  • Check & ensure SCAEL unit charger and battery connection detail as per manufacturer instruction.

Note the addresses and fault description displayed on the panel/print out (if any) and investigate / rectify accordingly (see Reports and fault diagnosis table below).


These procedures shall be carried out on each EC2001 panel connected to the system, until all panels are free from faults.

Commissioning certificates can then be issued for each individual EC2001 monitoring system Networking

Ensure Network cards are fitted into each EC2001 panel, network printer, network printer interface and RS232 interface to the P.C.

Connect the network cabling (BELDEN 8719) into each panel (network card) and other interfaces, ensuring correct polarity and single point earthing.

Insulation and continuity tests are to be carried out prior to these connections being made.

Network cards have terminators installed as part of the standard circuitry.

In the case of a radial network only the last Network card at each end of the radial require the terminator, these should be configured to 54ohms all other terminators are to be isolated.

For loop connected networks only one terminator is utilized and should be configured for 108ohms, all other terminators should be isolated. (See Network card data sheets)

The terminator values given will in most cases be sufficient to ensure a clean network, however during full operation (all panels connected) a network analyzer can be connected to ascertain the efficiency of the network and slight adjustments to the values can be made if necessary.

Network cards are self-addressing however these must be checked and set as necessary. All devices (panels, printers, Front end P.C.s) can then be connected to the network.

Site Monitor Testing

Before full system tests can be carried out, the site monitor software will require setting up with the system parameters i.e. network address identification for panels, printers etc. (See Site Monitor installation manual for relevant information).


In order to prove the system functionality the following testing regime shall be carried out to prove the reporting structure to the panels and front end P.C.

Site Monitor Message Interpretation

The following table shows the site monitor message, the fault description and the fault condition to be applied.
site monitor message, the fault description

Graphics Package

The system disc will be installed on the P.C provided and user profiles will be set.
Before full system tests can be carried out, the graphics software will require setting up with the system parameters i.e. network address identification for panels, printers etc.

A selection of random tests will be undertaken to ensure that the system is fully operational and reporting correctly displaying the correct text information as previously provided by the customer on the text sheets submitted.

In order to prove the system functionality the same testing regime shall be carried out to prove the reporting structure to the panels and front end P.C. as with site monitor.

Results of all tests to be tabulated and included on the commissioning report.

Any anomalies associated with any of the above tests are to be investigated and corrected, and the tests repeated before a commissioning certificate is issued for the entire system.

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