Method Statement for Testing and Commissioning of Fire Alarm System

Before starting the commissioning of Fire Alarm System, make sure that system installation is complete and approval is available. Verify the absence of unwanted voltage between circuit conductors and ground. Test all conductors for short circuits using an insulating testing device. With each circuit pair, short circuit at the far end of the circuit and measure the circuit resistance with an ohmmeter or multimeter.

Verify the control unit is in the normal condition as given in manufacturer’s operation manual. Test initiating and indicating circuits for proper signal transmission under open circuit conditions. At one time each connection shall be opened at not less than 10% of the initiating and indicating devices. Observe proper signal transmission according to wiring used.

Test both primary and secondary power and verify that secondary power is capable of pertaining the system for the period. Testing of incoming voltage shall be done and recorded. The FACP shall be programmed as per approved Text list and cause & effect sheet.

Operation of Battery charger shall be checked and recorded. Battery Terminals shall be checked for polarity and toughness of connection. Record the entire test and submit log after completion test.Put Test Tag on all equipment and components of fire alarm system for which test have been completed.

Commissioning of Fire Alarm System Devices

Manual Call Points: Test the Manual call points by inserting the test key into the device. Confirm that the address and text label of the respective devices are displayed at FAS Panel. Manual call points shall be tested against the approved cause & effect sheet.

Smoke Detectors: Test Each Smoke Detector with the smoke test device. Confirm that the address and text label of the respective devices are displayed at FAS Panel. Duct type detectors shall be tested to ensure that the detectors are in the air stream. Detectors shall be tested against the approved cause & effect sheet.

Heat Detectors: Test Each Heat Detector with the heat source test device. Confirm that the address and text label of the respective device are displayed at fire alarm system panel. Heat detectors shall be tested against the approved cause & effect sheet.

Relay Module: Operation of the relay modules shall be tested against the approved cause and effect schedule. If the input for the cause and effect cannot be operated by the release of extinguishant, then the output shall be forced from the FACP via simulation of operation.Fire alarm system testing and commissioning

Battery Testing Method

Prior to conducting Battery testing, ensure that all system software stored in the memory of F.A.C.P is protected and check tightness of terminal connections. Operation of battery charger shall be checked in accordance with chart of specific type of battery. With battery charger disconnected, the batteries shall be load tested as per manufacturer’s recommendations and ensure that the voltage shall not fall below the level specified by manufacturer. With the batteries fully charged and connected to the charger, the voltage of the batteries shall be measured with a voltmeter. The voltage shall be as specified by the manufacturer.

Testing of Duct type smoke detector

Air duct type detector shall be tested to ensure that the device is in air stream. Duct type smoke detectors shall be tested via introduction of test smoke into the detector chamber. Confirm that the address text labels of the respective devices are displayed at fire alarm system control panel. The detectors shall be tested for operation against cause & effect chart.

Work Inspection Request shall be raised for consultant’s inspection and sign off of fire alarm system testing and commissioning works.

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