UPS Installation Testing and Commissioning Method Statement

The purpose of this method statement is to define the procedure for Installation, Testing  and Commissioning of UPS. Also to ensure that agreed  procedures are implemented during execution of the previously described or associated work.

Scope of this method statement covers material handling, installation procedure and necessary occupational health and safety precautions.

This document applies to the inward site inspection, installation and inspection methods to be adopted for the UPS.

The scope of work methods are summarized as follows:

– Preparation of the Works

– Delivery and inspection of UPS upon delivery at site

– Setting out of works

– Installation of UPS

– Inspection of UPS Installation


  • Approved System Specifications
  • Approved shop Drawing
  • CLIENT Requirements
  • British Standards / Codes


BS – British Standard

SITE – Location of the project

MS – Method Statement

ITP – Inspection Test Plan

PPE – Personal Protective Equipment

Roles & Responsibilities

The Project Manager is the overall responsible person for the process of implementation of the works.

The Construction Manager/Site Engineer will be responsible for all construction activities at the site and will directly supervise through erection supervisor/skilled workmen at the work site.

The Site Engineer will be responsible for arranging and controlling the inspection and testing activities.

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of each individual employed in the project to take due care to ensure their own personal safety and that of their work colleagues.

Project Engineer(Electrical)

  • Ensure that the activities are carried out according to the Specifications, drawing and approved Method statement.
  • Ensure that all required submittal are made in a timely manner.
  • Arrange all materials and tools required for installation as per agreed project schedule
  • Provide all necessary information and distribute the responsibilities to his unit installation team.
  • Monitoring that all in process test are carried out and obtained approval from Consultant’s  Representative
  • Monitoring and ensuring that the work is performed in accordance within the time and cost constraints.

Foreman( Electrical)

Carrying out the work and the proper distribution of all the available resources in coordination with the Site Engineer on a daily basis.

Continuous coordination and following Site Engineer’s instructions to meet quality requirement during the job execution.

Incorporate all the QC and Safety requirements as requested by the Consultant’s representative.

Report to Site Engineer the accomplishments and problem encountered on daily basis.


  • Crane
  • Fork Lift
  • Hammer and screw driver
  • Measuring tape and setting out markers
  • Electric Drill hammer
  • Electrician toolbox
  • Multi-tester I Megger tester
  • Laptop computer
  • Approved test equipment
  • Correctly rated load and cables
  • PPE for all staff and labor

UPS Installation Method Statement

Receipt and Storage of Material :


Material controller I site engineer will be responsible for the receiving of UPS materials on site warehouse for proper storage as per manufacturer’s recommendation.

The supervisors and foreman will inspect all the materials delivered to the work place and ensure that these are the required  materials and also for damage or defect. Materials found not to be as per requirement or with damage of defect will be set aside. These will be properly labeled and returned to the warehouse. These will also be reported in a Non­ conformance report to the QA/QC Engineer.

The QA/QC Engineer shall inspect the materials on receipt of a Request for Inspection from  construction. Materials  shall be inspected to ensure that the materials are as per approved Material submittals in terms of their make, model type, country of origin and capacity. Any discrepancies, damage etc., found will be notified and reported for further action. Material  shall be submitted for Material Inspection (MIR) to Consultant for final approval & acceptance before proceeding with installation.

The materials shall be offloaded in designated location (in weather proof place) in original packing as far as possible.UPS Installation and Testing Method Statement

The permissible storage temperature shall be ensured to maintain as mentioned in the instruction manual.

It shall be ensured that protection of UPS against damage

Preparatory UPS Installation requirements

Work  will be carried out only when all associated works of the Main Contractor have been verified as completed. Safe access to work areas shall be  provided  by the  Main Contractor.

Prior to installation  of UPS, the supervisor and foreman will verify and ensure that all safety requirements have been complied with and are in place.

The supervisor will verify that all relevant approved latest revision of shop drawings, technical  submittals, inspection and test plans are in the work place for installation reference. This also includes manufacturer installation procedures.

The supervisor and foreman  will orient  and familiarize all the technicians and labors involve in the installations regarding relevant approved shop drawings, technical submittals, installation procedures and details, acceptance criteria and safety requirements.

The supervisor and foreman will examine surfaces to receive the UPS for compliance with installation tolerance and other required conditions, as described in the installation requirement. Installation will not proceed until satisfactory conditions have been achieved.

All installation/ Construction/ Testing works shall be carried out in compliance with the correct specifications and safety manual.

UPS Installation Steps

Before installation, the concerned area shall be clean and free from dust.

By using the crane, the pallets containing battery & UPS shall be removed from the truck and it will be placed temporarily in the corridor as close to UPS room as possible in order to avoid unnecessary ways.

Ropes shall be attached far enough on the hoisting tackle so that they cannot exert any forces on UPS.

The ropes shall be slung around the ends of the wooden pallet.

It shall be ensured that nobody is standing in the swinging area of lifted UPS.

Unload the transport units in packed condition and leave packed as long as possible.

After unloading all pallets in the temporary place, each pallet shall be dismantled carefully to take the subject materials out.

Using fork lift, UPS and Battery shall be moved to the place of installation in the Telecom room.

While moving through corridor and inside the room, it shall be ensured that  materials  should  not  hit the  side  walls  and  other  panels  already installed in the room.

While positioning the Battery and UPS, it shall be ensured  that clearance  between them and from the wall is as per approved  drawing.

UPS Installation Check List

It is to  be  ensured  for  proper  tightening  all  external  connections  to UPS, battery  and load.

It is to be ensured for proper phase rotation of AC and polarity of DC connections.

All protective earth connections are to be checked.

Service switch installation is to be checked.

Inspection Requirements

Mechanical Inspection

General inspection of external steel work & internal components :

Physical damage internal or external.

UPS and cabinets lined up.

Doors fixed properly.

Electrical Inspection

The size of power cable for UPS input, output, bypass and battery cabinets.

Voltage measurement for UPS input ,output, Bypass

UPS Testing Procedure (Load Bank Test)

Barriers / signs shall be erected if necessary to ensure personnel approaching the work area are adequately informed of the operation in progress.

The cables of sufficient size shall be run to support the load bank.

The final connection to the UPS shall be made at the output point once it has been established that it is DEAD and safe to do so.

The load bank shall be energized with zero loads and checked for functionality If   satisfactory the UPS shall be energized and switched to support the load bank.

Load shall be applied to the kW rating of the UPS (assuming unity power factor load bank) and the UPS allowed running for 15 minutes.

On starting the battery discharge test the mains shall be failed at the closest isolation point upstream of the UPS to simulate mains failure. Battery voltage and current will be recorded from the UPS display at 60-second intervals until cut-off voltage is achieved.

The mains supply shall be re-installed and the UPS allowed restarting, Recharge voltage and current shall be recorded and the battery allowed recharging.

Before disconnecting the load bank it shall be allowed to cool off load and then switched off. The output of the UPS  will be isolated to allow the load bank to be disconnected.

On completion of the load bank test all connections, power and control, shall be remade and checked.

If the battery still requires re-charging the UPS shall be started and left to recharge either supplying the load or isolated from it

The load bank shall be packed for removal and stored safely until dispatched.

All barriers / signs removed leaving the workplace as it was found

Results shall be drawn up into a report and completion certificate issued

Health & Safety Equipment

All necessary PPE and safety gear shall be worn at all times during the execution of work, In full compliance with safety requirements.

  • Helmets
  • Safety Shoes
  • Hand gloves
  • Safety signs
  • Reflective Vest

Safety Checks

Safety checks will be made prior to commencement of work in order to ensure that materials and equipment  are in safe working order in accordance with project and site regulations.


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