Method Statement for Bulk Earthworks

This Method Statement describes the works operation to undertake mass earthworks and sub grade construction that comply with the specified requirements for construction of new or widening of existing road under normal circumstances.

The works covers all work in connection with the construction of cuts and fills including, Clearing and Grubbing, the removal to spoil of material unsuitable for use, the compaction of road-bed and the construction and compaction of fills with cut material from the road prism or borrow material from approved sources and the finishing off of
cuts and fills, up to the stage where fills are ready for the placing of the pavement layers.

Reference Documents

  • General Specification for Road and Bridge Works,
  • Special Conditions of Contract Tender Dossier
  • Quality Control Plan

Required Plant and Labor

  • Grader
  • Self Propelled single drum vibrating roller
  • Water-carts
  • Water pump
  • Labor and Flagmen

Construction Activities

Construction of earthworks takes place inside the road reserve on all road sections where this type of construction is required. Borrow material will be obtained from approved sources.

Unsuitable or excess material will be spoiled on designated and approved spoil areas, normally old borrow pits.

Sequence of Works

The following sequence of works shall apply to the Cut/Borrow to fill operation. Service utilities within the construction area shall be identified, referenced and a process of relocation shall be implemented, this would include dwellings, which are within the construction area.

On approval of the aforementioned design section, the works would be set out in terms of approved surveyed practices; primary control beacons will be referenced and protected.

Sources of fill material will be sampled and tested for compliance with the project requirements, and submitted
thought the quality control plan for approval.

Clearing and Grubbing and the removal of topsoil to a depth of 200mm would then be undertaken using plant and labor such that where possible the stocking of topsoil would be free of contamination for the purpose of reuse.

The roadbed would then be compacted in terms of the project specification, if so directed by the Engineer, “soft spots” would be identified and repaired using material of similar bearing properties and thereafter submitted for approval.

bulk earth work method statement

The works would then commence with the excavation, haul, and placement of fill material sourced from either approved cuttings or from approved and designated borrow sources.

The  compaction and consolidation of fill material will be undertaken, in accordance with the project specification, referenced to material categories.

  1. Survey/Setting out of works
  2. Obtain approval for borrow/excavated material for the use in fill
  3. Clearing and Grubbing by hand
  4. Stripping of topsoil
  5. Compact roadbed formation as per directed
  6. Remove and or repair roadbed areas as required
  7. Workout the tipping schedule for tally-men
  8. Commence with borrow/excavation material from cuts and start load and haul operation
  9. Leveling of tipped material by grader, water and mix if required, level and compact to specification
  10. Proceed to next layer

Step Operations

  1. Survey
  2. Obtain approval for quarry/excavated material for the use in sub grade
  3. Work out the tipping schedule for tally-men
  4. Commence with quarry/excavation material from cuts and start load and haul operation
  5. Leveling of tipped material by grader, water and mix material, cut to required level and compact to specification
Hazards and Risk assessments

Refer to Health and Safety Plan Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Forms. On going risk assessments and training of personnel is seen as paramount importance to site management with the view to maintain a high priority on safety risk issues.

Environmental risks

The following environmental risks have been identified:

  • Preservation of topsoil
  • Limiting the clearing of trees and indigenous flora
  • Contamination of watercourse with pollution
  • Contamination of streams, gullies, and irrigation channels with slit
  • Dust
  • Fuel and oil spillage
  • Smoke and vapor emissions
  • Portable toilets and site amenities

Measures to control and minimize risks are in place and the monitoring of these controls remains the responsibility of all site personal.

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