Testing & Commissioning Of Fire Suppression System

The scope of method statements covers the planning, preparation, and conduct of fire suppression systems cable laying, Installation testing and commissioning.

Preparation & Pre Testing & Commissioning Work

  1. Before start of testing & commissioning the completeness of the system shall be ensured by physical inspections and interpreting the previously submitted and approved work inspection reports/records.
  2. All tools/equipment/instruments required are calibrated and having valid certificate.
  3. Safe access to work areas shall be provided and shall be approved by the safety person prior to commencement of works.
  4. Temporary requirements to be arranged where required.

Pre-cable and installation:

The following initial activities must be followed and taken into account as mandatory by the authorized personal to do the work.


The competent person must be assigned to the project/work to be undertaken. The competent person must have the authority to stop the work being undertaken, if required, when hazard is identified. The competent person will act as the site supervisor.

Workers shall be skilled and someone with the skills, understanding and experience to be able to carry out a task correctly and safety.

Planning and preparation:

Before the initial cable laying work starts, the competent person, shall carryout the following pre-planning works.

Obtain all relevant information and drawings and then inspect the proposed work at site. Obtain all necessary work permits and passes from the authorities having jurisdiction.

  • Ensure that the entire team member are trained properly.
  • Ensure that the all team member have the appropriate personnel protective equipment (Safety shoe, Helmet, Eye safety glass, Safety belt and safety gloves and jackets.)

De-marcation of work area:

Work area shall be identified, barricaded around the periphery with tapes and cones along with sign board. The various points marked for smoke detectors, on the roof level for each zone.

installation of fire suppression system FM 200


Pre Commissioning

  • Remove Solenoid output cable cable from control panel
  • Apply AC Power and connect Battery
  • Check all LEDs status
  • Check Auxiliary voltage it should be 24 Volt DC
  • Check zones circuit.
  • Check Sounder circuits ( First Stage & Second Stage)

Zone Test

  • Apply detector test liquid on the detector and check following sequence.
  • First Sounder stage alarm starts.
  • The detector goes in to fire condition after applied test liquid.
  • Check the common fire LED and respective zone LED should indicate
  • Check the common fire LED and respective zone LED should indicate
  • Check common fire rely output.
  • Press silence/sound alarm button and reset buttons.
  • Repeat the same above procedure for Zone 2 Test

Cross zone Test

  • Remove solenoid output terminal from the Control panel
  • Apply test liquid on the zone 1 & Zone 2 (or whatever applicable) detectors.
  • Check both sounder stage alarm status.
  • Monitor the seven segment display and check delay counter timer start
  • Place the multi meter across the solenoid terminal and check the voltage at the end delay timer. It should be 24
  • Check VDC at fraction of second to operate solenoid valve
  • Check all cable polarity +, – etc.

 Physical Inspection

  • Check all the devices installed as per the approved drawings.
  • Check the control Panel mounted properly
  • Check all detector base mounted properly
  • Check the EOL 18 V Trans orb fitted or not in the last detector.
  • Check all necessary EOL mounted or not.
  • Check installation of Extinguishing devices (Piping, cylinder, LPS, Solenoid) etc.
  • Check all the supports properly installed.
  • Check power ON LED & Operating Access LED should be lit and all other LEDs should not be lit.
  • Check all the cables properly labelled or not.

System Check:

  • Check the Solenoids cable is disconnected from the panel.
  • Check the panel status contacts (Fault & Fire) to external building fire alarm panel.
  • Create any fault, like by removing battery terminal or switch off AC power or removing detectors or removing sounders etc. and observe fault LED and status contacts.
  • Stimulate fire to zone 1 detector by using spray liquid and observe, the detectors go into fire (LED) & Corresponding Zone LED in the panel.
  • Check the fire status contacts to building fire control panel
  • Check the sounder1 working or not Silence the sounder and reset
  • Check the panel goes into normal condition after reset it
  • Repeat above for procedure for all the detectors.

Cross Zone Function:

Stimulate fire for both zones detector simultaneously and monitor below sequence.

  1. Check all sounders should be activated
  2. Fire LED should activated in the control panel
  3. Check Delay timer start ( 30 Seconds)
  4. Check the voltage at solenoid end, 24 Volt DC should come after end of the delay timer.
  5. The voltage should keep shows 5 Seconds
  6. Reset the control panel.

 Abort Function:

  • Stimulate fire for both zones detector and observe the above sequences.
  • Press any one Abort switch to stop extinguishing
  • Abort LED should lit in the control panel
  • The Multimeter should not show 24 VDC at end of the delay timer.
  • Release the abort switch and reset the panel.
  • Check the panel should go into normal mode after reset.

 Manual Release (Electrically Remote operation)

  • Check the panel is in normal
  • Slide the Aero mark symbol in the plate which is shown in the manual gas release.
  • Insert the Ker (Red) into the manual release and turn it.
  • The top cover will come out and then press the button and monitor below sequence.
  • Check Manual release and actuator LEDs should lit
  • Check two sounder ( Flasher & Horn ) Working properly
  • Check the delay timer ( 30 Seconds)
  • Measure the voltage (24 Volt DC) across the solenoid at end of delay timer.

The testing and commissioning procedures shall be in compliance with Specification and applicable NFPA standard.

  • Pipe Pressure Test will be done and results shall be provided.
  • Room Integrity Test will be provided.
  • Functionality of Magnetic door holder will be provided & confirmed.
  • Interfacing with Fire Alarm Panel will be provided and confirmed.
  • Functionality of Alarm Bell will be provided and confirmed.
  • Agents Discharge time and duration.
  • Loop and insulation test of the cables will be provided
  • Battery test shall be as per Specs & NFPA 2001.
  • Visual verification of solenoid valve functionality shall be tested and demonstrated.

 Room Integrity Test

When deploying a Clean Agent system it is vital to test the ‘integrity’ of a room is to ensure the protected area is well sealed and the Clean Agent extinguishing media won’t escape.

Compliance with NFPA 2001 (2008 ED.) requires:

  • The enclosure protected by the clean agent shall be thoroughly inspected at least every 12 months to determine if penetrations or other changes have occurred that could adversely affect agent leakage or change volume of hazard, or both. Where the inspection indicates conditions that could result in the inability to maintain the clean agent concentration, the conditions shall be corrected.
  • Where external visual inspection indicates the container has been damaged, additional strength tests shall be required.
  • All persons who could be expected to inspect, test, maintain, or operate fire systems shall be thoroughly trained…
  • All total flooding systems shall have the enclosure examined and tested to locate and effectively seal any significant air leaks that could result in a failure of the enclosure to hold the specified agent concentration level for the specified holding period. The current preferred method is using a blower door fan unit and smoke pencil.

“Room Integrity” tests should be carried out at the design stage of a Clean Agent systems and annually thereafter–and even more frequently if the space may have changed due to renovations, or layout changes.

This testing determines the exact design of the clean agent system, and may also indicate a need for other work needing to take place in order to seal gaps within the space to be protected.

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