Soft landscaping method statement

This method statement describes the procedures for Soft landscaping works which includes planting media, & Planting.

Following equipment’s & materials shall be arranged before start of the work:

  • Sweet soil
  • Compost
  • Fertilizers
  • Plants
  • Hand trowel
  • Wheel barrowsoft landscaping method statement
  • Tree stakes
  • Tree ties
  • Bobcat
  • Shovel
  • Crane

Personal Protective Equipment:

  • Safety Shoes
  • Safety Helmets
  • Hand Gloves
  • Goggles

Method Statement Procedure

Based on the approved shop drawings the filling of selected materials will commence on top of waterproofing and drainage layers by bobcat and wheelbarrows.

Irrigation works will be commenced after the filling (refer to the irrigation method of statement)

Sweet soil will be filled to the areas on top of the formation levels. All the filled sweet soil will be protected from the contaminants.

Approved compost and fertilizers will be added to the sweet soil to have unique planting media.

Commissioning of irrigation system will be completed and wetting of the planted areas will be done before commencement of planting.

Ornamental trees will be planted as per details; stakes and ties will be provided as a wind protection to minimize the root disturbances.

Shrubs and ground covers will be set out for final approval and planting will commence after the receipt of approval.

The planted areas will be cleaned and bark mulching done as approved.

Sample for each materials will be submitted and same shall be used to compare the material delivery at site.

All materials will be stored in proper place allocated by the main contractor.

All the materials will be inspected before using it for installation and damaged materials will be rejected and returned.

Verification Steps

  1. Setting out
  2. Sample of plants at site
  3. Plants inspection at nurseries

A safety induction or toolbox talk will be conducted prior to commencement of works. HSE supervisor will ensure regular visits to ensure the safe working environment.

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