Plastering Method Statement

The purpose of this Method Statement is to illustrate how plastering work is to be carried out with safework implementation.

Plastering method statement defines the methodology of all kind of plastering works related to a construction project covering the main contractor works.

This civil method statement also addresses the type and extent of inspections, ITP must be submitted separately to verify that all operations involved in the plastering works conform to the specified project civil requirements.

References and Standards

  • Architectural Specification for Building Materials and Finishes
  • Specification for Construction of Concrete
  • Building Codes and Rules for Construction Management
  • Occupational Safety Standards
  • Labor Safety and Safety Technique in Construction
  • Mortars General Specifications

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager is having overall responsibility of compliance with project specifications and procedures and to ensure that the work is being executed in a safe manner.

QA/QC Manager: Responsible for controlling that the executed activities are complying with the quality requirements given in the references and ITP.

Site Engineer: Shall ensure that plastering work is carried out in accordance with the approved contract specifications, standards & AFC drawings. Also he will ensure that tests and inspections are being carried out properly and in time.

Site QC Inspector: Shall perform first line inspections and follow it with developing and implementing Inspection Requests in accordance with Construction priorities. Accompany client inspectors to carry out routine inspections when requested.

Civil Works Manager: Shall plan the work schedule and coordinate with project manager for the methodology and resources required to conduct the work.

Civil Works Supervisor: Shall be in charge of crews, equipment’s and material to conduct the work. He is responsible for raising RFI’s upon completion of work. Shall ensure that the work crew under his supervision shall work according to project safety standards.

Foreman: He is directly in charge of the crew, equipment and materials that is being used to conduct the plastering work.

Site QA/QC Coordinator:

Shall coordinate with client representatives to witness inspection point by issuing the official Request of Inspection document.

Review all relevant documentation & test reports and clearing of all Non Conformance Reports.

Coordinate with other Discipline Quality Control Engineers for ensuring that all other discipline activities needed to be inspected, within the construction program, have been inspected and cleared.

Ensure that the relevant Inspection & Test Plan is properly implemented and related QC records prepared and accepted as applicable.

Organizing and allocating Inspection works for the Quality Control Inspectors.

Liaise with the Certification Engineer in preparing all the local acts and certificates as required.

HSE Requirements

All work shall be carried out in accordance with project HSE plan and applicable safety local regulations & policies.

Plastering method statement shall be explained to all personnel before start of work to highlight applicable hazards and control measures.

All personnel shall undergo applicable safety training and wear appropriate PPE.

Toolbox talks shall be conducted prior to shift start or prior to starting the plastering activity.

Work will be monitored by site supervisor to ensure that safety measures have been taken and followed by all operatives.

All machinery and their operators should be certified / licensed as applicable.


Scaffold must be erected by qualified people and inspected by competent persons only.

Scaffolds must be designed and constructed to support the weight of personnel and materials.

Material Handling and Storing

All the materials will be stored inside the buildings whenever possible, when it is not suitable to store inside the buildings, the materials will be covered with polyethylene sheet to prevent from moisture and rain when stored outside.

Stacks should be stored on a flat and solid surface free of water deposition to prevent ice formation on the foil.

All other materials shall be transported and stored before execution of work in the manner to prevent any defect to the physical or chemical quality of them and according the safety procedures.

The lime must be in compliance with specifications and have approval from client on technical characteristic and data sheet before procurement/ transport to site.

Sand must have approval from client on technical characteristic/ quarry and data sheet before procurement/ transport to site.Plastering Method Statement

Cement shall be approved cement type Ordinary Portland cement.

Water which meets technical specification requirement must be clean and free from any chemical or organic additives.

Approved material for angle beads and stopper beads must be obtained and used.

While preparing the mortar mixing shall be done by mechanical concrete mixer, the ratio of cement:lime:sand shall be 1:1:6.

The quantity of mortar to be mixed only for consumption during the setting period to prevent getting dried and hardening of unused mortar.

General Preparation for Plastering Work

Remove efflorescence, laitance, dirt and other loose material by thoroughly dry brushing.

Remove all traces of paint, grease, dirt and other materials incompatible with coating by scrubbing with water containing detergent and washing off with plenty of clean water. Allow to dry before applying coatings unless specified otherwise.

Backgrounds are secure, adequately true and level to receive specified coatings.

Cuttings, chasing, fixing of concealed conduits, service outlets, fixing pads and any works making a good background, are completed.

All walls are to be provided with mortar battens spaced at max 2000 mm on center to serve as finishing guide.

Angle beads, stop beads, expansion and construction beads shall be stainless steel, fixed as required.

Application of Plaster – Plastering Method Statement

The total thickness of plaster shall be 20 mm as specified.

This shall be carried out in two coats:

a) Dash coat – This coat will be applied rough and will be cured for 4 days.

b) Final coat (Total thickness 20mm) – This coat will be troweled for uniform surface before plaster sets dry.

Movement/construction joints in coatings shall coincide with movement joints in background and shall be filled with flexible intumescent mastic fill.

The variation in gap under a 2m straight edge placed anywhere on the surface shall not be more than 3mm.

Curing the Plaster

During and after completion of the plaster work the open surface of walls shall be protected against:

  • Extreme heat in summer that causes the fast evaporation of moisture in the plaster and breaks the chemical process in cement.
  • Extreme cold in winter that causes freezing the plaster and stops the chemical process of cement.

Curing shall continue for 4 days, for that, there shall be a wet Hessian sheet covers all over open surface during summer to prevent fast drying of mortar.

Use the blowers during winter to prevent freezing the mortar before natural drying of the walls.

Cleaning of Plastered Surfaces

Any excess cement and mortar shall be removed after the working time from the area and to be disposed off properly.

Tools and equipment shall be cleaned and arranged properly after a days work.

Empty containers and cement bags shall be disposed properly into the disposal area.

Quality Assurance and Control Procedure

Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be submitted to QA/QC section prior to commencing the plastering work.

The Engineer in-charge in collaboration with the QC Section shall inspect all the necessary requirements prior to plastering work, thus ensuring the readiness of the work, i.e.:

  • Check all Applicable Documents & Specifications are available & approved.
  • Inspection of Tools and Equipment.
  • Check all materials required for the work.
  • Check application as the work progresses.


  • Inspection & Test Plan
  • Inspection Check List
  • Request for Inspection
  • Risk Assessment

Inspection Checklist for Plastering Work

  • Verify use of correct materials, i.e. Cement, fine aggregate, water, lime
  • Surface is clean and wet before starting of work
  • All embedded items are provided
  • Mortar battens are provided
  • Angle beads, Stop beads, Expansion & Construction beads are provided
  • Mortar mixed as per specified proportion
  • Work flatness/ straightness is within tolerance limit
  • Work is properly cured
  • Cleanliness upon completion
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