Installation of Glazed Aluminum Curtain Wall & Composite Cladding

You can find a very good method statement on this page for the installation of Glazed Aluminum Curtain Wall, Skylight & Composite Cladding works.

Installation will be carried out in accordance with project specifications and approved shop drawings. MEP clearance shall be obtained and site dimensions shall be verified before start of any activities on site.

In line with the installation program and allowing sufficient time for remedial works as may be necessary, the working area shall be cleared of all obstructions and unrelated materials. Floor & slab area shall be available for working in, with no materials impeding the workforce.

Openings shall be ensured prior to installation to match aluminum schedule. The joints shall be aligned with stone cladding. Before the installation of brackets, thorough check will be made for the grid lines & the survey level. In case of any discrepancies, those shall be rectified immediately.

For safety & temporary storage, loading & unloading, the area at ground floor level outside of the building and adjacent to the area of work shall be cleared and cordoned off.

Crane& hoisting facilities requirements will be informed prior to the usage. Safe working load shall be ensured regarding the load of the material & equipment for hoisting.

Installation method statement for Aluminum Curtain Wall

The brackets installation will be carried out from the outside by cradle or scaffolding. Ensure all Scaffolding have scaff tag before commencing the work. A test run for the cradle will be carried out at the landing level prior to each use.

Competent trained operatives will fix the brackets at set out points, standing inside the cradle. Shims will be used if required to adjust the brackets to the correct level. Only the required Aluminum frames will be shifted from the store area to the point of installation.

Landing platform shall be arranged at the edge of the building which shall be used to accept the components for distribution onto to the floors. 2-3 Nos. of operative inside the cradle will carry on the installation with the help of 2 Nos. of operative from the floor inside the building.

The components will be delivered pre-assembled in order to follow the “Ladder Type” installation. Basically the components will consist of 2-mullions & middle transoms depending on the site condition. The transoms will be securely fastened to the mullions by screws which will form the cruciform joint.Installation method statement for Curtain Wall

Each component will be brought to the point of installation and positioned with the pre-installed wall brackets. Brackets shall be designed so as to serve for the vertical & horizontal alignment on site.

The operatives will check the level Vertical & horizontal with the help of plumb & spirit level, so that after installation the installed components are in line with the corresponding false ceiling or finish floor level. Once the proper alignment is achieved the operative will tightened all the bolts.

The same procedure shall be carried to install the adjacent ladder type assembly. Before installing the adjacent assembly, the connection between the 2-components or ladders, shall be carried on site by fixation of the transoms, from bottom to top. Ensure that the joint between the mullion & transom is well fit, and then fix the transom with mullion by self drilling screws.

The same procedure will continue till all the Aluminum frames are installed.

Installation Method Statement for Aluminium Cladding

For Aluminum Cladding adjoining the glazed curtain wall the same procedure for survey and leveling has to be followed before installation.

Aluminum brackets will be fixed on the concrete or hollow block by using applicable anchor bolts as per the drawing. Continuous Aluminum angle as per the approved drawing will be fixed on to the brackets by using nuts and bolts, so that it forms the sub framework.

Factory fabricated panels will be delivered to site and kept in the safe place. These panels will be taken to the relevant position for installation and fixed to the Aluminum framework with the help of stainless steel screws as per the shop drawing.The protective film will be removed at the folded side and cleaned.

Back-up rod shall be placed at the joint. Masking tape will be applied on both the side of the joints. These joints will then be filled with approved silicone. The excess silicone will then be removed by spatula. After completion of silicone with proper finish the masking tapes will be removed. The Protective film will be removed manually only after the final completion of the cladding works.

Glazing Procedure for Curtain Walls

Prior to start of glazing make sure all the relevant transom screws are in place and tightened up and seated into place.

Ensure all the gaskets are well seated not jetting out of the grooves. Rock wool with back pan shall be installed prior to the installation of glass for spandrel areas. PVC isolators shall be installed for all the mullions & transoms. Glass supporting clips shall be fixed on the transom.

Set the Glazing blocks 300mm from the centre of the block to the centre of the mullion allowing the temporary clip fixation. Clean the glass and Aluminum surface by moist dry cloth in order to allow the surface to fully adhere to the vacuum sucker pads.

Glass which are positioned at each floor level will be guided by 2-3 operatives on the Cradle and 2-operatives inside the building. The glass will be positioned with equal gaps and set with the side blocks, so that the unit remains firm in its position. Fix the temporary clip on all four sides of the glass.

Screw the pressure plate with the specified screws as shown in the drawing. Simultaneously the temporary clips can be removed. Fit in the cover starting vertical and then horizontal. Install all the glasses in the same procedure

Application of silicone sealant between Aluminum frames & Wall

Application of silicone sealant at the projects between Aluminum frames and wall shall be followed through the below method statement:

  • Clear joints and surfaces free from grease, dust or other contaminates by using brush and cloth.
  • The gaps will be filled with the backup rod as shown in the drawing.
  • Silicone will be applied on top of the backup rod.
  • Application of approved silicone sealant will be done with the help of silicon gun.
  • Tooling all sealant surfaces to produce smooth surfaces.
  • Droppings and excess sealant will be tooled as work progress and before material sets.
  • Sealing of joints will commence prior to painting of surfaces in coordination with main contractor.
  • Masking tape will be used where necessary to prevent contamination of adjacent surfaces.
  • Tape will be removed immediately after completion of the joint.
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