Installation Method Statement for Crane Gem Rubber Lined Butterfly Valves

These instructions relate only to Crane Gem rubber lined Butterfly valves, which are designed and
manufactured to provide isolation, or can be used for regulation, of flow of suitable fluids.

Valves must be installed into a well-designed system and it is recommended that the
system be inspected in accordance with the appropriate member state legislation.
In the UK – The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

Storage Instructions:

  • If valves are to be stored prior to installation, ensure that action is taken to protect valves:
  • Store valves with discs at 5° from fully closed position.
  • Protect against frost, contamination and corrosion.
  • Cover valves to prevent ingress of dust and debris.

Preparation for Installation of Valves

  • Before installation, ensure valve is suitable for service conditions e.g. pressure, temperature, service media.
  • Do not remove dust caps/flange protectors, until just before valve is fitted, to prevent ingress of dust, dirt etc…
  • Ensure that pipe flanges are clean, to prevent damage to valve flanges/liners on installation.
  • Check that internal pipe diameter has sufficient clearance for valve disc to be fully operated.
  • Check that there are no restrictions to full operation of valve disc in pipework, i.e. internal welding of flanges.
  • Check that the pipe flanges are parallel, and on same centreline, before installation.
  • All welding and heat treating of flanges must be completed prior to installation of valves to prevent damage to liners from excessive heat.
  • The valves have been designed for loadings, appropriate to intended use and other reasonably foreseeable operating conditions. Loadings caused by traffic, wind and earthquake have not been taken into account.
  • It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure that the valves do not exceed the allowable limits of pressure. However the equipment is designed to withstand a momentary pressure surge of up to 10% of the maximum working pressure.
  • The piping system shall be so designed to reduce the risk of fatigue due to vibration of pipes.
  • The Installation shall be designed to provide adequate means of draining and venting to avoid harmful effects such as water hammer, vacuum collapse, corrosion and uncontrolled chemical reactions and to permit cleaning, inspection and maintenance in the correct manner.
  • The product has not been designed to include corrosion, erosion or abrasion allowances. Any queries regarding service applications should be addressed to the Crane Fluid Systems – Technical Sales Department.

Valve Location

Valves should be located to ensure ease and safety of operation and access allowed for subsequent maintenance of the valve, especially where actuators are fitted. Where valves are lever operated, ensure there are no obstructions which may prevent full travel of the lever.

End of line service

In certain circumstances it may be necessary to use these valves on an End of Line service. In these instances, ensure that system pressure does not exceed limitations detailed below.

Where valves are used for End of Line service, the valve should be protected against unauthorised or unintentional operation to prevent personal injury or damage to equipment.

Piping Supports

These must be carefully aligned and at the correct distance between centres for the size and type of pipe. The following publications provide details of correct spans and installation details: BS3974, Specification for Pipe Supports (Available from BSI) DOI Directorate of M & E Engineering Services, M & E No. 3 (Available
from HMSO)

Flange supports

Ensure that all pipe flanges are cleaned prior to installation of valves to prevent damage to valve liners.

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