First Aid Box Content & First Aid Kit Checklist

Every project requires that basic first aid kit is always available for the purpose of emergency use.

First aid is the initial and immediate help given to a sick or injured person until full medical treatment is available.

In order to give an effective first aid for any injury or incident we must make sure that first aid box contents are always complete.

Sometime it happens that on a project frequency of first aid cases is high due to which it is critical that first aid kit contents are topped up on daily or weekly basis as applicable.

There shall be one first aid kit for every 25 (or fewer) employees.

In addition to the basic fill requirements of the first aid kit, the contractor or local Occupational Health and Safety Office, in consultation with a health care professional, shall evaluate the hazards found in the work environment to determine the necessity of optional fill contents.

First aid kits shall be easily accessible to all workers and protected from the weather.

The individual contents of the first aid kit shall be kept sterile.

First aid kit locations shall be clearly marked and distributed throughout the site(s).

Contractor or employer shall check the contents of first aid kits prior to their use on site and at least every 3 months when work is in progress to ensure that they are complete, in good condition, and have not expired.

Below you can find a standard first aid kit list that first aider must make sure that, these items are available. Also during the HSE audit process auditor needs to emphasis the need of cpr and first aid kit.

first aid kit and first aid box content list

First Aid Kit General Requirements

In addition to the compliance of first aid kit checklist, contractor must make sure that below requirements are always followed. 

Prior to the start of work by a contractor contractor shall made arrangements for medical facilities and responsible personnel to provide prompt attention to injured workers.

In case of any activity having high risk the availability of medical facility shall be ensured in writing through the notice boards and memo etc.

Additionally it is necessary to provide suitable and effective means of communications (i.e. hard-wired or cellular telephone, two-way radio, walkie talkie etc.) with access to local emergency response source. Communication devices shall be tested in the area of use to assure functionality.

Arrange suitable transportation i.e. ambulance etc to effectively care for injured workers during travel to medical facility.

The telephone numbers of physicians, hospitals, or ambulances shall be conspicuously posted, at a minimum, on the safety bulletin board and near the on-site project office telephones.

Medical facilities and personnel expected to treat injured employees shall be informed of the nature of the work to be performed and the injuries/illnesses prevalent on such job sites.

A highly visible map delineating the best route to the nearest medical facility shall be prepared and posted on the safety bulletin board. For mobile field crews, it shall be readily available.

Firs Aid Training and Retraining

First aid attendants shall hold current certification in first aid and CPR from an organization whose training adheres to the standards of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (as stated in writing), or from a licensed physician.

The first aid certificate shall state the date of issue and length of validity. All first aid and CPR attendants shall be retrained every 2 years.

Individuals who work alone in remote areas shall get training in first aid and shall have access to effective means of communication to call for assistance in the event of an emergency.

All employees who work where there is a first aid kit shall receive a tool box training on the content and use of the kit supplies.

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