Best Sanitary Installation Method Statement

This document describes best method for the sanitary installation to ensure that the installation works are conducted in compliance with the approved design, drawings and material submittals.

Prior to the installation of Sanitary Wares, the supervisor and foreman will verify and ensure that all the health and safety requirements are considered and necessary control measures are in place.

The supervisor will also verify that all relevant approved latest revisions of shop drawings, technical submittals, installation procedures inspection & test plans are available in the work place.

All material will be shifted by manpower using manual handling technique to the sanitary installation work place.

Before starting the sanitary installation plumbing supervisor will examine surfaces to receive sanitary wares for compliance with installation tolerances and other required conditions, as described in the installation requirements. Installation will not proceed until satisfactory conditions are achieved.

Roles and Responsibility

Project Manager, construction manager and site engineers are responsible for all construction activities at the site and will directly supervise through supervisor/ skilled workmen the work at construction site.

QA/QC and site engineer will be responsible for arranging and controlling the inspection and testing activities.

Furthermore, it is the responsibility of each individual employed in the project to take due care to ensure their own personal safety and that of their work colleagues.

Installation of Sanitary Wares

The sanitary wares shall be properly cleaned prior to commencement of sanitary installation.

Mounting brackets / accessories supplied with the sanitary wares shall be as per approved materials & shall be properly utilized and installed as per recommendations of manufacturer.

Any materials provided by main contractor shall be checked while receiving to make sure these are approved and in good condition.

Installation of Water Closet WC with Concealed Cisterns

Drainage & water supply pipe work should be inspected and tested prior to the installation of WC.

WC extension piece, connectors, fittings & accessories should be as per manufacturer standards.

WC brackets & cisterns by main contractor should be properly installed and fixed prior to the closure of stud wall or shaft.Best Sanitary Installation Method Statement

Inspect the WC before installation to make sure it is not affected by any damage, scratches & defects.

Install the wall mounted WC once the clearance & access is already provided by the main contractor (stud wall, wall tiles or wall mirror already fixed) following the approved elevations & details.

Secure all the fixing accessories like nuts, washers, gaskets from manufacturer including cover and seats.

Cover the WC with plastics or cartons and provide with cordons & signage till testing and commissioning is done and building is handed over to the client.

Installation of Wash Basin

Drainage & water supply pipe work should be inspected and tested prior to the installation of wash basin.

Marble Counter for wash basin with steel support to be provided & installed by other trade following the requirement (opening & dimension) of the wash basin.

Any discrepancy from the wash basin requirement to be coordinated to main/civil contractor for modification.

Wash Basin extension piece, connectors, fittings  & accessories should be as per manufacturer standards.

Before installation wash basin should be checked to make sure it is free of any damage, scratches and defects etc.

Install the wash basin once the clearance and access already provided by the main contractor (counter with 20mm plywood by others already fixed and hole for mixer already provided) following the approved elevations & details ( Refer to the approved  shop drawing).

Silicon sealant to be provided in between the wash basin’s rim & the counter.

Secure all the fixing accessories like nuts, washers & gaskets from manufacturer & single hole mixer.

Secure the wash basin by clamping the rim to the underside of the counter.

Install the hot & cold water supply (escutcheons, angle valves & chrome plated tubes).

Install 32 mm dia. waste pipe to PPHH siphon bend with gasket flushed on the wall from bottle trap.

Cover the wash basin with plastics or cartons and provide signage to not use it till testing, commissioning and handover.

Miscellaneous Sanitary Installations

Wall hung fixtures mounting heights to be followed as per approved shop drawings.

Installation of urinal and urinal partition shall be as per approved shop drawing.

Drain connection and water connection to urinal shall be as per manufacturer recommendation and approved shop drawings.

Urinal flush valve shall be fixed in accordance with  the tile layout and shall be connected to urinal water supply pipe.

The ablution hand spray shall be fixed to the water supply pipes as per the locations indicated in approved tiling layout.

Installation of containment, cables and wires for electronic faucets & flush valves if required shall be carried out as per approved method statement for installation of conduits cables and wires.

The janitor sink mixer and shower mixer and kitchen sink mixer shall be fixed to water supply pipes as per location mentioned in the shop drawings.

Inspection and Testing

In process works shall be monitored for quality of workmanship and installation against approved construction drawings by the relevant Site Engineer, Supervisor and OA/QC Engineer.

On satisfactory completion of the sanitary installation works, an internal inspection will be carried out to ensure correct installation as per approved drawings, specifications & method statement.

Notify the main contractor / consultant in advance at least 24 hours prior to offering for consultant’s inspection.

In case of rejection, rectify any installation defects and resubmit for approval.

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