Risk Management Plan and Process – HSE General Procedure

At project level risk management plan ensures that HSE Risks are always identified and reviewed prior to the commencement of the site works. This is common practice as part of the project risk management process.

During that process of risk assessment it was decided over which aspects of the Project‟s activities controls should be placed to minimize, or, where practicable eliminate, the risks to health, safety and environment as a result of those activities.

The project safety risk management plan is developed with specific references to the project safety requirements set by the top management at corporate level.

The hse risk plan identifies and details key areas affecting the health and safety for the Project and documents the project safety management system that will be implemented to effectively satisfy the project, client and legislative requirements in the prevention and management of workplace accidents/ incidents.

At the project start, the project director / Manager, in conjunction with the project team, including the project HSE manager shall ensure the following:

  • Perform and complete Risk Assessment Report and include in the PSMP.
  • Review the adequacy and compatibility of safety documentation.
  • Finalize the PSMP and PI (Project Instructions Safety) to address the required controls.
  • Develop a program for the implementation of safety controls.
  • Identification and acquisition of any controls, processes and equipment.
  • Clarification and acquisition of Standards/Specifications/Codes.
  • Implement a system of identification and filing of safety records.

The project manager must ensure these activities are documented and nominated activities are performed and completed in a timely manner as per the project risk management plan.

In addition a detailed safety risk analysis has to be carried out during which Risk Assessment Reports are prepared to determine appropriate controls to cover the risks identified.

Risk Management Plan Steps

Hazard Identification – Risk Assessment Report (RAR)

Preparation of risk assessments reports and if necessary, together with Job Safety and Environmental Analysis worksheet are carried out before work is undertaken and then reviewed regularly. If a serious accident occurs and/or any significant changes occur that substantially affect the method of work, then a review of the assessment must be undertaken.

Approved procedure to be followed when conducting Risk Assessment/Job Safety Analysis. Use of Safety and Environmental Verification Checklist is important at this stage.

Project Instructions Safety (PI’s)– Risk Control

Project Instructions Safety are documents generated through the Quality Assurance System and are linked to the Health and Safety Plan.

PI’s may be used to identify health and safety issues and physical provisioning requirements concerned with specific activities including abrasive wheels, scaffold, work platforms, access requirements, etc. or RAR’s or JSEA’s that may need to be completed.

The PI‟s and its forms and checklist that formed this HSP are derived from the Master Safety Instructions maintained in company head office.

Prior to the commencement of the project, this PI has been selected after the completion of the Risk Assessment Report and consultation with the Project Team. Any further PI develop by the project team during the course of the project must be reviewed by the HSE Manager prior to implementation.

Job Safety Analysis (JSEA) – Risk Assessment

Job Safety and Environmental Analysis (JSEA) is used where applicable to assist in the identification and satisfactory control of workplace hazards and risks. These may also make reference to any relevant Project Safety Instructions or Forms.

Job Safety Analysis (JSEA) breaks a planned activity into manageable steps, identifies the hazards associated with each step and ensures that appropriate controls and checks exist to eliminate or as a minimum control the hazards/risks.

Members of the project construction and safety teams perform a review of all known ‘high’ risk activities associated with the project in accordance with approved procedure using the risk assessment report.

Following identification of all such ‘high’ risk activities, the teams are to ensure identification, elimination, reduction, control or protection from such hazards and carry out a Job Safety and Environmental Analysis.

Once developed in the proposal stage, the applicable Job Safety and Environmental Analysis shall be further reviewed and revised at site by members of the project team.

A JSEA shall be completed for all activities that:

  • Are identified as having a high potential for causing serious and/or equipment and material damage;
  • Deviate from non-standard practices;
  • Commencement of a new or complex task.

Identification process

There are four steps in the JSEA activity:

  • Break the job into basic steps;
  • Identify all hazards for each step;
  • Identify systems and checks to eliminate or control each hazard;
  • Define responsibilities for implementation of hazard control.

Job Safety and Environmental Analysis JSEA Worksheet

The Supervisor responsible for the planned work activity shall complete a JSEA Work Sheet.

The Supervisor shall liaise with the personnel required to perform the work, the respective Construction Manager and the Project HSE Manager.

risk management plan - Job Safety and Environmental Analysis JSEA Worksheet

Risk Management Plan of Subcontracted Activities

Main contractor is responsible for the HSE management of all personal on site. Standard Project Instruction for the management of Sub contractors and suppliers and will ensure that.

  1. Subcontractors and others shall be provided with any information concerning site hazards, means of access and egress and of any special safety instructions. In turn, Sub-contractors and others must notify Contractor’s Safety Department of any hazards arising out of their operations and the control measures that they will have in place.
  2. A copy of the Project HSE plan shall be issued to all Sub-contractors at award stage. It shall also be communicated to all associated contractors. Main contractor expects all contractors and suppliers working on the project to abide by and carry out their work activities, to the required standard. This will include setting high standards for the management of HSE and the maintenance of all HSE records which must be available for inspection.
  3. The Sub-contractor and Associated Contractors will issue personal protective equipment (PPE) as per the site rules to all personnel working for them on site.
  4. Sub-contractors shall provide their site specific safety plan which describes how they will manage safety while working on the project. The plan shall take into consideration the main contractor’s safety plan and work in conjunction with it.
  5. Sub-contractors shall provide method statements, and JSEA, for all tasks they will be undertaking, which must include site specific controls for the hazards they have identified and must be in place before any work is undertaken on site.

Management of Non Conforming Situations

  1. Sub contractors and associated contractors not performing to the required HSE standards shall be issued with a Non Conformance Report. This shall either stop work immediately if there is risk of injury or require specific actions implemented for work to carry on.
  2. The NCR shall be closed out by the concerned contractor, within the required time scale. The numbers of NCRs issued will be an indicator used in assessing the contractors HSE performance.
  3. It is required that a site specific JSEA (Job Safety Analysis) will be undertaken before any work is undertaken on site which must be reviewed by the HSE manager.

The JSEA will require a representative from the contractor to attend a walk and talk meeting to describe how they intend to undertake the task safely. This will then be discussed among those present to ensure all are aware of the operational, risks have been identified and mitigated and responsibilities have been determined.

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