Occupational Health and Safety Recognition Award Scheme

This document describes the guidelines on the HSE recognition and awards scheme for a company or organization.

Through the health and safety award scheme occupational safety and health administration recognizes efforts made by the employees, partners and sub-contractors in achieving high standards of Safety and Environmental Performance in their work.

This safety recognition scheme has the following key aims:

Demonstrate the commitment of organization towards Safety and the Environment;

Promote and enhance continuous HSE consciousness amongst the staff and workers and sub-contractors alike;

Provide incentives for employees and sub-contractors to adopt a safety-conscious work culture;

Show appreciation and recognition to sub-contractors and employees who contributed towards safety and environmental performance;

Establish a recognizable and measurable target for each project, against which to monitor safety and environmental performance;

Provide positive encouragement and public recognition to the Project Team when significant milestones are achieved;

Ensure that these targets are compatible with overall long-term objectives (e. zero class 1 injuries/Permanent partial (or Total) Disability Case/Irreversible Occupational Disease and zero Level 1 Environmental Damage/Major Environmental Incident and to progressively improve to reduce all other injuries year by year) ;

To measure against these targets using data obtained from exiting Monthly HSE Reports;

To annually review (and revise as appropriate) the targets

Definitions and Abbreviations

HSE: Health, Safety and Environmental

Lost Time Injury (LTI): An occupational injury or occupational disease sustained by an employee which resulted in the employee being unable to resume normal duties of a regular full shift.

Health and Safety Recognition System

The HSE Awards Scheme is a means by which the management of the company can show its appreciation to those Project Teams, including sub-contractors and individuals, who have been outstanding in their performance and support and who have been proactive in HSE issues. This reflects the HSE Policy of continuously enhancing awareness in health, safety and environment.

HSE performance cannot simply be measured and viewed from statistics alone. Therefore, culture, initiatives, continuous improvements, training, etc.; plus overall personal commitment from each line manager and all personnel are all fundamental building blocks.

Keeping in mind the above, the organization has however chosen publicly recognizable and simple to understand measurable targets, the hours free of Lost Time Incident and free of Level 1 Environmental Damage/Major Environmental Incident , as the appropriate measuring tools.

Categories of HSE Awards

The awards are divided into the four categories; Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Safety Award.

These HSE awards recognize Life of a project and ongoing safe man-hours milestones i.e. cumulative LTI free hours since any previous LTI or Level 1 Environmental Damage/Major Environmental incident.

Establishing Milestones for HSE Award

The sections below describe the processes to establish HSE Award milestones.

Project Risk Profile

Different sites inherently have different levels of HSE risk (e.g. Construction Project vs. Head Office accounts department vs. controlled permanent workshop). The Project Risk Profile shall be established.

Ongoing Cumulative Award TargetsOccupational Health and Safety Recognition Award Scheme

The following are the target criteria.

The Silver Target: The target shall be the planned total hours in one year divided by the risk factor.

For example, a project site is expected to accumulate about 1 million hours per year and has a risk factor of 2. It therefore has a Silver Target of 500,000 hours, or approximately equivalent to 6 months LTI and Level 1 Environmental Damage free.

The Gold Target: Double the Silver Target thus equivalent to approximately one year LTI environmental Damage free in high-risk environment.

The Platinum Target: Double the Gold Target thus equivalent to approximately two years LTI Environmental Damage free in high-risk environment.

The Diamond Target: Double the Platinum Target thus equivalent to approximately four years in a high-risk environment or successfully completing a Project longer than two years without an LTI or any Level 1 Environmental Damage.

Planning of HSE Award Targets

The Project HSE Department shall plan their safety and environmental targets and formalize these through the Project’s HSE Committee. The milestone target calculation formulae may change as time goes by and the Project’s performance and expectation rise to a higher hurdle.

The corporate HSE function shall recommend award certificates when milestones are achieved by projects; the certificates shall be signed by the Managing Director / General Manager / chairman.

The Awards / Recognitions

Certificates shall be presented for Silver and Gold Awards. A Plaque shall be presented for Platinum and Diamond Awards.

The award certificates or plaque shall be presented to the Project Teams by Senior management or Executives. The achievement shall be advised to Clients. Workers shall also receive a certificate to commemorate the award.

The Platinum and Diamond Award plaques shall contain the name of the project, project owner and all sub-contractors or partners.

Certificates & plaques shall be retained in the project office on display in a prominent location. Copies shall be given to Clients, partners and sub-contractors.

Review the Targets

At year-end the Project HSE Committee shall review the past year’s achievements and establish plans and targets for the next year.

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