Method Statement for Installation of Fencing

Following Plant & Equipment to be arranged for the project fencing work.

  • Tracked excavator
  • Tractor and trailer
  • Post driver
  • Chainsaw
  • Small tools (hammers, nail guns, wire cutters etc.)

All personnel entering the site shall have received site safety induction and have attended a job toolbox talk. The Fencing Site Engineer will issue a Permit to Dig and advise those carrying out the works of general health and safety issues and the risks associated with services in the area of excavation.

Fencing Construction Sequence

Fence lines will be set out by a Setting Out Engineer or Surveyor. Pegs (marked PFL) will be placed at all changes in direction of the fence line and at appropriate centers for arcs in the fence line. The locations of gates will also be set out. Prior to entering lands the Section Foreman will liaise with relevant landowners in relation to the system implemented to protect the livestock.

A Permit to Dig (PTD) will to be issued to the foreman of the fencing crew by the Section Engineer prior to fencing works commencing. Timber post and rail fence shall be erected by a tractor/excavator mounted hydraulic post
driver where ground conditions allow.

All machines shall work from within the CPO line only. This post driver shall have a special cap fitted to suit and protect the top of the post. Temporary posts shall be set up with a line wire at bottom rail level to achieve horizontal and vertical alignment. The locations of the posts shall be determined by laying out rails on the ground along the proposed fence line. Posts shall be driven or fixed at the ends of the rails.Installation of Fencing

To allow for curves in both the horizontal and vertical alignment the rails shall be overlapped by approximately 50mm every fourth rail. This will avoid a situation where rails will not meet in the centre of the posts.

After erection of permanent posts the rails will be fixed. Where rails have to be cut they shall be treated with two coats of preservative. Timber rails shall be fixed to posts by nailing/nail gun. Where end splitting of the rails occurs the affected rail sections shall be replaced and pre-drilling of rails shall be used.

If after using the hydraulic post driver the post refuses to enter the ground to the required depth then the method of erection is to excavate and backfill the posthole. The posts used for the hydraulic post driver would also be used for the excavate and backfill method. Posts falling in rock shall have holes excavated to a depth of at least 700mm and the post hole backfilled with concrete after the post has been positioned.

Chainlink mesh will be fixed to the rails during fencing operation or by a separate crew following behind.  For Mammal Proof fencing a 300mm wide by 200mm deep trench will be excavated along the line of the fence line on the opposite side of the fence posts LMA area. This will happen after the posts and rails are installed. The fence mesh will be placed so that it returns horizontally across the bottom of the 300mm trench and up the fence. The trench
will be backfilled over the mesh and the mesh will be fastened up the height of each adjacent post.

Gates will be provided to comply with the details specified in the contract drawings. These shall be adequately supported at the closing end until the concrete placed around the posts has set. Access to site shall be via approved access points. All works will be executed within the permanent fencing boundary.

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