Chemical Waste Disposal Method Statement

The purpose of this method statement is to ensure pollution free environment by proper disposal of chemical waste that are hazardous to health of personnel.

The procedure is applicable to all personnel involved in processing of photosensitive film and handling of chemicals.

Handling of chemicals shall comply with manufacturers’ instruction leaflet/stickers, data sheets supplied with the material.

You must read carefully the material safety data sheet for all hazardous materials. In addition:

  • Maintain proper housekeeping
  • Used fixer/developer will be stored in company darkroom container
  • Use industrial gloves
  • Ensure Eye protection
  • Make available the first Aid Box

Personnel Involved & responsibilities

Darkroom technician / Radiographers are responsible for safe handling of chemicals and transferring it into the correct containers as marked.

Necessary PPE (gloves, goggles) shall be worn while handling the chemicals.

Site Supervisor shall be responsible for the safe storage of waste products and for coordinating their handover to sub-contractor.

He will maintain records of all such products handled.

The sub-contractor shall be responsible for the disposal of spent chemicals. Make sure the validity of license of chemical handling subcontractor.

Procedure for Hazardous Waste Disposal

Degradation of below mentioned chemicals shall be monitored via darkroom records for chemical changes.

On degradation, the chemicals shall be transferred from the darkroom tanks to jerry cans via the tank outlet.

The cans shall be tightly sealed and marked accordingly to identify the chemicals stored.

Jerry cans filled with degraded chemicals shall be stored inside or near the darkroom / storage container until ready for collection by subcontractor.

Storage shall be as per MSDS chemical waste disposal requirements.

Frequency of Disposal & Quantity

Once every two months or when storage containers are full.

Mode of Transport

Used chemicals shall be transported from darkroom to disposal site  in subcontractor vehicle.

Transportation shall be in line with applicable local regulations and shall follow MSDS requirements.


In the absence of a prescribed form by the waste management authority, the attached format (attachment 1) shall be originated by the Site Supervisor.

The transporter shall be responsible for the chemicals while in transit till the chemicals are handed over at the disposal site for further process.

Proof of delivery will be the completed form a copy of which shall be retained by the originator on file.


Hazardous Waste Consignment Note

Subcontractor Municipality license

Material Safety Data Sheet

Hazardous Waste Consignment Note

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